Splitting cable



Allright...I got a cable modem hooked up to this computer, as of some of you know that I got a new comp. on the way. Now, I've never had more than one PC at my house at one time ever...and I was wondering how do I split the cable modem to go to my new computer and still be hooked to this old one? Thanks in advance.

a.k.a. sharing bandwith
get a router or a wireless accespoint, this will allow both comps to be hooked up to the internet using 1 cable modem. ull also need 2 ethernet cables if u use a wired router. forgot which type but i think its the blue one. if u use a wireless accespoint, get 2 wireless cards and thats all u need. of corse u would expect wired is cheaper then wireless, choice is urs
If both of the computers are in the same room, you can just use a hub (much much cheaper and does almost the same thing). The only problem with that is that a hub is dumb, with two computers, you'll get 50mbit between both of them instead of 100 that you would get with a router. You won't notice any difference though (except for the price ;))
I use a router. I currently have three computers hooked up to mine and I'm about to add a fourth :).
Actually, I believe with a hub it still sends the signal to every port so with a 4 port hub the 100mb is split 4 ways.

Along with the speed boost of a router you also get security because the router takes the ip address from the cable company rather than your computer. It also has firewall software that's accesible through a web browser. After it gets the IP from the cable company it gives new ip addresses to up to 250 computers. You could also get a switch which is sort of a mix between a hub and a router. It's full 100 like a router but it doesn't have a firewall and I don't believe (I could be wrong) it leases IP's, it just gets two from the cable company like a hub would. Personally I think if you can afford one you ought to get a router.

And if you can I'd stay away from wireless unless you or someone you know knows how to secure a wireless network. If you go wireless and don't secure it your neighbors can suck up your bandwidth, all they have to do is plug a card in.

As far as cables go get a regular patch cable. The other kind is called a cross-over cable and it allows two computers to be hooked up directly to eachother and share data without a hub/router/switch.
dude I live in frickin lousisiana, NO ONE in this godamn place knows how to even operate one. My parents bought this one about 4-5 years ago (dinosaur) and no one in my neighborhood uses a cable modem or anywhere close to me (they own cable boxes and that's about it)

So if I went with wireless it wouldn't bother me a bit. I'm looking for the cheapest though, any thoughts? I'm kinda down on my money since I just spent $1000 on my new comp. and about $80 on speakers. Gotta buy some sorta multi-outlet w/ surge protector now and some cables.
I use a "switch" to connect two computers to my cable modem. No software was needed to get it working. I think it cost about $60.
