STEAM Backup - HL2 DVD Cover

Great work all of you guys. I already have a special CD label, but I am very much considering using yours hehe. The only thing I would change is on the back cover where it goes on about Pixar and stuff, that put me off.
I wouldn't mind a copy of the hi res version myself please....
Woohoo I have a HL2 DVD Box now :D:D:D:D Mission complete! Thank God for Xerox Docucenter at work :D

Thanks alot Ksimm!!! :D:D
How are you supposed to get that CD Label to stick to the CD/DVD? I don't own a cd copying factory. I think I've seen machines like that though in the big city. They look rather akward.

Does GLUE work good? :E
Alec_85 said:
How are you supposed to get that CD Label to stick to the CD/DVD? I don't own a cd copying factory. I think I've seen machines like that though in the big city. They look rather akward.

Does GLUE work good? :E
CD Labels :) You put them in your printer then stick them on (self adhesive) or you can buy those Discs with a printable surface.
ksimm said:
or you can buy those Discs with a printable surface.

Yeah, I tried that once. Screws up your printer if you shove a CD in there...

I was joking :p

Good work, really.
You should make one for all of us chumps who dont have dvd burners. Make a CD cover one, with like 4 discs or w/e it is.
thats sweet.. downloaded both DVD cover aswell as the box cover
thnx a million
looks good, but it would be better if you took off the "steam: silver edition" and changed the "18+" to "M" esrb.
ksimm said:
CD Labels :) You put them in your printer then stick them on (self adhesive) or you can buy those Discs with a printable surface.
Hmm never heard of those. Can those be found in regular PC stores or something? Sounds great though.
Great work all you artists! You've inspired me to get back to artwork again. I used to do a load of 2D and 3D graphics and this looks like a fun project :cheers:

For those of you that live in the states, OfficeMax carries empty DVD cases for cheap that you can use for this. OfficeMax also carries CD-label sheets that your printer can print on and you can apply the "sticker" to your CD/DVDs so you've got a complete package.

I'll see if I come up with any decent HL2 DVD covers and post for you all. I'll take pics too when I put a complete package together. Hell, I could even swing by a print shop close by my work and have those guys shrink wrap the case :rolling:

Oh and a quick stab here for my old graphic design website :devil:
Robskiwarrior said:
make sure you set it to DVD :p not CD...

I did but before it printed it popped up and said something about the borders and started printing. It fitted on the page but was pushed right near the edge. Im not printing again :/
SoNiCbOoM said:
whats with the gmans face?
In the intro video 'Rise and shine Mr Freeman' etc, his face goes all inverted, black and white, so I did a half and half mix ;)
Please admins, make this thread a sticky! These are awesome CD/DVD covers and labels. I'm sure when HL2 is finally unlocked on Steam, people will be scrambling to find good artwork to print.
I agree, i'm in the process of making more to add...

Dunno if they'll be any good... but ya never know :-P

If we just report this thread by enough people asking for it to be made a sticky, i'm sure we'll get it :-P

Also maybe we could update the list on the first post with all the new ones once and a while.
ksimm and coZ

can u guys possibly make an Australian version, great work with your site. your covers have become quite popular. :thumbs:

:bounce: GO STICKY!!! :bounce:
It says hi-res is 8mb, but provides no link to it
ksimm, sweet as a nut maaa saan.

I just printed these off on a Konica Minolta Magicolor 7300 on nice glossy paper and it looks as good as a proper manufactured cover.

Would you guys stop!!!!

There is too many good ones to choose from. I don't know which ones to use. :p

I must have about 4 different covers under my must use folder. Might have a reversable cover.

Our steam backups are gonna look better than the retail copies.
I don't think i saw it on this thread yet, but i found a pretty cool one (very simple/classy)... It's in Nero Cover designer format. I had to split it up into two files because the limit is only 100k (they're actually .rar files and this server won't accept .rar, so i just renamed the extention... make sure you rename the files back to .rar before decompressing).
Nice one. I'll edit that so I can make it look like my other! Ta bud.
For those having problems with the printed results being too small is due to the fact that your printer cannot print all the way to the edges. To resolve the problem use legal (8.5" x 14") paper instead of the standard letter size paper. Also make sure you specify it to print in landscape mode.

Hope this helps.

Also, regarding printing on CDs. It's generally recommended to not put sticky labels onto CDs and DVDs as they can come off while spinning in the drive. I recently got an Epson R200 printer for $100US and it prints beautifully on CDs and DVDs with a white ink-jet printable surface. I would highly recommend it. I think Newegg has it now for around $91. The DVDs I've printed are hard to tell apart from "real" DVDs. :p
