Star Wars Episode III trailer leaked


May 23, 2003
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A two and a half minute preview has been leaked onto the internet, i am dling it now cant wait
I think it will suck worst than EP 2 but anyway.

BadgerEDIT: No.

I think the mods are this close to (well) close it.
If they close this because its a trailer that is just ****ing sad is all i have to say
Just keep the link off the public and it should be fine.

BadgerEDIT: NO!
It sucks its is just behind the scenes footage and is really bad quality, but it shows mostly anakin and obi wan fighting and some other behind the scenes footage of fights accompanied by the song "Back in black" (oh and you guys are tightwads, its 2 and a half minutes of behind the scenes footage lighten up).
Dr.Sbaitso said:
It sucks its is just behind the scenes footage and is really bad quality, but it shows mostly anakin and obi wan fighting and some other behind the scenes footage of fights accompanied by the song "Back in black" (oh and you guys are tightwads, its 2 and a half minutes of behind the scenes footage lighten up).

I can get that off my stolen Hyperspace accou... maybe I shouldn't hv said that?
why is it old, i think it just came out saturday, it is interesting thought cause they show chewie for a few seconds
Chewie is going to save Skywalker and Leia.
Obi-Wan gives them to Chewie to hide them from the Sith.
Thats how they already met in Ep4


It's in invible ink. Just select it if you really want to know.
That's true!
I got it from the Hyperspace forums and comfirmed it on IGN. And they know a lot more than we do.
Hmmm..I haven't.

I'm not saying I did. Lucas discloses lots of parts of SW films before launch. It happened with Ep 1,2 and 6.

This was one of the things he did.
howd you do teh invisable ink!?/11
Select for color SlateGray - it's the closest you can get.
Letters reason to edit his post said:
I dunno. This whole thing made me stupid.

hmmm...I think I'll add this to my sig.

BTW compare - regular gray graygraygraygray
slate gray slategrayslaterayslategray

edit - now that I look at it, gray does the job better.
/me feels stupid
Lol , Nice one Badger.. Wee my first mod-edit.. I'm turning into the Dark Side! :devil:
Dr.Sbaitso said:
(oh and you guys are tightwads, its 2 and a half minutes of behind the scenes footage lighten up)

/me downloads """""beta""""""

/me makes a 2 minute trailer for HL2

/me is killed by the masses

Can't have double standards on this forum, it's just not right :)
Whoever made that video needs to get his head checked. The music ruined the whole thing, and the audio quality in terms of voice is so horrible, what a waste of time :|
already got it.

You people need to get a life........its ****ing freaking what. You didnt put it there, you cant make it go away. Stop being a bunch of ****ing women.
will episode 3 actually be any good? i mean, we allready know the jist of what happens as we can fill in the gaps. ittl probally be the worst of the 6.... or how many lucas is planning in his twisted brain
look im writing in invisible ink- brownie points for spotting, pat urself on the back :D
BadgerEDIT: NO!

Actually I put that there for the hell of it... :) Anymore No's badger?
GhostValkyrie said:
BadgerEDIT: Yes! Yes! YES!!! Oh, God, Yes!!!
This is sig material.
If you don't use it, I ask permission to.
I think this will be the best of the latest 3 movies, but I hope lucas decides to put more real Star Wars 'feel' into this movie, the other two lacked alot of the atmosphere that the original trilogy had.

Loshadka: Arr, I'll trade five gallons of ye ol' finest rum for yerr map to ye goldchest.. Hurry , thar be moderators here that will keelhaul me , aye..
I seen the Trailer-well.
It isn't really a trailer.
It kinda shows behind the scenes stuff-
But now LucasFilms LTD closed all the servers that contain them...
It had a lot of Obi-Wan vs. Anakin duels and some heavy rock music.
*Spoilers but rumor*
Here's some more "rumors" on the duel. It's supposed to be about twelve minutes long, over a thousand strokes, and the longest duel in cinematic history.
There is also additional rumor of double-bladed lightsabers showing up and a certain death scene in the first ten minutes.
The DVD for the original trilogy comes out this fall, so I'm sure there will be some press on Ep. 3 at that time.
*Spoilers*(Some are)

<-----Huge Star Wars fan without the geeky sterotype:D:D:D
K, the big duel is edited at 10 minutes long. ^So yeah, pretty much around 12 like Javert said.
Luke and Leia as babies may be in the movie
Anakin has longer hair and is finally a Jedi Knight, he looks very sleep deprived from some pictures.
He got Padme preggers.