Staff Needed

Pity about the age requirement, figured my work at HLF would be sufficient :-/
If you're confident enough in your abilities you should be able to convince your future 'employer' to look past a temporary temporal discrepancy.
I'm realllllly tempted to apply, actually.

It's the "friendly" thing that's throwing me. I'm a bit more brutally honest and strongly opinionated. =P

I have everything else nailed though. Hrmmmm....
AzleGamer said:
Pity about the age requirement, figured my work at HLF would be sufficient :-/
Send alot of your work you did at HLF with your application. The other content writers aren't 18 yet, i've met two of them and they are still like pokemon (sorry guys). I think the age is a general maturity thing, if you are experienced and skilled enough to a high degree (which i assume you are Azle) - then go ahead mate. Good luck.
Too many kids here. If I became a moderator the first thing I would do is send acid bombs to the homes of all members under 20.
Mr.Magnetichead said:
Too many kids here. If I became a moderator the first thing I would do is send acid bombs to the homes of all members under 20.

Most of the moderators are under 20 :p
Mr.Magnetichead said:
Too many kids here. If I became a moderator the first thing I would do is send acid bombs to the homes of all members under 20.

The game was designed for kids around the age of 16.
The references and allusions to written literature, fiction, movies, political figures and scientific theories that would blow a 16 year olds heart out of his ass and into his rubber underwear.
Hardly. I'm 16, and I'm studying T.S. Elliot's The Waste Land at college- I undersand it perfectly. In comparison, HL2 is just another piece of "popular culture" embraced by the lower classes, as I'm sure T.S. Elliot himself would see it.
Yes because that's the ONLY book I could have possibly been referring to. Woohoo! Another case solved by Suicide42 the mayor of smartness town.
Stfu Magnetichead, you are being a doo-doo-head.
Mr.Magnetichead said:
Too many kids here. If I became a moderator the first thing I would do is send acid bombs to the homes of all members under 20.
Funnily enough, you haven't recieved an invitation to become one.

You're also quite the adequate example that age is not, in fact, necessarily a judge of maturity. Maybe you're just an outlier, though. :rolleyes:
Ennui said:
Funnily enough, you haven't recieved an invitation to become one.

You're also quite the adequate example that age is not, in fact, necessarily a judge of maturity.

How so? What is this assumption based off of?

You should just make me a mod.
Trust the **** head.
based off mostly your tendency to be kind of a vagina in threads.

we made you a mod on, i remember. didn't work out too well :p plus i we generally don't mod-ify people here on when they've been previously banned for trolling :p
I was an awsome mod at Dow40k, it's just there was nothing much to do. Also I wasn't banned for trolling, I was banned because vBulletin can only handle so much pure awsome before it implodes and causes random bannings across the site.
You're an egocentrical smart-alec who acts wayyy too young if you are as old as you claim.

I just felt like saying that.
Mr.Magnetichead said:
I was an awsome mod at Dow40k, it's just there was nothing much to do. Also I wasn't banned for trolling, I was banned because vBulletin can only handle so much pure awsome before it implodes and causes random bannings across the site.
rofl, redeemed for that sentence
Your ego is quite astounding.

I hope I'm around when it pops. That'll be a sight to see. ;)
If anyone feels i'm good enough for a staff position here, tell me to apply!



*bribes Munro for Super Mod. status*
Mr.Magnetichead said:
I was an awsome mod at Dow40k, it's just there was nothing much to do. Also I wasn't banned for trolling, I was banned because vBulletin can only handle so much pure awsome before it implodes and causes random bannings across the site.
Oh yeah, you'd make an excellent moderator...
Mr.Magnetichead said:
Too many kids here. If I became a moderator the first thing I would do is send acid bombs to the homes of all members under 20.
most of us may be under 20, but atleast we have the maturity like we're over 20

Mr.Magnetichead said:
Yes because that's the ONLY book I could have possibly been referring to. Woohoo! Another case solved by Suicide42 the mayor of smartness town.
point proved.
I'm almost seventeen. That's almost eighteen. Now can I be a content writer?
Mr.Magnetichead said:
Yes because that's the ONLY book I could have possibly been referring to.

It's not a book.
The 'ole sifting machine has been acting up lately.
RogueDOC said:
LOL! Hate when that happens.
Me take a piss and it just gets caught in the flies...WHY GOD WHY?
You played the technicality card. You permanently lose 50 points of Pesonality.
It's still not a book.

Besides, your answer to him didn't make any sense. While he was wrong about HL2 (or maybe he was being sarcastic) his point was a good one: teenagers aren't necessarily stupid or ignorant and certainly not too stupid or ignorant to enjoy HL2 or even to appreciate its artiness. He wasn't claiming, as you seemed to think (?), that The Waste Land was one of the things aluded to in the game. He was just using it an example of literature (and hell, literature that's purposefully dense at that) that 16 year-olds can/do understand.

Honestly, stop being so high-and-mighty and snappy. It isn't even funny and it just makes you look stupid and/or a c*nt when you jump on people for no good reason.