Stargate Fans (gould Vs. Combine)

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Qwert93 said:
Combine, definately.

They have more advance technologies, not to mention weapons.
wewt, I'm stuck with adelphia too.
we should start a team death match server for the heck of it, All who support the combine are on the combine (Duh!) and the Goa'uld supporters are on the Rebel team,
what do you think?

give me some feeback or somthing
zip zip zap zappy

i think they would be evenly matched, unless the Combine assimalted so goa'uld tehcnology, in which case the combine would win due to there ability to know everything tghe Goa'uld know if they were to assimilate one goa'uld!

so yeah it inevitable the combine woudl do that so thusly Combine > all

Yes so wha tif my argument changed:)

ont he other hand the goauld could stick the lil snkay thing in a combine and take it over and steal all of the combines tech and become the most powerful

int he end they will ahve eac others technology and it would be brute force to wint he day:)
The gou'ld would take over all functions of headcrab and attach themselves to human hosts, that way they could handle weapons as well as develop helmets to protect the headcrab/gou'ld symbiote. An Uber evolving painless killing machine that shoot laser. Owned!
Stargate is in my view better than star trek, its new different more interesting the theory and physics is always a fun listen :) and the story line is thought and and thusly fits well and makes it all more realistic