spooky stuff?

moggy said:
a room and/or warehouse with plenty of corpses. probally a mountain.

hordes of zombies?

screams in the background and blood on the walls allways a treat.

cant really have a warehouse cos its underground almost the whole way through,
do u wanna test what ive one thus far?
<RJMC> said:
I remenber a japanese game called fatal frame (also called project zero) in that game you are a litle girl that is in a mansion whit gosht and you only weapon against them was a magic camera
I know is diferent of your idea but that game hav a very scary atmosphere

the levels were places a bit claustrophobic but not too much,but they were like designed to be a litle confuse and like a simple labyrinth,also the fact that the place looked alone and abandoned but whit a look to be inaltered by a long time
the levels hav a very low music that was really scary but sometimes where silence,and that silence was scary,and most scary when you hear a strange scream,also sometimes you hear very strange sound but not all the time and thats give a very good scary feel cuz is the sounds and noises appear many times is not so scary
the places where dark but not all,it was more darker in someplaces but not completly black,also where some unaccesibles zones that looked like accesible like a forest behind some fence,that give a good creepy feeling cuz the simple idea to see something in that lonely places scares
also how your only defends against was a camera,and the way to use the camera that were a litle complicated,helped to the atmosphere cuz is not like others games that you see a enemy and just attack them and kill, cuz the camera is not a super weapon,the way you use is like this: when you aim whit the camera it hav a circle that is the range so is the gohst is out of the range you will not damage your enemy,also when the gosht is inside the circle you get some magical power that made the shot more powerfull so if you hav more power you will make more damage but depending of the time the gosht is inside the range is the quantity of power you get,so is you keep the circle over the gosht by a long time you will get more power and and cause a lot of damage,and the way that help the scare feeling is cuz the gosht can get closer while your waiting for the power to charge and hurt you,and all this "combat" mode make the enemys hard to fight and give more scare feeling cuz you feel weak and unadvantaged
also the gosht dont appear too much and thats give more scary atmosphere,for example games like resident evil dont scare too much cuz allways appear zombies and zombies and that IMO quit the scary feeling a litle,so how in that game dont appear gosht all the time you are tense cuz you are thinking is a gosht will appear here or here and etc...

so make that short....I recomend this

make levels not so claustrophobic and a litle unconfortable to bee (like places where whit objects that make litle places where something can hyde) and give them a look of be alone for a long time and abandoned

silence can be very good to make a good atmosphere included whit rare noises but not all the time,and dont make the places too dark and add unaccesibles zones that give a mysterious feeling

the idea to hav low ammo is very good

make that the enemyes dont appear all the time cuz that can be repetive and dont make a good mysterious feeling,also whit evets like a monster jumping from some respective place

I hope be helpfull

Its ghost...... not gosht
Hmm... wat about rooms full of dead bodies... tortured ones... now that will give you the creeps. but it seems to me that houses are much scarier than prison chmabers...
what exactly do you mean by tortured? elaborate
ok going to bed now so if anybody wants to post any more scary (or amusingly scary e.g the scientist room idea) then please do as i like to see fresh post in the (LATE) morning, also if anybody wants to become a tester for my map then that would be awesome

night night
dude i just gave u an idea for tortured and yer it would b hard o implement but yer if u could pull it off i'd throw u an Aussie barbie and a crowny lol
hmmm, long hallways with enough lighting that you kno where your going, but not so much so you can see every little detail, and while ur going down the hallway u trigger sounds of little kids laughing/crying and groaning noises (i dont kno much bout make maps :o lol)
Speaking of lighting...

It really does make or break a game.

I played through the original splinter cell, and loved it... only had to use my low-lights when it was absolutely crucial to a mission... the lighting was scarce, but not so much so that I couldn't enjoy the nice environments.

I rented Pandora Tomorrow and took it back, won't be buying it. Every level is almost as pitch black as night, you almost never can navigate without your low-lights, which means the entire game is pretty much black and white...

