Starcraft 2: Multiplayer

Makes sense, thanks for the advice. I'm pretty bad at knowing how many buildings constantly producing that I can support off of X amount of bases which means I often make too many (which helps when you have bad macro so you can still keep your money low :p).
Now I'm going to use marines and only marines to win my games. Takes good micro and macro to do it, but it works earlier on in the game.

I do have to expand like hell to be at a resource advantage in the mid-game though, because shitoads of 3/3 marines, while awesome, die very easily.
Switched from Zerg to Protoss & now I'm actually enjoying playing 1v1s.
Makes sense, thanks for the advice. I'm pretty bad at knowing how many buildings constantly producing that I can support off of X amount of bases which means I often make too many (which helps when you have bad macro so you can still keep your money low :p).

Stimmed marines eat the shit out of Interceptors. I'd much rather have more marines in that case than Vikings, but at least now you know so you can stop it next time :)
Stimmed marines eat the shit out of Interceptors. I'd much rather have more marines in that case than Vikings, but at least now you know so you can stop it next time :)

That's what I thought and that's why I pumped marines but his carriers just wore them down and I lost more minerals from my marines dying than he did from losing interceptors. Maybe I just didn't produce them fast enough though and had too few. Having some of those tech labs being reactors would've probably helped a great deal.
Yea, you cant expect 50 min per pop marines to deal with such expensive units in few numbers

marines do well but you need enough in the first place lol
I've been learning Protoss, and I'm practicing against the AI (because I just get cheesed in MP).

I'm finding it fun, and realising the importance of hotkeying things.

The only thing is, I don't really know any build orders, so my gameplay is pretty haphazard. For example, I started playing and made a proxy pylon. About 10 minutes later in the game I realised you needed a cybernetics to research warpgate!

I'm kind of finding my own way with it, building 1st pylon on 9.5 supply, and then a gateway, then chrono a zealot, then cybernetics, then gas etc. I just wish there was some kind of noob mode where it takes you through a build that a good player would use.

I also suffer from not being able to pick a tactic! I end up trying to get every unit imaginable rather than just, say, blink stalkers.

It's slow to learn the hotkeys too, especially ones for units that you only get like twice a game, such as obs. Anyone can remember "WS" or "WZ", but I'm buggered if I know the hotkey to build robotics and get an obs out on hotkey :/

Still gutted there's hardly any EU players here, I would really appreciate some coaching :(

My micro isn't too good either, I really want to learn to scoot and shoot!

EDIT: Also, how do you guys navigate the battlefield? If I have my right hand on mouse, and my left on keyboard for hotkeys, I have to take my hand off the mouse to reach the arrows to move the screen around, and I'm not accurate enough with the mouse to be able to get it millimetre perfect from the minimap.

Is there some trick I'm missing?
Getting a build order down helps, but isn't necessary at lower levels. Getting a basic one down helps. Use for some help.

Doing what you should do during a game takes time. If you see the enemy zerg getting a lot of Roach/Hydra, get colossus! My suggestion is to play and watch replays of pro players. That will give you some good game sense.

Hotkeys are not so bad. Do some practice games where you CANNOT do anything but hotkeys. Doing that for a bit will get you used to em fast. If you have trouble with some, get a sticky note with the button on it next to your monitor for easy access.

Micro just takes practice. There are some custom games out there to help with micro.
Getting a build order down helps, but isn't necessary at lower levels. Getting a basic one down helps. Use for some help.

Doing what you should do during a game takes time. If you see the enemy zerg getting a lot of Roach/Hydra, get colossus! My suggestion is to play and watch replays of pro players. That will give you some good game sense.

Hotkeys are not so bad. Do some practice games where you CANNOT do anything but hotkeys. Doing that for a bit will get you used to em fast. If you have trouble with some, get a sticky note with the button on it next to your monitor for easy access.

Micro just takes practice. There are some custom games out there to help with micro.

Yeah, I've watched hundreds of hours of replays, basically HuskyStarcraft, HD Starcraft and Day[9] since last August.

I know better which units counter which (at least the obvious ones like Immortal vs Roach, or Collosus vs Roach). Just when I get into a game it doesn't go so smooth, and I'm constantly forgetting to build pylons and getting my keys jumbled.

I also never want to move out until I have a massive ball of units, I always fear the opponent has a bigger army. Also scounting! Terrible at that too...
As far as moving the camera, I try to use Backspace to go between bases and double-tapping control groups to focus on units, as well as hitting spacebar to focus on alerts/important unit spawns. Last-resort methods involve clicking the minimap or just mouse-hovering at the edges of the screen. You definitely don't need to get arrow keys involved!

The thing I haven't quite figured out yet is how to quickly add reinforcing units to an existing control group out in the field. Control-clicking obviously won't work if the new units aren't on the same screen, and if the newly spawned units are on a waypoint out in the field I probably won't be able to grab 'em all at once.

