Staff Needed

Can I be the forum monkey?

*ooOhh OOoH AHH AHHH AHHH!!!!*

Where's the super-mega-uber-mod position? ;(
position for king/pope/president/faroe/sultan/boss/leader of :eek:
April Fools!

Everyone knows that the only way to become a Staff member of is to murder your best friend. Do this, and a robed informant will greet you in your slee---

Wait, what? It's not a joke?

/me dons a fake beard
i can kill my friend, his name is shamrock, should be pretty easy to do
Lolol who would want to work for a tesco security guard?lolo
bryanf445 said:
i can kill my friend, his name is shamrock, should be pretty easy to do

He has potential.
I could kill everyone I have ever known and loved just to get a chance to be on HL2 staff :D.
bryanf445 said:
i can kill my friend, his name is shamrock, should be pretty easy to do
If that's your friend, you must be very desperate...
let me add that if you're going to post three things and then disappear i will hunt you down and kill you in a manner that only Absinthe could devise.
If only i had those skills needed i would apply

I have all except i don't want to apply! I'm glad theres new staff being appointed though, because the current lot are a bunch of useless tarts :) Site renovation from here Dan looking good, alot more to do though.
Hectic Glenn said:
the current lot are a bunch of useless tarts
Ohohoho, big man are we? WHO HAS THE BAN STICK HERE?
Your mother does, shouldn't you be in bed by now!!!

Sure you could go ahead and ban me, i'll go cry to Munro and he'll bring me back! And i'd cut all the free massages, your call hero :cat:

edit: Yo kage you got my back too fair brethwin. Won't forget this, i won't forget.
As the black eyed peas asked...where is the love?

Its right here <3 He's all mine ladies ;) (stacie not included))
KagePrototype said:
That's one-too-many witty remarks out of you for today.

but daddy he called me a useless tart D:
i already have a job. i wudda otherwise. :p

EDIT OMG just realised the time! :O
Pity I got another gig recently or I might have applied for this :(
So what's the differance between a News Poster and a Content Writer? Pity I'm only 17 ;(
The Monkey said:
So what's the differance between a News Poster and a Content Writer? Pity I'm only 17 ;(
News Poster writes and searches for news updates.

Cotent writer reviews mods, games, and writes articles and features.

Damn, I didn't see there was an age limit. There goes my hopes and prayers...
The age limit makes no sense. Most people that frequent this forum aren't 18. :|

That said, LEMME BE A MOD! I'd be a lovely pet mod. :angel:
Ignore the stupid age limit and just apply ffs.

I want some new news posters.

Eres, you are the last person I would imagine to be a pet mod, rofl, that must be sarcasm.
Erestheux said:
The age limit makes no sense. Most people that frequent this forum aren't 18. :|

That said, LEMME BE A MOD! I'd be a lovely pet mod. :angel:
Correction: most people who post in the forums aren't 18, but that doesn't mean most people who visit the pages aren't. Not necessarily, anyway.

The reason they want someone over 18 is presumably so thet they'll have a reasonable work ethic, but there are content writers on the ModDB -some average, some incredibly good- who are 16 and above. I'm sure that the staff will review applications from candidates who are under 18 provided they have proof of their skill and attitude.

That's just my opinion, Munro may well have a very strict age limit capped at 18 for another reason.
I have all needed skills except im about 8 months too young :(

/cry in corner
So give it a shot. Unless there are legal reasons for the age limit, I consider 8 months to be arbitory.
-Crispy- said:
Correction: most people who post in the forums aren't 18, but that doesn't mean most people who visit the pages aren't. Not necessarily, anyway.

The reason they want someone over 18 is presumably so thet they'll have a reasonable work ethic, but there are content writers on the ModDB -some average, some incredibly good- who are 16 and above. I'm sure that the staff will review applications from candidates who are under 18 provided they have proof of their skill and attitude.

That's just my opinion, Munro may well have a very strict age limit capped at 18 for another reason.
Good analysis. My application was well thought out, I thought.
Correct analysis- Munro wants to make it look professional. Whilst it's for a computer game website which doesn't pay D: