STALKER liquid physics?


Jul 7, 2003
Reaction score


Based on ODE engine
Simulation speed outperforms commercial engines such as MathEngine, Havok, etc.
Real-time IK, vehicle physics, etc.
Collision database with low memory usage
Collision detection optimized for a large number of queries in a high concentration polygonal environment
Realistic simulation of ballistics, movement, and fluids

Does this mean that STALKER will have realistic liquid physics?
Some half-mutated, underdeveloped humanoid thingy... :?:

Originally posted by |CC|Hudson
Does this mean that STALKER will have realistic liquid physics?
Yes it does.
Liquid as in:

Look! A lake!

or Liquid as in:

Ack, the room is filling with sloshing dynamic and rather well-simulated water!
It would look realistic, but if they put something like, you computer will die VERY fast. Too much to calculate at once.

This why I don’t like these developers, too much arrogance, plus their past titles were full of crap, plus they are Russian (maybe Ukrainian, but it’s all the same) developers, and believe me, people in Russia can’t make good games. They are going to screw up somewhere.
No, they have already screwed up. They are still in pre-alpha stage of development, although the engine is complete. And it's already a year and a half that they are in pre-alpha!!!
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
It would look realistic, but if they put something like, you computer will die VERY fast. Too much to calculate at once.

This why I don’t like these developers, too much arrogance, plus their past titles were full of crap, plus they are Russian (maybe Ukrainian, but it’s all the same) developers, and believe me, people in Russia can’t make good games. They are going to screw up somewhere.

Wrong! Actually there's one good russian game, can't remember the name though. :P

Becides, You'll never know until you see it yourself.

Anyways compare the amount of games made in russia/ukrania and then compare to the amount of games made in US, and 80% of the games suck, or they're just average copies of some other games.
Wrong Mr.Reak,

Russian programmers are the best programmers in the world. All the Prog languages such as C....etc they all originaly started in Russia. Russian Games are very good but they do not have the chance to adverise their products in the USA or Europ.
Originally posted by G0rgon
Russian programmers are the best programmers in the world. All the Prog languages such as C....etc they all originaly started in Russia.
Huh? C was invented in USA (same with the BCPL language it was derived from), C++ is Scandinavian. Fortran is from USA, Lisp is from USA, Basic is from USA, etc etc...
Please enlighten me which language is from Russia?

Anyway, realistic fluids will probably just mean it will physically bounce when you jump into it (it has a dynamic surface). That's my guess at least.
Too many think scandinavia is part of russia, especially my home land, Finland.
Damn americans. ;)
I agree with dawdler, thats probably what it meant as thats easy enough to do, I think even AvP had that.

I find it very unlikely it will have actual fluid dynamics to the level some of you are thinking. We'd be talking thousands upon thousands of particles, each one being calculated against and influencing its neighbours. You can certainly do that with far less, but then its just going to look like a bucket of large balls.

Even pre-rendered stuff hasn't got realistic liquid dynamics sussed just yet. You can do partial realism, but anything complicated requires a huge amount of time and a lot of tricks to get right, most of them in post done manually by hand and faked to look right. Realistic fluid (particle) based effects is some ways off yet.
I read an article on russian game desighn and it's basically survival of the fittest, untill a programmer has well and truly proven themselves there made to work and live in a warehouse or cheap appartment building provided by the developers. Unless they have some other source of income they only get living expenses, of course if they are really good then they get paid alot more than most of us.
Well, Bohemia in the Czech republic made Operation: Flashpoint, ok it isn't russia but damn close ;)
Remedy in Finland made Max Payne 1 and 2, ok it's not russia but damn close. :P
Let me tell you about good Russian programmers. If you good, you move to America and get shit lot of money. That’s what my dad did.
Originally posted by PvtRyan
Well, Bohemia in the Czech republic made Operation: Flashpoint, ok it isn't russia but damn close ;)

Its a former eastern block country once controlled by the USSR.... Technically closer to Russia than Finland :E
Ah, STALKER. A game which along with Far Cry will keep me going untill Half Life 2. If it's released first.

edit: In reply to Fara-something (sorry) Only the first Max Payne was made by them. The second was made by Rockstar, the people behind GTA. Or so I have been lead to believe (That they made MP2, not they were behind GTA. I know they were behind GTA)