Too much light you loose the creep factor, too little light you loose the fun playability factor.
MetalHead said:
dude i just gave u an idea for tortured and yer it would b hard o implement but yer if u could pull it off i'd throw u an Aussie barbie and a crowny lol

why dont u do a real combine facility , the type like valve never really showed us. with cells perhaps but importantly torture rooms with then corridors from rooms , air vents maybe for freeman to get through around restricted areas . and then large rooms/ concrete rooms filled with bodies of resistance/ordinary people . pilled up in heaps like a genocide thing .

where people are tortured and are either converted into combines if seen fit or are exterminated . u could show real combines dirty work. maybe a firing squad. then the body pile room and then human disposal where people alive or dead are thrown into a furnace or something.

the room of corpses should be made most effective.
only read to page 2 so sorry if this is a repeat but one thing that is always good with noises is if they come from random directions, like if you are walking along and you just get a random scream it's good, but a random scream from the left rear speaker and people will spin round to see nothing there.

if it would be possible in a "suspiciously open courtyard" once you got to half way you realise the other exit is blocked, THEN you hear a noise from behind, turn around, nothing there, then another from behind again, a couple more of these then some sort of attack start

fear is more about good story telling, really getting the player to beleive they are in the game, also what you don't see than what you do scares you more, just watch a few X-Files episodes and you'll see what i mean
I believe that Valve removed the Ship levels... where you fought its former crew in the almost sinking ship. with water coming out of its hulls and zombies back fighting you... in the darkness... damn that could've been cool.
pishi said:
think doom 3 ( that game is mad scary)
Actually no, it's just intense.
It's not scary.
Infact, it's one of the worst games I've played.

Shame it was blessed with good lightning and decent overall graphics. Ugh.
um yer just to add to the lighting its a major no no to make huge rooms and have really really dark lighting it just isnt fun because half the time u r goin in circles, lost and frustrated its not fun. You have to work out a balnance between the two. And another thing i dun think makin a death match map scary would really b that great, the whole point of deathmatch is to go round killin everyone not take in the environment and imo it wouldn't b a very popular map with such low lighting and stuff. My suggestion is u really put sum effort into learn the ropes and slowly make a single player campaign with new models etc etc It would take time but if we could pull it off i think it would kick arse. By lookin at the amount of intersest generated by this thread i think u would hav quite a few ppl willin to help u out. I for one can help u out with art and story. So u think about it.

MetalHead said:
um yer just to add to the lighting its a major no no to make huge rooms and have really really dark lighting it just isnt fun because half the time u r goin in circles, lost and frustrated its not fun. You have to work out a balnance between the two. And another thing i dun think makin a death match map scary would really b that great, the whole point of deathmatch is to go round killin everyone not take in the environment and imo it wouldn't b a very popular map with such low lighting and stuff. My suggestion is u really put sum effort into learn the ropes and slowly make a single player campaign with new models etc etc It would take time but if we could pull it off i think it would kick arse. By lookin at the amount of intersest generated by this thread i think u would hav quite a few ppl willin to help u out. I for one can help u out with art and story. So u think about it.



edit: this was meant to be a sp map anyway
I like to think of myself as a conisseur of horror. I love it. A good horror movie can be better than a roller coaster. Some recent examples come from movies many of us have probably seen. The Grudge, The Ring, Saw, Signs, The Village, Seven (here is a particularly good one).

I like to think that you can divide horror into two categories...

1)Events that are scary in that they make you jump and let out a yell.
2)Events that are disturbing and make you sort of cringe with disgust.

A very recent example comparing the two would be between the movies "The Grudge" and "Saw". If you haven't seen them I apologize, but I'll try and keep the plot safe.

In "The Grudge" we get quick, jumpy scares that get your heart racing. Fast paced events with sudden scares and in your face type events. This is great in games...if the player has to put it on pause after a sequence and say "Holy shit" and wait a minute to catch their breath, then you've succeeded here.

In "Saw" we get scenes that make the viewer curl up in their chairs and scrunch up their faces letting out comments like "Oh my God" or "Gross!". This is, I think, more difficult to achieve in games (though perhaps with todays advanced graphics capabilities it is all the more possible).

