Stargate: Source mod shut down

Pi Mu Rho

ValveTime Admin | Enemy of fun
Staff member
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
We are very displeased to announce that apparently MGM the huge company feels very threatened by a group of individuals spread throughout the world. We have received a letter to desist from the creation of the Stargate: Source mod. At this time we are still discussing the issue but it does appear that we are going to be shutting down. Sorry to all of our followers and those who were looking forward to this mod. Personally I will not buy a copy of their game out of protest. It is an unfortunate circumstance when the large, powerful and wealthy must attack the small and free but it happens and it is buisness.

Sorry to all again, and please stay tuned for any official announcment.

I hate to say "I told you so", but...

I told you so.

Still, nice to see they're not bitter about it:

MGM the huge company feels very threatened by a group of individuals spread throughout the world.
I think you're flattering yourselves too much. They don't feel "threatened" - they have to be seen to be be protecting their copyright, or risk losing it later on
Personally I will not buy a copy of their game out of protest.
I bet they're just crying into their cornflakes right now.
the large, powerful and wealthy must attack the small and free
Nice turnaround. You were using their copyright. Technically, you were attacking them.

I don't know how many times I've told modmakers, and how many more times I need to prove it:

If it's not your copyright, and you don't have permission, DON'T MAKE THE MOD. The likelihood of you getting shut down is vast. Or, to put it more simply:

If it's not yours, don't use it
Wasn't really following it, but it looked ok.

Well rebuked Pi Mu Rho :)
Who's with me on a brand new kick-ass Dragonball Z mod? It'll be so awesome.

A Stargate mod got shut down before this one, so it was inevitable.
I think the other Stargate mod just broke up into 2 teams, but I'm not sure...

I think I remember everyone saying "see ? we told you you'd get shut down" and them objecting that they hadn't and wouldn't be.
counting the days until jedi:timeline get a similar letter :)
Lawyers always manage to apply liberal beatdowns on people ignorant of IP laws.
Hurrah for lawyers!

-Angry Lawyer
I feel rather offended by that comment :(

If it weren't for lawyers, Valve wouldn't have had anyone to defend them when Vivendi started baying for their blood.

-Angry Lawyers
Angry Lawyer said:
I feel rather offended by that comment :(

If it weren't for lawyers, Valve wouldn't have had anyone to defend them when Vivendi started baying for their blood.

-Angry Lawyers
But then Vivendi wouldn't have had anyone to attack Valve with either. It would just end up being survival of the strongest involving industrial espionage and assasination. :naughty:
Which would be bad on both parties.

Trust me, lawyers have helped the world more than hurt it.

-Angry Lawyer
I hate to hear about somebody getting foxed by mgm-fox but there was sufficient warning by plenty of us. Especially when it would have been so easy to do a spinoff with thier own 'Astral Door'

Astral door is trademark by myself and may be used by no super corporations without paying me.

If it was survival of the fitest, Gave Newell would have been eaten by wolves long ago, hooray for lawyers
Dan said:
If it was survival of the fitest, Gave Newell would have been eaten by wolves long ago, hooray for lawyers
I bow down before your amazing sense of humor.

Let the Gabe jokes GO!
Damn, does this mean I won't be able to continue my Telly Tubby mod?

I understand them being bitter about it, but they knew that they would most likely be shut down from the very start... so they shouldn't whine quite as much.
Pi why did you go out of your way to attack them and be an ass about it, sure the chance always existed that they could be shut down.. but you dont have to be spiteful when all they're work just went down the shitter. They might have been stupid to work so hard on a mod that was based on something copyrighted but it doesn't mean you have to make a thread just to rub it in their faces.. which is equally immature.

Onions said:
counting the days until jedi:timeline get a similar letter :)

Lucas has actually been very kind to mod teams as of late, they just dont like use of music, distribution on mag cds or popular characters. In fact they are quite friendly with Troopers: Dawn of Destiny (UT2K4) and Galactic Conquest (BF42) it's nice to see a company get better about an issue and start to allow some flexability.
babyheadcrab said:
Pi why did you go out of your way to attack them and be an ass about it, sure the chance always existed that they could be shut down.. but you dont have to be spiteful when all they're work just went down the shitter. They might have been stupid to work so hard on a mod that was based on something copyrighted but it doesn't mean you have to make a thread just to rub it in their faces.. which is equally immature.

I haven't attacked them at all. I'm higlighting their case as a warning for all the other mod developers that work off the "if we're not making money off it, they can't shut us down" principle.
Every damn time someone announces a Stargate/DBZ/any other licensed property mod, I point out that they don't have permission and that they're likely to be shut down. And they argue. And they shout. And they're so damn far in denial that they can see Lake Victoria.

I felt it necessary to pick on a few things said by the Stargate:Source mod because they're blaming MGM for this, and trying to make it look like they're the small guy being strong-armed by the evil corporation, when they knew full well that this was likely to happen.

So, I'm not rubbing it in their faces. I didn't make this thread for the SG:S team. I couldn't care less if they read it or not. It's to act as a warning to all those other would-be modmakers that think they'll be ok if they wantonly use someone else's IP.
I, on the other hand, *AM* being an ass about it. Quite frankly, I'm sick of the "If we don't make money we'll be allowed to do it!", and the "Fair use act" excuses. People really need to face the facts.

-Angry Lawyer
They could keep going on the mod, but change everything to make fun of Stargate, and they wouldn't be able to be shut down since it would be a parody. If I was (...stupid enough to be...) in or start a mod about something copyrighted without permission (that could/would be shutdown) and was shutdown, that's what I would do...
There was never hope for a Stargate Source mod, after the shutdown (from MGM) of the old Half-Life Stargate mod!! :(
But now it's official: There will came out a "official" Stargate SG-1 Game!!