Starcraft 2: Multiplayer

Any cross region play yet?

Not unless you're SEA and then you can change to the NA server. Which is funny, because it's obviously really easily implemented, so they are just doing it for the money. *Grumble grumble*

on a note, I feel I am getting better playing Zerg, granted nowhere near good will just take time.
I feel I'm getting worse. Except yesterday. I did good. I think.
I will forever be bronzing it up ... bronzing all the time. In bronze, that is.
I feel I'm getting worse. Except yesterday. I did good. I think.

You're not getting worse, you just went backwards because you didn't play much, if at all, for the longest time. You're starting to catch back up. You're doin' good!
I made it into masters, and I have concluded that masters is still SHIT
Yeah, Grand Masters is the only place where lots of skill is held...but then, still...I have my doubts :p

Oh well, still better than me! Lol
Nice job ktime, maybe we'll see you in some low key tournaments around the net sometime?
I was with Tav and Pitz last night, and I confirm for suck. Damn I need you to yell at me some more when playing custom games, Pitz!
Play play play play!

If you don't really want to play for whatever reason, watch replays of pros!
Oh ZvZ is really becoming more frustrating than ever. I'm really starting to hate playing zerg because my last 7 ladder games have all been ZvZ and I lost all of them. I wish I could play zerg with an option that if the other guy is zerg too I could play as terran.

I needed a break so I picked Terran for my last match of the night and got a random who spawned as toss in close position on LT. I was going to do a 2rax push/expand with marines but he scouted my hidden rax and forced me to cancel so I immediately threw down a factory for tanks and got my marine upgrades and a couple marauders too.
I build a 3rd rax by his cliff so I could go scout and I saw a probe pass by it and guessed he was expanding and then scouted his main with my rax and found him going 4 gate but he didn't have any units yet(just a sentry or two) so I waited for my second tank to finish and then pushed out.
I made 2 reapers on my way and sent them to check for his expansion which was completely unguarded, took my natural, and with my main army of marines and tanks sieged down his front and then pushed into his main to seal the victory.
Here's the replay if anyone cares.
It's also one of my most sloppy games.

The guy was 2400 diamond and it felt like such an easy win. I'm thinking about switching to Terran just to get away from the horrible ZvZs. ;(
zvz is perhaps one of the greatest matchup in the game if you learn exactly how it works

go learn it before you hate it
zvz is perhaps one of the greatest matchup in the game if you learn exactly how it works

go learn it before you hate it


Much better than TvT or PvP, at any rate.

I haven't played in a while, too busy with WoW. :p
Well it seems like I need some lessons in ZvZ then. Up for playing some later ktime?
Yeah it sucked. Though I felt like I was improving with each game that we played.
argh it`s so fukin hard to get into this game now that everyone is ridiculously good
I`ve beaten all the challenges, played a bunch of games vs hard AI, custom matches with a friend but I still get my ass handed to me in ladder play

any helpful hintsÉÉ
Of course the general advice is always know which units counter which and scout to find out what units your enemy is building / how large their army is. I shouldn't try to give any advice beyond that since I'm bronze
ya scouting is definitely one thing I don`t do enough
even when I`ve got a couple of orbital commands with plenty of energy
What level of players are you playing against?

The best thing you can do to improve your game will be to just work on your macro. Until you get higher into diamond/masters that's the thing that will win you the most games.
Focus on always making scvs, making units from the buildings you have, expanding at the right time, and keeping your money down.

Scouting is important, if you know what to look for and how to counter it.

Day9 has this great daily that you might find helpful.
Live coaching with DJWheat
I've been placed in the silver league... was kinda hoping for/expecting gold but I really messed up my last placement match :( oh well.
macro is definitely the weakest part of my game, especially 10+ minutes in
once the fighting starts, I always forget to expand and build more units
so after a losing battle, I'm left with little or no units and/or way too many resources :p
I do feel like I'm getting better with every game I play though
guess it's just a matter of practice practice practice
Macro is the largest single error they can fix in any leagues that are under master and even most of diamond.

Don't think strategy, think macro
Me in a 1v1 against OnEMoReTrY, top 50 Terran offracing as Protoss.

He opens Forge FE which is bad for the map so I didn't expect it, I might have won if he hadn't done that though. I am able to break his front with my 5 roach rush and kill a bunch of his probes, then I expand, get hydras and nydus and finish off his main so all he has is his natural.
I expand more and build up a large hydra/roach army while he goes colossus. We trade armies as he attacks my base then I just remake a large army and finish him off.

