[Spoilers] Specuation Thread - Episode One and Two

Samon said:
I'll have to have a look at that. Cargo did you catch what might have happened to Breen? It wasn't really clear...I'm just looking for resolution, as it was promised we'd get it.
I know just as much (or as little) as you lot - I specifically told Valve persons not to spoil Episode Two (or Three) for me.

My theory is also that Breen is somehow contained in a 'host body', which I said to Robin Walker when I was there. He was under strict instructions from myself not to say whether I was right or wrong, but he didn't burst out laughing... ;-)

I'm seriously looking forward to the next episode. Three-legged bio-mechanical creatures galloping through a pine forest?

Cargo Cult said:
My theory is also that Breen is somehow contained in a 'host body', which I said to Robin Walker when I was there. He was under strict instructions from myself not to say whether I was right or wrong, but he didn't burst out laughing... ;-)

Well, they did loop the host body convo. I think that just made it a little more obvious. ;)

No AHA, he visited Valve.
Oh well I doubt they would tell him anyway then.

Kraken??Arctic Bases???????Borealis??? Did I miss something???

Please tell me what is all this about?
Before HL2 came out, the dev's cut out a section of game in the "Borealis" an Ice breaker ship.
oh, thanks :thumbs: makes sense then why you think Kraken is the project although it could be something we have never seen before.
I think the replaying of the Breen message was just to clarify that the Advisors were in City 17 all along.
Sudden thought - something about a commentary thing in the Advisor room saying that one of that scene's purposes was to show that Alyx was susceptible to the the neural blast whatsit thingies, in order to put things in place for Episode Two.


And the trailer for that has scenes of an unconscious, but apparently uninjured, Alyx.

Maybe the whole bridge thing is a ruse?
Interseting, I am going to have to complete EP1 again with the Commentary on.
I might try it for extra info cos i heard that it said that the ministriders can perform psychic attacks like the advisor.
My speculation:
-gordon going to the rescue to save alyx & the data thingie
-breen getting host body from those huge white worms (advisor lol?)?
-breen getting host body from dead alyx and then leading gordon to a trap?

-gman trying to repel vortigaunts etc from earth
-vortigaunts trying to repel gman to make humans & xen ppl. live in a peace (and helping gordon to get rid of breen and combine)
What if we find out that Alyx's mother assimilated into a stalker. :O :borg:
I think we can definately assume we will be paying a visit to the arctic in the next episode or the final one..

Since no one else has mentioned it in any thread VERY BRIEFLY you see the Mini strider in the Judith Mossman video whilst in the core. It jumps into shot just as the video ends I confirmed it by no clipping to the area and watching it.

Speculation judging on its movements and such I would say that is it a Synth of the houndeye.

Judging on how the episode continued I would guess that in episode 2 you will see Eli before moving over to see judith. I also no clipped to the room with breen in (from the intro) and Breen seems to of been given the graphical overhaul too.. so I would say "rumors of his death are greatly exagerrated"

I want to know whats gonna happen with the Gman though... "We'll see about that" .... hmmm... I want more gman
I reckon Breen ain't gone... cause if he was.. they would of said by now :p, Plus Hollywood movies and other games have a habit of making a Villian appear again after a chaotic event.

This is my personal view on the Vortigaunts and G-man

G-man is manipulating everyone for his own goals..

G-man used the BM incident as a Test for Gordon, During that test many vortigaunts were killed..
I doubt they are happy about it, Gman knew what he was doing, Gordon was acting in self-defense..

and If you pay attention, The Advisor plays the Gman's role.. stalking you, except through the use of Montiors and TV's..
I think the GMan's goals will be inherently good. I think Gordon was probably recruited by the Vortigaunts for HL2 and GMan chose to remove gordon after the citidel fell. they felt that wasnt enough and so kidnapped him.
Or G-man is a true (selfish) businessman and just wants what he can get out of Gordan for his "services".
Sufferin-rebel said:
G-man used the BM incident as a Test for Gordon, During that test many vortigaunts were killed..
I doubt they are happy about it, Gman knew what he was doing, Gordon was acting in self-defense..

