Spoiler request



I would look for it, but i don't know what it's called. But i'm at the point where youre at a warehouse sorta affair that i'm thinking you can't get past w/o the airboat. but i had to leave it behind. It's the place where you're attacked by a chopper and the only way to down it is to get to the sniper tower where there are 2 mounted guns. then after you kill it you use the control panel to open the big gates in the water. Anyway, i was able to kill the chopper, then i swam/walked thru the gates and another chopper kills me. then when i loaded that point again the chopper comes but it ignores me and i search for where to go but can't go past a certain point. Can i assume i have to go all the way back to where i left the airboat and start again from there or is there a way out withgout the boat?

I tried going past the gates then right at another canal because going straight found me at 2 boats blocking my path. so when i went right i couldn't get past a certain point due to radioactive water. I'd keep looking for a puzzle that gets me past there, but i'm afraid i'll be searching forever because i think it may not be possible w/o the air boat. i really don't want to have to go all the way back to where i left it, but if thats the only way i'll just have to. But i'd like to know if thats what i have to do before i do that. any ideas? Thanks
I'm confused what exact point you are at, but i do know you shouldn't have left the mudskipper behind at any point.
YUO CANNOT LEAVE THE AIRBOAT! Hectic speaks the truth. I know what you are talking abou but you need the airboat.
it just seemed like it couldn't go past that point so i left it. the dilemma is, if you cannot leave the boat and still play, how do you know when you CAN leave the boat?! After all, the boat can't be required for the rest of the game.
You leave the boat when you get to Black Mesa East or whatever its called, you can tell when you need to get out of it, and if you can't....well you should be sticking to games like 1080 snowboarding, etc.
well if you cant get the boat back you will need to spawn it with impulse ...

not sure what number it is.
But that counts as cheat so, if you want to finish it without cheats you'll have to load back to whenever you still had it.
put sv_cheats 1 on, then type ch_ and the console will show you two commands, one to spawn the buggy one for the mudskipper, choose the mudskipper obviously. But it wont have a gun on it, you need a different command for that.
Ah, didn't know that. I use a gun cheat anyway so i'm certainly not opposed toi them. I may even have the boat syntax at home in a cheat file
wait, You guys are telling me That I had to leave the airgboat? I had it in the citadel. I ran over breen! My life has no meaning anymore! Btw Impulse 101+God+bind v noclip= Fun
He's talking about the bit where you get out the boat cause theres a huge gate blocking the rest of the water part of the level. Shoot your way through a few buildings, then you get behind the big gates. You shoot the exploding barrels, then a chunk of wood attached to a wire swings down and smashes down the gates.
PickledGecko said:
He's talking about the bit where you get out the boat cause theres a huge gate blocking the rest of the water part of the level. Shoot your way through a few buildings, then you get behind the big gates. You shoot the exploding barrels, then a chunk of wood attached to a wire swings down and smashes down the gates.

