

Jul 4, 2008
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What about stalkers? Are there any of them, or they all died in the citadel explosion? By the way, the combine soldiers were producing in the citadel.Right?
I seriously could not make any sense out of this.
No, it's really quite simple.

Stalkers are still around, though I reckon they were more concentrated around the Citadel areas. The fact that they were packed onto trains headed outbound from the Citadel is a good sign. Combine Soldiers are made - well, noone knows where, but we assume at conversion facilities around combine-controlled territory.
I thought they did it at Nova, you just didn't see any of the areas like that.
Well it *is* assumed that Nova Prospekt was a Combine Conversion facility, for turning people either into Stalkers or Combine Soldiers. I find it wrong to use the term "Turning people into" for the combine soldiers, since it's probably more gradual but that's details.
No, it's really quite simple.

Stalkers are still around, though I reckon they were more concentrated around the Citadel areas. The fact that they were packed onto trains headed outbound from the Citadel is a good sign. Combine Soldiers are made - well, noone knows where, but we assume at conversion facilities around combine-controlled territory.

Nova Prospekt.
Don't worry, its only common for old members to forget.
Well it *is* assumed that Nova Prospekt was a Combine Conversion facility, for turning people either into Stalkers or Combine Soldiers. I find it wrong to use the term "Turning people into" for the combine soldiers, since it's probably more gradual but that's details.

It was more of a Combine prison than anything, place where resistance members and the like go to be brutally interogated, before most likely being put in a Combine or Stalker conversion process.
What about stalkers? Are there any of them, or they all died in the citadel explosion? By the way, the combine soldiers were producing in the citadel.Right?

It's actually a pretty good question, we haven't seen them since episode 1, and I wonder if they are going to still have some role to play in episode 3 or in other installments
Their only function was to keep the Citadel running, so unless there's some new Combine fortifications, which would be cool, I don't think we'll be seeing them.
there are probably no humans there, so that would likely mean no stalkers.
I doubt they'd have Stalkers there, considering they're modified humans.

[edit] Damn simultaneous posts.
Yeah, you have a point there.

Anyway, I never liked the stalkers, never thought they were useful characters. They just showed you the atrocities the Combine made to humans
You catch a glimpse of some combine soldiers apparently in process in Episode 1. Nova Prospekt has a camera on someone in process, and it looks like they're nearby, so maybe it's a two-part process?

They got out of here... Stalker...