STALKER: Latest News WOW


Aug 20, 2003
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The sub-site of 3DWARS has posted up six wallpapers of the "potentially action hit game of 2005", S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl.

The latest issue (February 2005 - Issue 145) of UK's biggest games magazine, PC GAMER, has five pages of a preview of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl. Overall, the magazine seems to have been very impressed,
"They were so amazed by the AI and how it was happing around them all the time.Just standing still they saw a group of patrolling guards walking up a road looking out for stalkers,a wild dog chasing prey across a field and a mutant pig/horse thing pulling a corpse into a bush and a rival stalker running up a hill into the trees."

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Just look at the details and ammount of plolys the engine can run!!!

for fact the graphics got far improved :)

compare the grass with an older version and concentrate on the color, details..etc
the grass looks poor in the last two shots,very muddy textures,everything else looks fine,maybe the game's graphics just dont have that wow factor like a year or 2 ago,this is the game that got me back interested in pc gaming tbh,i remember lookin at screenshots on gamespot over 2 years ago on my shitty comp and 56k,the game had a real cult following then,1 thing that annoys me is the 'popup' of grass,weeds and ferns etc,it just looks weird when the 100-200 yards in front of you have long grass and then after that its just flat,hopefully they'll think of a way around it
lol wonder what the 'valve' screenshot is about :rolleyes:

you posted 2 screenies twice,could you post the 1 of the helicopter in the field

also that is some seriously low res texturing on the road and grass in the last pich,pls be improved for release,the gameplay snippets make it sound like its really comin togethermlove the bit about animals,mutants,stalkers fleeing the blowout
yeah outdoors have decreased which is a shame,thats what hooked me tbh
I wish they'd remove some polys from that valve and put them into the damn path corners, ew.
Whoa, I even thought it looked better than HL2 for a second. I'm very impressed.

Oh and jimbo118, have you ever seen that little "edit"-button in the lower right corner of your last post?
SearanoX said:
I'm assuming the textures are low resolution because the game draws in detail as you get closer. So, if you're high up, on top of a building or something, the detail won't be as high down below. Makes perfect sense - Half-Life 2 did this all the time.

Mip mapping? :p

The idea behind that is that you couldn't see all the detail from a great distance anyway, so you better use a lower res version, but not this low res.

I'm curious btw how Stalker does its lighting, a developer said that all lighting on DX9 was dynamic, meaning no lightmaps, which would be amazing.
Will it run on my 486?

Looks f'n sweet! I mean, it looked great before, but kinda sub par to HL2. Now its looking like a serious contender!

Thanks for getting me re-phyched about gaming in 2005 :D Now we just gotta wait six months,.. that is, IF theres no delays..

Good thing Brothers In Arms comes out in Feb!
yeah its always had that gritty realistic look,also surely those textures would be better with a bit of bump mapping hl2 used it for views from high up like at the top of the lighthouse,running across the rooftops etc,also that screenie is old,ive seen it before,gameplay those is key for this game since the devs keep bangin on about how gr8 it is
Has anyone played the game Outbreak? Its for PC but is really old. Anyway, Stalker reminds me of this game so much....the same look of infantry and outdoor areas. (Although Outbreak is not even close to Stalkers level)

Im really looking forward to this game.
outbreak was that 1 of the first games to use a decent physics engine?
B.Calhoun said:
Has anyone played the game Outbreak? Its for PC but is really old. Anyway, Stalker reminds me of this game so much....the same look of infantry and outdoor areas. (Although Outbreak is not even close to Stalkers level)

Im really looking forward to this game.

This Outbreak?

Because it's made by the same developer...

edit: STALKER is supposed to be sort of a "sequel" for it.
I still think it looks great, and it's a good concept too. ONe of the few games I'll be buying this year.
im very disappointed in some of you thinking only about the graphics and render. if anyone had read the link, instead of comparing it to hl2, then shuning it, your would have read about the dynamic enviornment of this game and just what to expect gameplay wise. which if its true and actually does put forth, will be amazing.

to add a comment, imo, hl2 was a disappointment in reguards to gameplay and innovation.

thats all.
The graphics are pretty good, player models suck, but considering that graphics aren't the main draw point for this game, I don't care.

The gameplay sounds simply incredible, and I can't wait.
it looks very cool

and that bad cuz will not run in my PC :(

I remember reading the site above and thinking (rather shamefully actually) "I bet this place would be an amazing place for a computer game". I don't think it ever occured to me that anyone would ever consider making it. Stalker looks really authentic... kind of the antithesis to Half-Life 2's later levels: a place of great conflict and decay, but with no people and a far more natural form of destruction. This game is getting more interesting, but I do sometimes wonder if the subject matter isn't a little insensitive...
jimbo118 said:
...also that is some seriously low res texturing on the road and grass in the last pich,pls be improved for release,the gameplay snippets make it sound like its really comin togethermlove the bit about animals,mutants,stalkers fleeing the blowout

Since when would you be that high up in the air anyway? the game's weird but you still are'nt superman and you can't fly by flapping your arms around!.


Game looks mint and i've never doubted it won't be the best FPS ever when it arrives. (going from interviews - the game is right up my street)
I hope i wont need to upgrade for this game. they are probably running this game on hardware that isnt evan out yet. IMO , Well i'd better start looking for a pci Express mother board and slap 2 X850's on it .
Alig said:
Since when would you be that high up in the air anyway? the game's weird but you still are'nt superman and you can't fly by flapping your arms around!.)

I think they were just giving a nice aerial shot to show off the graphics, not implying you could go up.

But of course, there is a helicopter so you could be that high up.

And if your being sarcastic, try again :x

The detail has improved alot since first screenshots.
Typically the computers that the guys who work at computer magazines aren't that great, so that may explain the crappiness.
Yeah, the way the shadows are cast look awesome. I'm sold on the graphics engine but still not sold on the gameplay. Guess i wont be until i read the reviews, or play the game myself.

Good to hear that about the A.I, but all big games are hyped so much nowadays that its hard to tell whats true and whats hype.

My big concern, is that the game is going to end up like Turok. Walk around for a really really long time, shot 3 or 4 enemies, walk around for a really long time again. And some of the enemies are just lame, i mean "Rat Wolves" and Dwarves?
This game looks freaking great.
I can not wait for this game.
When does it come out?
Tell me or ill kill myself.
BillyJoBob said:
This game looks freaking great.
I can not wait for this game.
When does it come out?
Tell me or ill kill myself.
May i think.

Do you reckon a 9800 XT will run it good? I really wanna see some benchmarks of the game
*Droooooolls*Me want STALKER now, I hope I get into the beta or that they make it a FP Subscriber exclusive...:LOL::)
Also, about performance, it should run okay now, the E3 demo was running at below 30 FPS with a GeForce 6800Ultra and the latest processor but according to the devs it's been alot more optimized now and a 9800 should run it totally ok :)