By the way, I had no idea what a different experience 4v4 could be. Pretty fun if you find yourself tiring of Metalopo-yawn.
Scouting will help you feel more comfortable moving out. If you see he doesn't have many units you can go ahead and take map control and expand.
You shouldn't ever stop making probes.

As for scrolling around the map if you need to scroll long distances you should click on that area on the minimap. If you are moving up with your troops you should just mouse scroll by moving your mouse to the edge of the screen or holding down the middle mouse button to move the camera. You should never use arrow keys because they are so far out of the way.

If your having problems with your keys you could try grid. I can't use grid personally, but I've been trained on standard hotkeys for a long time.
Just practicing tapping through your unit hotkeys is a good practice to have and it will get your hands familiar with hitting the right ones when you are it.

You don't need to worry about micro too much right now. Protoss can't really scoot and shoot all that well either.(stalker is okay at it) Setting up your army positionally will help you more.

You need to pick something and stick to it. Don't try to tech to everything as you will have less stuff to fight with. Once you are maxed on 3+ bases is the time to be powering(making gateways/robos/stargates) and getting the rest of your tech tree.
The thing I haven't quite figured out yet is how to quickly add reinforcing units to an existing control group out in the field. Control-clicking obviously won't work if the new units aren't on the same screen, and if the newly spawned units are on a waypoint out in the field I probably won't be able to grab 'em all at once.
What I do(as Zerg) is when I make a bunch of units I control click on the eggs and then shift+# to add them to the control group I want. It's useful when attacking but it's extremely useful when you are getting attacked at your base because you don't have to hunt down your units and select them or wait for them to run to the waypoint.
You can't do that as Protoss or Terran so what you need to do is change the view camera hotkeys (f5-f8) to f2-f5 and use one of those hotkeys on your rally point so you just have to hit f#, quick select all the units and then add them to the control group.

You guys seriously need to watch this Day9
@Quix: Control-group the eggs!? Thats ...

that's brilliant!
Thanks. It works really well for me. Just don't do it with your mutas while your attacking as bad things can happen on their way to the rest of the flock.
I imagined so....I'd much rather it be ensnare than a crappy version of plagUUUUUUUUUUU
I've gotten phobia against SC2. I want to start playing again... But I haven't touched it after 1.2, had so much going on at school and I had no time to play... Maybe I'll wait for ladder reset and then start working my way up from bronze or something. I'd guess styles played in platinum before 1.2 are now styles in low tier bronze :D

Edit: lol 1100 bonus pool
Why stop before the reset? I figure get all you can in right now then when reset happens, you won't start in bronze ;)
True! I tried one game against a 3300 diamond Zerg. Boiled down to the regular roach vs roach on two bases. I Did the basic mistake of mixing too many hydras to the composition. But hell, I felt like my macro hasn't slipped that much.
how the hell did my account get hacked?!
my computer's totally clean, I've never been a victim of phishing, I obviously haven't given out my password... how does this happen?!

anyone else lost their account?
all is well.
password reset.
still a hassle though
so random
Pretty hush hush so far. People are speculating it will be like the War3 ProLeague and seasons will last 2-3 months. We'll see when Blizzard finally says something though.

Have some talk about GrandMasters

Q. How do I enter the Grandmaster League?

A. To enter the Grandmaster League:

There needs to be an open slot within the ladder.
You need to be in the top 200 players according to a rolling average of your skill rating.
You must be eligible.

Q. What does eligible mean?

A. To be eligible, your unused bonus pool must be less than 180.

Q. Can I be removed from the top 200?

A. Yes. If your unused bonus pool exceeds 270, you will be removed from the Grandmaster League.

Q. Is there a way to see who is in the Grandmaster League?

A. Yes. Click on the in-game ladder icon, and then click "Grandmaster" to see the current season rankings.

Q. How active do I need to be to stay in the Grandmaster League?

A. Your unused bonus pool must remain under 270. This means you can't get three weeks behind. This is equivalent to roughly 45 games.
SEASON 2 HAS BEGUN. I got placed again, and thanks to all the hard work I put in to the ~200 bronze 1v1 matches I played in Season 1 I am now ...


Ahh, good ol' familiar Bronze. Wait, wtf, why are all of my opponents so good all of a sudden? People I play seem really grumpy too. What's up with that? People not liking seeing their points getting reset or what?

EDIT: Link still shows season 1 ladder for now but oh well
Yeah, just one. And it was weird because I beat the guy in my placement match and got placed in the bottom of bronze, meanwhile I beat this other former bronze guy and he got placed 27th in a silver league. I don't get it.
Your MMR is still the same from Season 1. So you are still playing the same people you were before.
(Had to look up what MMR was) Hmmm. Well then perhaps I've been playing against better people because I've just been winning more often? *shrug*
Sounds about right. The game sees who you keep beating, then moves you up and keeps trying to judge where you stand. You may rape the first guy, then get raped on the next, then rape the's crazy, but what can an AI do :p