Star Wars: Republic Commando Demo!

I played the demo. I like the fact that you can only fail the mission if all of your squad mates and you are dead.
The whole visor breaking thing was a nice touch, it's just as good as Metroid Prime's visor.
The demo had poor team A.I.: a teammate ran up to me while I was blasting my shotgun and ran into my crosshair. The enemy isn't that much different. The graphics are good and the game ran pretty smooth: I ran the game one 1600x1200 and set the characters to high and some other things to high, but I turned off bump-mapping and some other useless stuff off.
Pretty average FPS all-round really. Fun, but nothing special.
meh, it looked good but apart from tht pretty average. i liked the hud though
AI really brings this game down; it is amazingly optimized and runs smoothly with amazing graphics, but some of that time should have been spent on AI.
I think that the majority of people here can agree that the A.I. in this game is very poor.
Prince of China said:
I think that the majority of people here can agree that the A.I. in this game is very poor.

I really don't understand game developers, if you are making a tactical shooter, should't the AI be one of the first priorities. I could understand the average team AI in HL2 since the game had a strong single player element. Let's just hope that Brothers in Arms gives those Nazis some good brains.
lazicsavo said:
I really don't understand game developers, if you are making a tactical shooter, should't the AI be one of the first priorities. I could understand the average team AI in HL2 since the game had a strong single player element. Let's just hope that Brothers in Arms gives those Nazis some good brains.
Well, a lot of game developers seem to just wanna make a buck these days, Gearbox looks straight though, they should be able to make something awesome, especially if all the footage so far for BiA is true to game
I cant be arsed to dl this, some of you are too quick to decide you are buying a game. How long will you play a retail version of this.. maybe a total of 8 hrs. I just cant buy a game with a mediocre sp experience anymore, games are too damn expensive.
Nevermind the AI, what I wanna know is why everyone's raging about the graphics. They were worse than HL2 by quite a bit.
Dudes, it's not the AI that's the problem, it's the alien races, they're stupid, blame it on them not the devs :\
Don't know what game you lot are playing but the AI is fine for the areas it is used in. The game puts across the chaos of combat well with the vision-obscuring blood and the concussion grenade effects. The HDR and bloom is also used very well...I dread to think what HL2 would/will be like with those techs implemented.
What I didn't like was how easy and frustrating it was to be 'killed' with no chance to do anything about it. There are loads of walkways above your heads swarming with enemies who just love to rain grenades down on the tight space you are trying to maneuver in. Bacta is also quite rare after these sections. I don't know if it's a glitch but I've also been killed from full health in an instant - never good.
It's annoying too how your squad will only take special positions when you tell them even when you are on the floor. Oh well, time for another reload.

One to get IMO, but only at a reduced price.
babyheadcrab said:
I cant be arsed to dl this, some of you are too quick to decide you are buying a game. How long will you play a retail version of this.. maybe a total of 8 hrs. I just cant buy a game with a mediocre sp experience anymore, games are too damn expensive.

what is even worse than deciding whether to buy a game off a demo, quickly, is deciding off the opinions of a bunch of random forum geeks who did play the demo, quickly.

the voice of the dude u play reminded me of TIE FIGHTER of the most exsiting games I eva played
I wasn't even very interested to begin with, the demo just made me confirm that I shouldn't really bother with this game.
Gargantou said:
Dudes, it's not the AI that's the problem, it's the alien races, they're stupid, blame it on them not the devs :\

Indeed, it's pretty common knowledge that Trandoshan fighters are slow and clumsy, they acted alot like I expected them to, in fact, which was a pretty neat feature. [/uberstarwarsgeek]

But this is like where people complain the Zombies in Doom 3 are too stupid, they're freaking zombies for gods sake!
CrazyHarij said:
Indeed, it's pretty common knowledge that Trandoshan fighters are slow and clumsy, they acted alot like I expected them to, in fact, which was a pretty neat feature. [/uberstarwarsgeek]

when i read that the trandoshan had invaded the wookie home world [kashyyk] my mind went crazy with the thought of a huge bloody battle XD

though, 1 thing i really didn't like was that after you had flown down [having the briefing] and arrived @ the ground level, it was nearly as dark, scary, etc as i would've imagined it being from some books i've read.
I cant see how trandoshan in the first place could invade wookies, because wookies are like ten time bigger and stronger, and they have their bowcasters, when fighting in-game they owned anyone they came across. IN other SW game i have played, like Jedi Knight games, Outcast Academy, trandoshan arnt the brightest candells on the birthday cake, but they use bad ass weaponry to make up for it, too bad they didnt have their conc rifles yet in this game.
Originally posted by CrazyHarij
But this is like where people complain the Zombies in Doom 3 are too stupid, they're freaking zombies for gods sake!

But that doesn't count for the imps and so on :P
haha, fileplanet finally got the demo, just a little bit behind the power curve, i;d say
SCREENSHOTS!! I'm down to 1hr in my DL and want to see if it's worth it.
Who here said Jedi Academy stunk? That game was loads of fun!
destrukt said:
though, 1 thing i really didn't like was that after you had flown down [having the briefing] and arrived @ the ground level, it was nearly as dark, scary, etc as i would've imagined it being from some books i've read.
You didnt like that? Seems like thats something game developers would aim for.
DL'd it and only lost 2 times

Too easy, great gfx and squad action, AI is a little sluggish.
gh0st said:
You didnt like that? Seems like thats something game developers would aim for.

It was a rather nice dark forest but .. from the books, trying to set up a complex on the floor level of that planet would be near impossible.
ShadowFox said:
Who here said Jedi Academy stunk? That game was loads of fun!
Prince of China hates it with a firey passion.
I might get this game if I get to take down a sith academy or something cool, but if this is just a shoot up wookies and trandoshan game, fak it.