After that...I'll give some of my ideas that always get my heart beating, and my mind racing:

- Children...children are pretty damn scary sometimes (watch "The Grudge" with the scene in the bedroom for a good example). Perhaps because the general consensus is that children are, for the most part, harmless. However, the idea of a child zombie freaks the hell out of me. In the world of half life it strikes me that a child zombie would be a very possible occurance, all it takes is one headcrab in a kindergarten class. Disturbing thought no? What would a child zombie sound like? What would it sound like if it were on fire?

- Darkness...but not pitch black. Pitch black, to me, is actually rather comforting. Since whatever is looking for me would have to work just as hard to find me (I'm assuming they can't see in the dark or any other sort of innovation). However candelight is scary...shifting shadows, moving light sources such as a fan blade passing in front of a light source, or a tree casting moving shadows on a wall. Things like that can cause internal panic since you never can tell when something is moving to come get you, or just moving in the wind.

- Stephen King wrote in an introduction to his book: "I like to play with my audience, like a cat with a ball of yarn. I like to make them wonder when "IT" is going to happen. You know, invite them in from the cold and give them a cozy seat by the fire. I like to make them enjoy my characters like they would their friends, only to find that the friend is the one with the axe behind his back." In other words. Giving your target player a sense that he is safe can be an excellend method for scaring the life out of them. In fact, by announcing that you're making a scary map you've already taken half the fun out of it. If it were my map I would just release it without a word and let the audience figure it out. Or even go as far as to say something like "This is just an attempt to recreate my neighborhood" and then put out a map that is indeed like your neighborhood, comfortable...safe...have regular people watering their lawns, trimming the hedges etc...and when the bad guys come and the creepies start slithering down the street and all you have in your hand is a gardening hoe...Now what?? Huh?! Your neighborhood has suddenly become the location of the first combine attack and you had absolutely no IDEA it was coming.

All in all I think what you need is a storyline to start. A new and imaginitive way to get at your audience. Think of it like you would if you were writing a book, or making a movie. If you're sitting alone at home with the lights off playing a game...what would really make you fall over backwards in your chair...Take ideas that are offered but don't just stop there...let yourself go and trust yourself to come up with your OWN ideas that others didn't think of first. Taking ideas that have been done before is all well and good but it's the new ideas that you don't tell anyone about that really make us jump. If I suggest something to you, and then I see it in a map, my most likely reaction will be "Oh yeah, that was my idea..." and that's where it'll stop.

Good luck with this project, I really think it'll be a great one if you take your time and put in the work...If you'd like any help in coming up with ideas I'd be glad to be in touch via e-mail or AIM, let me know.
really cool of you

Gizzmo0411 said:
I like to think of myself as a conisseur of horror. I love it. A good horror movie can be better than a roller coaster. Some recent examples come from movies many of us have probably seen. The Grudge, The Ring, Saw, Signs, The Village, Seven (here is a particularly good one).

I like to think that you can divide horror into two categories...

1)Events that are scary in that they make you jump and let out a yell.
2)Events that are disturbing and make you sort of cringe with disgust.

A very recent example comparing the two would be between the movies "The Grudge" and "Saw". If you haven't seen them I apologize, but I'll try and keep the plot safe.

In "The Grudge" we get quick, jumpy scares that get your heart racing. Fast paced events with sudden scares and in your face type events. This is great in games...if the player has to put it on pause after a sequence and say "Holy shit" and wait a minute to catch their breath, then you've succeeded here.

In "Saw" we get scenes that make the viewer curl up in their chairs and scrunch up their faces letting out comments like "Oh my God" or "Gross!". This is, I think, more difficult to achieve in games (though perhaps with todays advanced graphics capabilities it is all the more possible).

After that...I'll give some of my ideas that always get my heart beating, and my mind racing:

- Children...children are pretty damn scary sometimes (watch "The Grudge" with the scene in the bedroom for a good example). Perhaps because the general consensus is that children are, for the most part, harmless. However, the idea of a child zombie freaks the hell out of me. In the world of half life it strikes me that a child zombie would be a very possible occurance, all it takes is one headcrab in a kindergarten class. Disturbing thought no? What would a child zombie sound like? What would it sound like if it were on fire?

