star wars: Darth Vader

Much like Lord of the rings, Tolkins(sp?) world is deep and very interesting.

Currently watching the making of on the dvd set, again, while waiting for episode 2 to download (Im waiting for episode 3 to come out before I get any dvd, so I can get 1 2 and 3 in a box set). Might go play some swg in abit, or give the stupidly hard republic commando demo anouther try.. or just go own some newbies at jedi knight 3 duels....

Im sad!

edit: Heh, at the bit showing the casting tapes for the first film. Perry king trying to do Han Solo is the funnyest thing ever.
Ritz said:
Much like Lord of the rings, Tolkins(sp?) world is deep and very interesting.

Currently watching the making of on the dvd set, again, while waiting for episode 2 to download (Im waiting for episode 3 to come out before I get any dvd, so I can get 1 2 and 3 in a box set). Might go play some swg in abit, or give the stupidly hard republic commando demo anouther try.. or just go own some newbies at jedi knight 3 duels....

Im sad!

edit: Heh, at the bit showing the casting tapes for the first film. Perry king trying to do Han Solo is the funnyest thing ever.

Jedi Knight 3? Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy?

I have that, but I haven't played it at all. Thought the singleplayer sucked compared to the other Jedi knight II. Haven't tried the multiplayer. Bet I could kick yer butt though :dork:
Raziaar said:
Jedi Knight 3? Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy?

I have that, but I haven't played it at all. Thought the singleplayer sucked compared to the other Jedi knight II. Haven't tried the multiplayer. Bet I could kick yer butt though :dork:

I did'nt much like the single player either, never finshed it. I liked Jedi knight 2 sp though.
Man I was unbeatable with a saber in the original Jedi Knight, but the other two are so random whether you hit and miss =/
Everything GreyFox says is utter rubbish to me. How can your so called horrible story line have captivated millions upon millions of fans?

What about the 100's of books produced that have become overnight best sellers? there are no lightsabers or Tie Fighters in them.

What makes a great movie experience isnt neccesarily a mind blowing and complex story, it's the ability to capture the essence of a conflict. For me, movie's that are based around the troubles of a few charectars are completely boring. I may have a flair for the grandiose, but I need the conflict to be on an epic scale. I really don't care if Sally has a terminal disease and John is a recovering Alchoholic.... thats bloody boring. But when Luke sets out to defeat a galaxy spanning empire that has slaughtered millions, and is headed by some really evil dudes..... well, that gets my attention.

The Charectars also play a large role. Who doesn't think Han Solo is one of the coolest cats around? Who wouldn't want to have Luke Skywalker's powers and be the Hero that saves a galaxy? Darth Vader is one of the best villains ever created, as is the Emperor.

There is, and never will be, better movies then the Original Star Wars Trilogy. The complex personal troubles or political intrigues of a so called "great" movie cannot be compared to the war between good and evil.
Favorite thing to me about the star wars universe, is the weaponry, the hardware, the vehicles... etc. AT-AT's, AT-ST's, Tie fighters, Tie Bombers, the capital ships, speeders, swoops, hover tanks(not those lame episode 1 ones), you name it!
what the ****? we're talking about Darth Vader's name....... no wonder we don't have any girlfriends

and by the way for the ones that have wives/girlfriends out there face it: your chick is ugly, but if shes not feel free to post some hawt pix
OMFG :naughty: :naughty:
SupremePain said:
what the ****? we're talking about Darth Vader's name....... no wonder we don't have any girlfriends

and by the way for the ones that have wives/girlfriends out there face it: your chick is ugly, but if shes not feel free to post some hawt pix
OMFG :naughty: :naughty:

That may be an admission that your chick is ugly, but don't ya dare say the same for everyone else :cheers:
Raziaar said:
That may be an admission that your chick is ugly, but don't ya dare say the same for everyone else :cheers:
oh dude you misunderstood something.........................................
im so bad looking i can't get a ugly chick :(