Star Wars Mod




There are tons of SW mods out there, what's so special about this one?

Here is a feature list I've compiled. Its rather ambitious, however I don't see this as a problem since we don't have to squeeze all the features into the first release.


Resource System
Each side will have a set number of available resources. Star Destroyers and transports in orbit will be supplying the ground forces with reinforcements, mobile bases and deployable installations.

Objective based gameplay:

No blunt deathmatch-type run & gun gameplay.

Conquest: Two teams fighting over map-control. Each team controls an H.Q. at game start while both sides try to seize strategic locations on the map with the ultimate goal of annihilating the opponents H.Q.

Siege: Team A starts with a fortified position with the objective to defend it at all cost, while Team B tries to seize control. The game ends after the set amount of time elapses, or if a team runs out of reinforcements.

Battlezones: Both teams fight over several strategic locations. By holding a location the team scores points over time; the more locations a team holds, the more points it accumulates. The game is won by either reaching the set point-limit or having the higher score when the time runs out.


The Chain of Command:
When you join the game you'll be automatically assigned to a squad. A squad consists of a squad leader and a few squad members. Squad leaders respond to commanders, which in return respond to the generals.

Ground Forces:

A squad is made up of different soldier classes such as Riflemen or Grenadiers. The Squad leader is the lowest officer rank and is directly responsible for the soldiers under his command. Squad Leaders report hostiles, designate targets for bombardments, request reinforcements and deploy crew served weapons such as the E-Web.

Commanders take command of a group of squads and have the responsibility of assigning targets to Squad Leaders; establishing supply points and reporting hostile forces. Abilities of a Commander include assigning bombardments to a target and designating locations for reinforcement/assaults, installations and defensive weapons such as laser turrets.

The General is the highest ranked officer and directly responsible for his entire force. He Assigns missions to Special Forces, organizes supplies, relocates ships in orbit and deploys installations and forces.

Special Forces:
Special Forces act independently and are only responding to the General. Special Forces carry the finest equipment, weapons and armor. Responsibilities of a SF squad are covert ops behind enemy lines such as reconnaissance, the assassination of high ranked officers and demolitions of enemy key installations such as defense systems or shield generators. SF squads have the ability to deploy various mines/traps and smaller defense systems such as autonomous laser turrets. As well as hacking enemy systems and communication.

Drivers, gunners and commanders make up the crew of vehicles such as AT-STs, AT-ATs or Snow Speeders. They operate in squads/wings and respond to Commanders.


Wingmen are similar to ground squads. They operate in wings of three to four ships and are under control of a Squad Leader.

Gunners are controlling the weapon systems on large ships such as Star Destroyers and respond to the ship's Captain.

Captains command the large capital ships such as Star Destroyers and are in charge of the ship's crew (i.e. pilots and gunners).

Multi-player vehicles
Vehicles are multi-player controlled. Which means most vehicles are controlled by a crew rather than an individual. AT-AT's for example have drivers, gunners and a commander --with additional transport capacities for soldiers and vehicles.

The largest playable vehicles will be the capital ships which will have the most important decks modeled.

The environments will include known locations such as Hoth or Endor, as well as space scenes and some custom maps.


Authentic characters and vehicles
Highly detailed models; 10x the detail than in any other Star Wars games through normal mapping.

HL2's ragdoll physics allow for authentic Lightsaber battles and effects.

The Force
HL2's physics engine provides incredible possibilities to force powers; pushing, pulling, throwing and even choking enemies.

This should cover the basics. I'll update this post with more information.

As for me, I'm a modeler, texture and concept artist. That however, isn't nearly enough for a project as ambitious as this. Which brings me to the next point; the team. Basically, anybody who has dedication and can produce some decent results is welcome. I have webspace and will try to set up a decent website for this mod. I the meantime, you can reach me by email or PM.

one thing. if your going to make a game like this then your going to have to make it better than jedi academy. sounds liek your goign to need an experienced coder. do you have any skills of your own? i have been thinking about how to make a lightsabe for a while. of i make one ill send it to you.
There are tons of SW mods out there, what's so special about this one? It's gonna get shut down faster than any other mod ever!!!
sorry guys in this case I have to disagree, lucasarts is known for their adimant supoprt of third party mods and have already sanctioned over 5-6 mods, all they ask is that you don't re-write the actual story..

There was a feature in PCgamer on how liberal lucasarts is on people developing mods on the star wars IP, they believe it helps them
when permission has been given from lucasarts ill be willing to help you out as a coder from early january!

just contact me at [email protected]


(always loved starwars)
Well, I hound everyone until they actually ask and display the results on their webpage :p

-Angry Lawyer
I, too, wouldn't mind helping if you got permission from LucasArts... I'm still reading books in the SW series and love it!
Angry Lawyer said:
Well, I hound everyone until they actually ask and display the results on their webpage :p

-Angry Lawyer

heheheh, fair enough, give em hell

and on a side note: I think star wars sucks ass in general anyways !!!

/me runs from huge community backed flame thrower
Media update:

High-rez ISD and AT-ST


he didnt make that. and if he did, please prove me wrong :| i need evidence.

maybe his team made it. as you can see both meshes are made by tw different people. also

I'm still reading books in the SW series

hahahaha loser! jus kiddin :D
Dude the NJO series rocks my socks, I'm on like the 19th book in that series!
how many polys is the death cruiser uber duber galactica death ray machine ?

i expect thatd need to be normal mapped coz it looks like its a hellaofalotta polies
Wombat said:
how many polys is the death cruiser uber duber galactica death ray machine ?


A little over 1,5 million.

crackhead said:
i expect thatd need to be normal mapped coz it looks like its a hellaofalotta polies

That's the plan.
GonzoBabbleshit said:
So is that before or after you get shut down for copyright infringement?

What are you talking about? We are fine as long as we don't violate their policies.
What part of "we're fine as long as we don't violate their IP policies" didn't you understand?
It's got 'Star Wars' in the title! Bam! IP violation!

Not to mention the models you've created
Well, I promised Ennui I'd step him through a few of the C++ basics using the SDK, so it'll be killing two birds with one stone.

-Angry Lawyer
star wars actualy lets u make star wars mods though dont they??
If you ask them, I think so. They're pretty lenient - AS LONG AS YOU ASK FIRST.

-Angry Lawyer
They don't let everyone create a mod just like that.

You ask, and maybe they give green light. They allowed the UT2003-4 star wars mod because it was so popular and well made.

I'm not sure though, maybe you should go for it and see what they think. If they don't like it, expect them to go medieval on your ass.
They also put a lot of restrictions on you - stuff like you can't change the outcomes of any previous canon events. You can't use any of the major canon characters etc
crackhead said:
what does canon meen?

The "real" story. Everything you see in the star wars movies is part of the canon star wars universe. Something that happens in some obscure SW book or a game based on star wars isn't conan.
I don't think its a good idea sending an "we got this cool idea about a SW mod, can you give us permission?" email. So I'll get a little bit of work done, before I contact them.

Sorry, couldn't resist.
ehh, contact them first. You could end up with a lot of work being thrown away. And you have the models to show that you claim to have modelled yourself ? should be enough!