- Darkness...but not pitch black. Pitch black, to me, is actually rather comforting. Since whatever is looking for me would have to work just as hard to find me (I'm assuming they can't see in the dark or any other sort of innovation). However candelight is scary...shifting shadows, moving light sources such as a fan blade passing in front of a light source, or a tree casting moving shadows on a wall. Things like that can cause internal panic since you never can tell when something is moving to come get you, or just moving in the wind.

- Stephen King wrote in an introduction to his book: "I like to play with my audience, like a cat with a ball of yarn. I like to make them wonder when "IT" is going to happen. You know, invite them in from the cold and give them a cozy seat by the fire. I like to make them enjoy my characters like they would their friends, only to find that the friend is the one with the axe behind his back." In other words. Giving your target player a sense that he is safe can be an excellend method for scaring the life out of them. In fact, by announcing that you're making a scary map you've already taken half the fun out of it. If it were my map I would just release it without a word and let the audience figure it out. Or even go as far as to say something like "This is just an attempt to recreate my neighborhood" and then put out a map that is indeed like your neighborhood, comfortable...safe...have regular people watering their lawns, trimming the hedges etc...and when the bad guys come and the creepies start slithering down the street and all you have in your hand is a gardening hoe...Now what?? Huh?! Your neighborhood has suddenly become the location of the first combine attack and you had absolutely no IDEA it was coming.

All in all I think what you need is a storyline to start. A new and imaginitive way to get at your audience. Think of it like you would if you were writing a book, or making a movie. If you're sitting alone at home with the lights off playing a game...what would really make you fall over backwards in your chair...Take ideas that are offered but don't just stop there...let yourself go and trust yourself to come up with your OWN ideas that others didn't think of first. Taking ideas that have been done before is all well and good but it's the new ideas that you don't tell anyone about that really make us jump. If I suggest something to you, and then I see it in a map, my most likely reaction will be "Oh yeah, that was my idea..." and that's where it'll stop.

Good luck with this project, I really think it'll be a great one if you take your time and put in the work...If you'd like any help in coming up with ideas I'd be glad to be in touch via e-mail or AIM, let me know.

wow, thats really cool of you (and you other guys/girls) to take the time to suggest and think of these ideas to help me find my way. and i REALLY appreciate your offers of help. and i accept them gladly, anybody who wishes to help would kindley pm o that we can exchange e-mail

and thanks again. :)
OK i know this an ancient thread but i have time to waste (im having to redownload the sdk after some reinstall hiccups, ON A 56K!!!!)

anyway sorry for that :)

BUT the reason i dug this up is because..well IM CARRYING ON MY PROJECT! WOOOOOOT!

i would aslo like to know if antbody else has release a map along the lines of mine (spooky type maps)

thank you :E
moggy said:
why dont u do a real combine facility , the type like valve never really showed us. with cells perhaps but importantly torture rooms with then corridors from rooms , air vents maybe for freeman to get through around restricted areas . and then large rooms/ concrete rooms filled with bodies of resistance/ordinary people . pilled up in heaps like a genocide thing .

where people are tortured and are either converted into combines if seen fit or are exterminated . u could show real combines dirty work. maybe a firing squad. then the body pile room and then human disposal where people alive or dead are thrown into a furnace or something.

the room of corpses should be made most effective.

im not gonna go with the genocide thing as you said it, i mean im gonna show where they died but not show the bodies. well, not much anyway.
ive got a basic layout of a combine facility in my notebook but since my hl2 went all £*^£"|@$ i lost the map i had going, right now the sdk download is at 63% and will take a very long time on 56k so im ready to soak up ideas :)

also if anybody wants to help me with this (i.e storyline,modeling,mapping or just general ideas) then you are more than welcome as i will release this to the public when finished.

see? i do care :)
nobody has ANY ideas?
i just wanna get some suggestions so i can make this as good as possible :)

edit: btw you are NOT freeman in this map you are a combine soldier
Here's my advice:

1) No piles of bodies. It's too passe. I recommend doing one room with bodies hanging from the ceiling on meat hooks. It's more brutal than just a pile. Liberally apply blood splatter to the room, and, if you can, make the bodies skinned. If at all possible, make them dripping, so the carnage looks recent. The ceiling should be in shadows, so all you see are the legs.