That'd be pretty naive - for the Vortigaunts that is.
Just finished the game literally 5 minutes ago. Saw the Episode 2 trailer. It looks real sexy, but I am confused as hell: is Alyx dead? We see her in an extremely dangerous position, then her being carried limp with her eyes shut by a Vort.

If she is dead, what jackass at Valve decided to give away perhaps one of the biggest spoilers of the next episode? Or are they just screwing with us, like in the final teaser where Dog apparently died, but was in fact alive and well?

EDIT: I heard Vortigaunts chanting right after that scene. When they chant, shit happens. MAGICAL shit.
they are screwing with you. they wouldnt spend an entire episode developing the relationship and wipe her out in the first 10 minutes of the next episode it would be stupid.

I dont actually even think she will fall its possibly a dream or something from the mind probe/weapon that the combine use on you early in the game.

If you remember Alyx was very badly effected by that weapon at that point in the game and took a moment to 'recover'
Andy018 said:
they are screwing with you. they wouldnt spend an entire episode developing the relationship and wipe her out in the first 10 minutes of the next episode it would be stupid.

I dont actually even think she will fall its possibly a dream or something from the mind probe/weapon that the combine use on you early in the game.

If you remember Alyx was very badly effected by that weapon at that point in the game and took a moment to 'recover'

I think you're right. The idea of the Advisor psychically torturing you (with actual images, not that somewhat lame red migraine flash) is an interesting idea.
Hmm about the advisors, just before the Citadel blew up, there was abig rip in the sky, well it looked like it, perhaps it was the advisors coming from there planet to try and clean up the mess ?
The Advisors are already on Earth. Those escape pods contained Advisors. The rip in the sky was the Combine sending a transmission out to their universe.
Currently, they cannot get to Earth. All Citadel portals on the planet have been shut down, and their communications system has gone haywire.
In Lamest terms..

The Shit has hit the fan, Fck that its hit the whole damn ventilation!
Sufferin-rebel said:
In Lamest terms..

The Shit has hit the fan, Fck that its hit the whole damn ventilation!

Truer words were never spoken...
yeah if you watch it closely its the citidel sending the transmission. Alyx said at the beginning the combine were desperate enough to send it that they would sacrifice it.

The pods escaping are believed by everyone here to contain advisors.
Well, when your in the escape pod chamber you seen an Advisor within one.
Is there a thread that explains the "Kraken" thing and all the parts that are missed for someone like me who hasn't looked into the other parts of the story that much. The only other part of the story I read was how the combine hit the earth.
Yeah I know for definate there is at least one advisor leaving in one of those... I just dont think they all contain advisors I think 1 does and the rest contain troops and equipment (which explain the mini striders and stuff)

Ohhhh joys of speculation :D

sam I cant rememeber the Kraken story that got axed either, I never got around to getting the book and reading up on it.
If you think about it, if there is thousands of Combine Advisors.. then maybe they are the lowest of the lowest compared to other Combine people..

I find it funny when I think about it, Black Mesa is flattened... City 17 is flattened...

Before you know it, You'll be on a spaceship watching the whole world exploding..
Is there a book on it ?
The general half life story?
I'd love to read up on it.
sam_justice said:
Is there a thread that explains the "Kraken" thing and all the parts that are missed for someone like me who hasn't looked into the other parts of the story that much. The only other part of the story I read was how the combine hit the earth.

Kraken was a base the resistance built in the Arctic(?). To get there, they travelled via an Icebreaker ship. I assume that's what Mossman is looking for, though it seems as though they built it, then abandoned it.
How did you find out about this ? (Not being a dick and questioning you at all, I'm just generally wondering)
HL2 Beta Storyline, I remember Gabe saying that the ideas they thought about in the Beta will not be forgotten.

(Yes I need proof to back that up)
Raising the bar. It's a fascinating book which discusses things that were cut from HL2. Definately a must buy.
Ah awesome, I picked up a copy of that a while ago for the artwork,I've never gotten round to reading it properly it's been sitting on my desk for weeks. I'll give it a read through in a mo