I got into position to do a 2 sided surround of his army but he does some good forcefields in that large fight which evened things out so I couldn't get to his colossus until most of our forces were gone.

Pretty cool game. My midgame macro still needs a lot of work though.
You don't need macro hatch that early when going roach hydra

You didn't build spire when he was obviously going colossus
It is very cost ineffective to fight colossus with just roach hydra. If he knew how to play, FF would have made 80% of your army useless while colossus melted shit

It mostly boiled down to the guy not knowing how to play toss
Ah Dorrus you're too kind. I know my play needs lots of refinement. I have said so many times.
I'm still learning and I wanted to experiment and see how well roach/hydra would do against his army. Most of the Protoss I have played against so far haven't had good forcefield placement. As such I haven't had to work around it much, and I learned how insanely powerful they can be in a situation like that.

I was surprised that he was as bad at Protoss as he was.
Never had a doubt I could do it, but finally made my way into Diamond. Only took like 20 some odd games. The only thing that surprises me is that I was drunk off my ass when I made it. This should be fun.
Okay this game... I don't know what to say really. I'm the terran and this is diamond league on the european server. I haven't really got much experience (<100 games) and I think this is the first time I ever see my opponent build carriers.

What happened was that we're close positions by air on Lost Temple and when I poke in with 2 marauders and 1 marine early in the game I see he has no defense and I manage to pick off quite a lot of probes before he gets a surround and kills my units but I manage to see a stargate and fleet beacon so I know what he's going to do. I have never met this build before so I improvise and it definitely threw me off my game. I guess I could've kept rallying units and maybe killed him but I figured I'd just use my economic lead and win that way (I had my expansion building and he didn't and I had just killed a lot of probes). I try to mass marines (with stim) and vikings against the carriers cause that's what I could come up with off the top of my head but it just doesn't work. His carriers kill everything and pay for themselves tenfold while it feels like there's not much I can do at all. Anyone have thoughts on this replay?

Also, are there any people here on the european server around diamond league? Would be fun to play a game or two.
I absolutely suck now.

I haven't played since the last 2 ~ 3 patches, and now I've gone and dropped to Platinum. Shit.
I absolutely suck now.

I haven't played since the last 2 ~ 3 patches, and now I've gone and dropped to Platinum. Shit.

Hey you can complain when you're 99 bronze with me!

Okay this game... I don't know what to say really. I'm the terran and this is diamond league on the european server. I haven't really got much experience (<100 games) and I think this is the first time I ever see my opponent build carriers.

What happened was that we're close positions by air on Lost Temple and when I poke in with 2 marauders and 1 marine early in the game I see he has no defense and I manage to pick off quite a lot of probes before he gets a surround and kills my units but I manage to see a stargate and fleet beacon so I know what he's going to do. I have never met this build before so I improvise and it definitely threw me off my game. I guess I could've kept rallying units and maybe killed him but I figured I'd just use my economic lead and win that way (I had my expansion building and he didn't and I had just killed a lot of probes). I try to mass marines (with stim) and vikings against the carriers cause that's what I could come up with off the top of my head but it just doesn't work. His carriers kill everything and pay for themselves tenfold while it feels like there's not much I can do at all. Anyone have thoughts on this replay?

Also, are there any people here on the european server around diamond league? Would be fun to play a game or two.

If you were up 1 base with your opponent trying a 1 base carrier bullshit, you should have won no matter what really.

From what I saw, you made several pretty obvious mistakes

1. You built another barracks when you had no tech to get vikings
2. You build more tech labs on your barracks despite the fact that you obviously did not need marauders
3. You did not macro well
4. You did not macro well
5. You did not macro well
6. You did not macro well

Honestly, even if you still made mistake 1 and 2, but just macroed well and produced marines constantly, you would have been 100% fine.
Yes I really noticed my macro slipping there, I didn't even have my starports on a hotkey :|. Also, I built the other barracks cause I thought marines would destroy the interceptors so fast and the tech labs were because I always go marauder heavy vs protoss and I must've done it out of habit even though I knew I needed marines/vikings.
The thing is, under your current economy, you couldn't afford to have 4+ racks while teching up to vikings. So you really had to just produce rines with what you have while teching to vikings.