(Spoiler) What is the relation between the trailers and the game ?



Hello, everyone

First, don't ask me to use the search button. It didn't give me nothing.

Alyx didn't fall from the bridge, she was shot by the Hunter. And G-man didn't say "You are not supposed to be here." He said "Prepare for unforeseen consequences".

So, why the hell did they put those unnecessary screens in the trailers ? Are they still considered cannons ?

They are not canon. Alyx was initially going to fall off the bridge, but it made people feel that they had little control over the situation, that being on top of the bridge would cause players to fall and die so early into the game, and that it really didn't fit the agile nature of Alyx. Thus, the hunter solution was made, which in addition to replacing that scene as a means of injuring Alyx also had the benefit of introducing the hunter without having to fight it, and giving Alyx a relationship with the creatures that wouldn't otherwise be there, thus giving the hunters another dimension.

The G-Man line is old, and was reused as a placeholder that probably did fit the dialogue of the scene until they re-wrote it. Again, not canon in the slightest but perhaps still a small insight into G-Man's realm as while it isn't canon, it certainly had the potential to be.
As everybody else said, enable the developer commentary, and listen to what they say about that scene, and the difference between that one and the original.

Also, I think you should use the search tool properly, this has been discussed plenty of times