Sponsored links are back?

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Munro said:
What exactly are you trying to get at? As far as I know we kept our end of the deal.

I sure don't remember any forum advertisement like you, sorry Icarus, promised. There aren't any for beef.co right now either. Icarus also told us that we would get regular mention on the home page news, which we didn't. We were told tournaments would be held in our servers, which never happened. You are promising tournaments again, something you never even tried with Leetnet even though it was promised.

As site admin it is your job to know what is promised to sponsors. It is also your job to make sure it happens. Right on the heels of the beginning of our relationship you put in the google ads and then tried these text ad things. Leetnet and beef.co were in essence giving you 6 servers with the value of around $300.00 per month. That's more money then you are gonna spend from these ads.

You had as much access to Leetnet servers as you will have with your own with the exception of ssh access which you won't need much once the servers are running.

It's ok, I can tell you had no idea what was promised to your gameserver sponsors.
I'm still seeing them. Just look at my sig. I'm counting 5 right now. :)
Be carefull, or munro might investigate you o_O!
servers servers

This was a test to see if this messes up urls.

Edit: Hmm, it didn't even modify the raw text into an ad.

Anyway I'll use some ad removing software from now on.
I don't think the ads really help with money raising. They seem to piss people off more.
Allow donations for rewards. Maybe like 5 dollars for an approved image in your sig (would have to be within a certain size frame, and approved content by mods) or for more sig space, maybe pay 3 dollars for a bigger PM inbox. Even if not those, allow donations for rewards.

Or at the very least, make there be a spot to make donations. I know you might not make much but it's better than zero right? If one exists, it's not well propped up because I've never heard of it and I'm a frequent poster.
It's ad block without the space, munrowned censored it bigbrother style
when he told us he works at.... no wait I can't tell you that he will just delete my post again and ban me

/me is afraid....
Kamikazie said:
so i asume that you didnt get the adblok extention
No, I didn't get it, not yet. My plan is to see as many of the "hit" words as possible so that my sig can have the ads in them, and my posts will not.
Eres your plan is plain genius.
Not nearly as genius as Munro's though...

1. Buy any domain going for a new game and make a generic website.
2. Get lucky with a large community and free hosting. Sell out community to Advertising.
3. ???
4. Profit !
MaxiKana said:
when he told us he works at.... no wait I can't tell you that he will just delete my post again and ban me

/me is afraid....

What do you think he'll do with me and my sarcastic comments then? :|
Login_Here said:
What do you think he'll do with me and my sarcastic comments then? :|
You always pop up at the STRANGEST times. Nice MP5k.

Who's that other moderator that does that? He has a scarcely-clad female as an avatar. :p
Erestheux said:
You always pop up at the STRANGEST times. Nice MP5k.
I do have a bad habit of doing that...

Erestheux said:
Who's that other moderator that does that? He has a scarcely-clad female as an avatar. :p
Hmm, someone that is or has been on the staff that has a nick that starts with D if I recall correctly, not sure though :S

EDIT, so I don't get this thread too off-topic, I don't like the sponsored links, but they don't seem to show up for me anyway.
Munro said:
It’s sad we don’t even get 50 clicks a day on our advertisements even though we have over 32,000 unique visitors.

Isn't it the point that people only click on them if they're interested?
Erestheux said:
You always pop up at the STRANGEST times. Nice MP5k.

Who's that other moderator that does that? He has a scarcely-clad female as an avatar. :p
Pro[pH]et said:
I sure don't remember any forum advertisement like you, sorry Icarus, promised. There aren't any for beef.co right now either. Icarus also told us that we would get regular mention on the home page news, which we didn't. We were told tournaments would be held in our servers, which never happened. You are promising tournaments again, something you never even tried with Leetnet even though it was promised.

I'm not aware we agreed to any of those things. Seeing how Icarus was fired for not communicating things fully I could see how I don't know of this request. In the months after he left I heard nothing though. We don't have any forum adverts for b33f either simply because we never made any arrangements for it and because we no longer use b33f as a sponsor. With regards to tournaments, even if we did promise to do tournaments with your servers it was on hold until Valve Anti Cheat was available. Our HL2.net/Leetnet was a shambles from the start, especially since I never asked Icarus to make the deal in the first place :D

Now, lets stop talking about past communication cock ups and go back on topic regarding the text links.
Munro said:
Seeing how Icarus was fired for not communicating things fully...

I believe the phrase is "pot calling the kettle black".
Feath said:
I believe the phrase is "pot calling the kettle black".
Beautifully put squire Feath.

And yes back on topic with discussing the sponsored links, i still don't think we have a general opinion of what people think...aside from this thread and the one underneath it, i seem to get a slight hint people are not liking them. Just a gut feeling though.
Feath said:
I believe the phrase is "pot calling the kettle black".

Forums really need a bloody slap option :|

*adds to the 'to do' list*
thanks for link to the new a-block..those green links were getting annoying
Advertising links aren't going to drive away the users and if their going to bring more money to the community for new things and new features, then let them in. But I think the forums need some decent moderators and the ability for those moderators to enforce the rules rather than stand by and join in the abuse or do nothing, that is what is driving away the users and the less users, the less money comkes from advertising.
Why not just turn it into a pay site for the features you mentioned, or put a paypal donation?

Personally, I have no interest in any of the "features" like dedicated servers and clan tournements. None of that applies to me, I read the forum to keep up on hl2 news, and thats it. I don't want to look at annoying popups while i'm viewing a page.

I wouldn't mind the inteliTXT ads so much, however, if they only popped up after the mouse hovered over them for a second. As it stands now, if the mouse passes over the link momentarily, the ads pop up and block the reading of the post. Its important to remember that we are here to read the forum, not to shop. By advertising in a way that detracts from the main purpose of our being here, you are essentialy being counter productive towards your goal of strengthening community. If i didn't have adbl0ck i'd have simply stopped coming until it was removed (just like i did last time).

Secondly, if they weren't so damn bright green, it wouldn't be too bad. if it was a dark grey they would fit in with the original text better.

All in all, I say if the content and community discussion both become stale then the site should die. simple. no sense forcing us to look at intrusive ads (and yes, these ads are more intrusive than the flashing punch the monkey banners munro. Those banners don't interfere with the site function and navigation.)

So drop the bull about needing money to support the community. If it aint broke, don't fix it.

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