No, i'm past that. This is where you have to go thru the warehouse and a bunch of what look like railroad cars w/o wheels to get to the mounted guns in a sniper tower to take out the chopper thats after you. The one you're talking about also has gates blocking the way, but this one has gate that you open by using a contol console in the sniper tower after shooting the chopper down. i already did the one where you blow up a barrel and the beams swing down and break the gate open.
Your talking about the second set of lock gates, yeah you do still need the hoverboat/watercraft thingy as you will need it to get into Black Mesa East and defeat the chopper
I never shot down a helecopter anywhere else with a mounted gun. Later in that level I just used the gun on the boat. Are you're talking about the dam? Where you turn a wheel to lift the gate then ramp up the wooden structure, make your way down to the dam, use a switch to open a part of the dam, run back to the boat and ramp through the opening in the dam down to Black Mesa East? If not, I'm gonna need a screenshot cause I dont have a clue what you're talking about.
I thought he was talking about the section where Gordon gets the Magnum
Ok, let me see if i can describe it better. Theres a point where you come up to a long sectione where there are no enemies of any kind, and it looks sorta like you're under a bunch of freeway bridges spaced out every so many feet. Just before you get in there theres a vehicle of some sort shooting at you from above. Once you get inside it's water and mounds of land piled up against the walls of this "wash". Then you get to the exit and it's dups you out into water where you go towards the right and find a small dock with a few steps coming out of the water to a door. you go in and it's a quick left thru an area to another door beyond which you shoot 3 combines. then you got left a few feete and up some stairs to the right. You're now in a yard full of huge storage containers which look like boxcars w/o wheels. You go thru a warhouse with 3 of those in it killing a bunch of combines then up onto the "boxcars to get to a platform and then go thru a few areas till you get outside where you can get to this tower with 2 guns in it and a console that can be used to open the big gates. all the while a chopper is after you. Thats about as good a description as i can give you w/o typing all day.
Yeh, just open the lock gates with the control panel, then retrace your steps to get the airboat back, and go through the gates?
Yeah, that was one of my favourite parts, having the chopper shooting the windows whilst me being in the tower
I've been there so long i'm not sure i wanna bother going back for the boat. Health is low and theres that vehicle on the bridge where i left it shooting at me. So i'll probably just spawn a boat.
Sigh....you should go back to playing crash bandicoot, not cut out for fps mayhem. Go back and get the boat, and use your common sense for once. You really think you are meant to talk miles while getting owned, only possibly winning by using cheats? Work it out tbh...
Reload an old save, and press the button right behind you in the control tower by pressing 'e' in front of it to open the gates. Its so obvious id be embarrassed to not have seen it. If you don't have an old save...sv_cheats 1. then type noclip, to fly all the way back in a few seconds, then type noclip again to turn it off. If you spawn a new boat it will not have the gun on the front to fight the chopper with in the final showdown, which is awesome, assuming you have the boat, which you need to fly through the giant jump etc...and please start to use your head for this game, we're having to hold your hand through a pretty linear game as it is.
Hectic Glenn said:
Sigh....you should go back to playing crash bandicoot, not cut out for fps mayhem. Go back and get the boat, and use your common sense for once. You really think you are meant to talk miles while getting owned, only possibly winning by using cheats? Work it out tbh...
Reload an old save, and press the button right behind you in the control tower by pressing 'e' in front of it to open the gates. Its so obvious id be embarrassed to not have seen it. If you don't have an old save...sv_cheats 1. then type noclip, to fly all the way back in a few seconds, then type noclip again to turn it off. If you spawn a new boat it will not have the gun on the front to fight the chopper with in the final showdown, which is awesome, assuming you have the boat, which you need to fly through the giant jump etc...and please start to use your head for this game, we're having to hold your hand through a pretty linear game as it is.

hey, if you don't like the way i play the game don't reply !I'm not forcing you, nor did i ask for your opinion of me. I simply asked a question. When someone isn't to my liking, unless they directly said something insulting to me i don't open my mouth. I learned that long before i was old enough to vote. When will you? It's a freakin' game for CS ! If you consider a computer game so important you have to belittle someone who's having a problem getting thru it, you really REALLY neeed to re-arrange your priorities !
oczad said:
hey, if you don't like the way i play the game don't reply !I'm not forcing you, nor did i ask for your opinion of me.

He has his rights to reply as you do. Yet again, he also has the rights to give his opinion to you, but in a non-flamming way. News flash, you are in a PUBLIC forum, what do you expect people to not give their own opinion? Sheesh.
Precisely, i wasn't flaming you i'm just trying to make you see that for someone that is 'apparently' old enough to vote (which you felt you needed to point out for some absurd reason, perhaps that your age makes you more superior) that doesn't it sound a little ridiculous to have to walk that far when you have a boat. This is a simple fps, more simple than farcry, yet you are struggling. I'm supply suggesting you start to 'play' the game rather than making new threads complaining your getting lost etc. Personally i couldn't give one how you play the game, if you wanna walk it all fine, but you're not going to get the experience from it which you've paid for. I had your best interests at heart, but if you'd rather play the 'i dont need your opinion because im older and therefore wiser card' then enjoy it, cos ill live longer than you! ha! :LOL:
oczad said:
I've been there so long i'm not sure i wanna bother going back for the boat. Health is low and theres that vehicle on the bridge where i left it shooting at me. So i'll probably just spawn a boat.

I'd recommend going back for it. Like others have said, you pretty much need the weapon that was mounted, in order to get past where you are. I have a feeling you're at the spot where there's that jump in which you need the muddskipper's speed to cross.

We're all kinda surprised you left it behind. Especially since it sounds like you did the same thing once before (opening the gates via the wooden plank, then returning to your muddskipper/hovercraft).
Hectic Glenn, I'm gonna side with oczad. There was absolutely no need for your post. It was offensive and quite frankly, who the hell are you to say what constitutes enjoyment of a game for this person.

Hectic Glenn said:
Personally i couldn't give one how you play the game, if you wanna walk it all fine, but you're not going to get the experience from it which you've paid for.

This makes no sense. You say you don’t care then you say you care that he gets the experience he paid for. And surely it would be better value for money if he comes here to ask a question on what he did wrong rather than quit so early in a game that costs £30.