2) Finding dying people is scarier than finding dead people, if used sparingly. Here's an example. You know how Gordon's crossbow nails people to the wall, right? If you find a fellow Combine dead, nailed to the wall, its creepy. But if you find him breathing in ragged gasps, blood gurgling in his throat, it is far more terrifying. Have him trying to pull the thing out of his chest, and it's much worse.

3) The hallway with the lights turning out when you're under them is good. The reflections on the windows is also good. But what about a long, long hallway, with a few bones and bloodstains throiugh it, where the lights turn on when you're under them, so your visability is limited to what is right next to you. Add some noises from behind the character, preferably something unexpected and unidentifiable (so no screams or zombie moaning). On the off chance they backtrack to find the source of the noise, the thing retreats to stay in the darkness. Maybe have a huge pit at the end that the thing came out of, and retreats to if they come after it.

Yes, that's from a Steven King book. All the more reason to use it.
Sniper_One said:
Here's my advice:

1) No piles of bodies. It's too passe. I recommend doing one room with bodies hanging from the ceiling on meat hooks. It's more brutal than just a pile. Liberally apply blood splatter to the room, and, if you can, make the bodies skinned. If at all possible, make them dripping, so the carnage looks recent. The ceiling should be in shadows, so all you see are the legs.

2) Finding dying people is scarier than finding dead people, if used sparingly. Here's an example. You know how Gordon's crossbow nails people to the wall, right? If you find a fellow Combine dead, nailed to the wall, its creepy. But if you find him breathing in ragged gasps, blood gurgling in his throat, it is far more terrifying. Have him trying to pull the thing out of his chest, and it's much worse.

3) The hallway with the lights turning out when you're under them is good. The reflections on the windows is also good. But what about a long, long hallway, with a few bones and bloodstains throiugh it, where the lights turn on when you're under them, so your visability is limited to what is right next to you. Add some noises from behind the character, preferably something unexpected and unidentifiable (so no screams or zombie moaning). On the off chance they backtrack to find the source of the noise, the thing retreats to stay in the darkness. Maybe have a huge pit at the end that the thing came out of, and retreats to if they come after it.

Yes, that's from a Steven King book. All the more reason to use it.
You make a very good second point I must say, having people being pulled in under closing doors by some unknown force is also good, bloody arms sticking out works, reaching for help, and sometimes a desperate scream for help is the scariest thing in the world; Help, oh god no please, someone help me! Heeeelp!!!
hmmmmm guys what is scarier random demonic shiftings and general spooky shit or zombies?

prettey obvious question really but your the community, and what the community wants, the community gets :)
Actually, I have to agree with him, G-man freaks me out. In the original, he was just kind of mysterious, but now he's f***ing crazy.

you are now in a school :eek:

NOW GIVE SOME IDEAS, and i mean i want some real nasty stuff guys

hehehe this map is gonna be so fuc ked up
At the start you should hear the zombie screams, played backwards
"Oh God help, please help me".

You should see zombies feasting on dead bodies.
how in the hell would i get them to play backwords?
You should have a stalker / half-transformed combine which gurgle as they choke on their own blood while staggering towards you, puke up blood with strange a green algae-like substance in onto you, covering most of the screen so you can only see it attempt to grab onto you as it's dragged backwards along the floor by something you can't see, you hear a disturbing gurgled-scream from the thing as it is dragged off. You hear a child scream and you wipe the puke from your face and go into the next room dreading what you have to face.
Well, you'd find those clips of sound... and then you re-record them backwards...

Anyways, what makes something scary, IMO, is what you don't see, or just hear... But what I suggest is, when lights go out or light fades, have it flicker, and have some f-screwed up entities flash in certain areas of the room or, for better scares once again in my opinion, at the end of a normally dark hallway.

Some scary sounds that don't repeat when you walk by some stuff that may not normally be scary is also good. Then, if possible, have some screen filter things that kinda manipulate the screen in certain places every once in a while or fade the screen red, in a slight tint.

Always go for the slightly noticeable, but definately there thing.

When you throw something completely visible at someone it's not scary at all. Zombies feeding on people. It's makes me think, okay more zombies for me to shoot. When you think that you hear something or you think that you see something, it makes it a lot more suspenseful, and thrilling.