Plenty of other people come here to ask questions, do you go around telling them what to do with their time and money.

DiSTuRbEd said:
News flash, you are in a PUBLIC forum, what do you expect people to not give their own opinion? Sheesh.

Exactly it’s a public forum. Anyone can come here and start a thread and anyone can reply. Did oczad break a rule? No, he has every right to post a thread like this. Did Hectic Glenn break a rule? Yes, because he went way off topic, oczad didn’t ask, “Should I be playing FPSs, cause I really want your baseless accusations about how much I suck” or “Please patronise me because you figured out something I didn’t as if it f*cking matters”. He asked a question and people like me tried to give an answer. If you don’t answer the question put to you, but you post your pointless drivel anyway, that’s spam.
DiSTuRbEd said:
He has his rights to reply as you do. Yet again, he also has the rights to give his opinion to you, but in a non-flamming way. News flash, you are in a PUBLIC forum, what do you expect people to not give their own opinion? Sheesh.

but Zerimski and the other admins said that it was a PRIVATE forum...

i'm confused now.....
I'm guessing they meant privately owned, and he's saying it’s open to public use. This is why I stated that even though it’s for public use, you still have to follow the rules laid down by the owner.
PickledGecko said:
Exactly it’s a public forum. Anyone can come here and start a thread and anyone can reply. Did oczad break a rule? No, he has every right to post a thread like this. Did Hectic Glenn break a rule? Yes, because he went way off topic, oczad didn’t ask, “Should I be playing FPSs, cause I really want your baseless accusations about how much I suck” or “Please patronise me because you figured out something I didn’t as if it f*cking matters”. He asked a question and people like me tried to give an answer. If you don’t answer the question put to you, but you post your pointless drivel anyway, that’s spam.

Alright mr moderator, its not considered spam at all, just going off-topic.
Hectic Glenn said:
Sigh....you should go back to playing crash bandicoot, not cut out for fps mayhem. Go back and get the boat, and use your common sense for once. You really think you are meant to talk miles while getting owned, only possibly winning by using cheats? Work it out tbh...
Reload an old save, and press the button right behind you in the control tower by pressing 'e' in front of it to open the gates. Its so obvious id be embarrassed to not have seen it. If you don't have an old save...sv_cheats 1. then type noclip, to fly all the way back in a few seconds, then type noclip again to turn it off. If you spawn a new boat it will not have the gun on the front to fight the chopper with in the final showdown, which is awesome, assuming you have the boat, which you need to fly through the giant jump etc...and please start to use your head for this game, we're having to hold your hand through a pretty linear game as it is.

Um.. The guy has just a little bit of problem in this part of the game and you're relentlessly attacking him? Cut it out.

It's not exactly the first time someone has been stuck or left the airboat behind. Besides, he has all right to ask for help since the game isn't that obvious when it comes to hinting the right direction or the thing to do. Sure, perhaps for experienced gamers but newer players might have alot of trouble.

Hope you get past this area oczad, remember to stick with the airboat until you get to the chapter Black Mesa East, and keep in mind that this game is pretty linear and there's always only one way past the current area.
It seems that anything you say here can and probably will be used against you and flamed. even when not in the politics forum.
15357 said:
It seems that anything you say here can and probably will be used against you and flamed. even when not in the politics forum.

load a previous save from when you had the mudskipper, even if you do have to go quite far, the levels fun anyways. just keep at it. good luck
Just so you know if you used that guncheat you said you did- you will encounter a lot of trouble with scripted events later on in the levels and you will have to play the levels without the gun cheats.
15357 said:
It seems that anything you say here can and probably will be used against you and flamed. even when not in the politics forum.

Well you have to understand his other thread about just trash talking steam and about everything included with it.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Well you have to understand his other thread about just trash talking steam and about everything included with it.

So every other thread he makes should be ambushed? That's not fair, it's not like disliking Steam is a crime (unless it really is in the rules somewhere...?)

If someone wants help in the game, then either help them or don't. Saying "you obviously suck at this, play another game" is pretty feeble, and he's not the first person to leave the boat behind and get stuck like this.

This thread is set to turn into a spitefest, locking might be good...
Laivasse said:
So every other thread he makes should be ambushed? That's not fair, it's not like disliking Steam is a crime (unless it really is in the rules somewhere...?)

If someone wants help in the game, then either help them or don't. Saying "you obviously suck at this, play another game" is pretty feeble, and he's not the first person to leave the boat behind and get stuck like this.

This thread is set to turn into a spitefest, locking might be good...

Yeah I understand in all, but you are right it should be locked.