steam-haters unite

Illegal Amigo

Aug 17, 2004
Reaction score
I want HL2 to be like a normal game. No other game company includes crack-ass software that wants to dominate your resources and internet connection like Valve. Also, on default it runs when Windows starts. Steam shouldn't be necessary to prevent piracy, piracy happens anyways, and if Valve was really concerned about security, there would have never been a source theft.

My 2 cents. :afro:
you can stop it from starting up when windows start

and it hardly dominates your internet connection, unless it is updating or you are actually playing it
HL2 will be like a normal game. You will sit down, load it up, and play it until you beat it.

And, OMG, it runs when windows starts up! God forbid you change the default settings!

You can very easily stop Steam from starting when windows starts. Programs do tend to use resources to run and downloading files does tend to take up bandwidth. I fail to see the problem with that.
When steam first came out I'd be one of the first to agree with you, but now I quite like it. Sure it uses maybe 25megs of ram, but pretty much anyone playing HL2 should have 512 I would think which pretty much makes it a moot point. As for hogging internet resources I don't really know what you mean, but I'm quite happy with it as I average about 600-700KB/s from steam. I don't get that anywhere else.
Steam takes up 21 megs of RAM on my PC. Now, you could say that's a lot, or you could just keep the program closed until you play a game. It takes 8 seconds to load steam through a game shortcut.
Only takes up 4meg of mine, now unless your running 32mb of memory, its comparitively using nothing.

As for domination of your downloads? Unless you've got a tiny cap on your avaliable download, are lasy, or have slow internet, the "domination" is pretty minor, seeing as it only downloads updates that NEVER go over 30meg or other content that you CHOOSE to let it download.

If your really that worried, turn off Steam until you want to use it, disable auto-updates (right click on all the games you've installed, go into properties, click the drop down box under Automatic Updates and select 'do not automatically update this game') and get your mates to burn you the content onto CD's.

If you've not prepared to do all that, you've got 2 options, live with what Steam offers you or don't use it, subsequently taking away your ability to play the games it offers.
Thank you for using Steaming pile of shit :LOL:


  • steamupdate.gif
    11.9 KB · Views: 388
SkinnyT said:
Thank you for using Steaming pile of shit :LOL:

That pic is old, overused, and nowhere near as relevant as it used to be.

And it was never funny in the first place.
Absinthe said:
That pic is old, overused, and nowhere near as relevant as it used to be.

And it was never funny in the first place.
This was the first time that I saw it and I thought it was really funny. But seriously, steam hardly has any of the problems that it did when it first started, they have fixed it, and people need to stop bashing it, becuase they are gonna be doing it for a really long time to come.
SkinnyT said:
Thank you for using Steaming pile of shit :LOL:

Always funny about that picture, the people that post them, can never code as well as the people that work on steam, maybe they are jealous?
Illegal Amigo said:
I want HL2 to be like a normal game. No other game company includes crack-ass software that wants to dominate your resources and internet connection like Valve. Also, on default it runs when Windows starts. Steam shouldn't be necessary to prevent piracy, piracy happens anyways, and if Valve was really concerned about security, there would have never been a source theft.

My 2 cents. :afro:

Or maybe you can get over it, because that's the way it's going to be.
Steam, the end of money hogging publishers like EA .. Go STEAM!!
Steam has greatly improved yes - but I don't see why Steam could of been this stable on release. I mean, they beta tested it for months.

So what are the problems with it today?

THe monitor - the monitor is all over the place. The point of the monitor, so see what updates are needed, their speed, and whatnot. How could it be improved?

-Firstly it would be good if it were more reliable, I mean, you don't get lagged out randomly a few minutes into playing, exit to your monitor, and see it's "scanning", and then five minutes later see it change to "Counter-Strike", when you would of happily paused the CS update in favour of playing DoD, and of downloaded the CS update later.

-Changed Kb to KB.

-Added pause/resume options for each download on the monitor screen, instead of hiding away in each games properties.

-Show all the updates which need to be downloaded, and allowing users to choose how many downloads can be going at once, and letting them to choose which downloads have priority over others.

Now don't get me started on Friends.....
Scapegoat; totally agree on the monitor.

Steam still crashes and encounters bugs, or rather HL does: the infamous WSAE error that plagued the WON version as well. But my only real gripe is the damn thing's inability to STOP UPDATING.

Every time I load it up I have to check that every active game isn't set to "Always keep this game up to date", which it invariably resets to on each session. Even if there's no content available for it to grab it'll lag my games to hell, presumably because it's continually checking for non-existent data. Not so long ago there was a horrific bug whereby it downloaded regardless of your settings... that seems to have been banished for now but... still... *shudders and starts to sob*
If you don't like steam, don't use it. I see nothing wrong with it anymore, people should come out of the drak ages and realize that steam actually works now, and is better than WON. I'd rather have my game automatically and quickly patched every couple of days rather than waiting months for a patch to come out and then trying to find a working mirror. Less cheats and less pirate kiddies means more fun.
Yeah, I kind of have difficulty seeing the point of view of the handful of people that consider anti-piracy measures bad. I don't get that... Steam loads pretty damn fast for me, except directly after a crash or update.

And once the fateful day arrives when wrestling with options is no longer necessary for my continued enjoyment, it'll damn well be near-perfect.
Steam am good.
But it is a new technology, and like any other new technology it must go through its' paces. It's going through them now, and handling them just fine.
You cannot stop the change!!
Soon you will be running Gabe OS SP3a to play Half-Life 3 and Counter-Strike Source2 which will require uniqe hardware keys inbeded in your heads! keys will include small ammounts of C4 explosives set to go off if GOS detects external progarms attempting to modify the stream of data or any client data!

*passes out foil hats*
phatcat said:
You cannot stop the change!!
Soon you will be running Gabe OS SP3a to play Half-Life 3 and Counter-Strike Source2 which will require uniqe hardware keys inbeded in your heads! keys will include small ammounts of C4 explosives set to go off if GOS detects external progarms attempting to modify the stream of data or any client data!

*passes out foil hats*

someone has been watching too much sci-fi movies :E
anyway pple have some good points here... sure Steam is not perfect, nothing is really.. but yeah i think improvements could be made and probably will be made.. seeing as this sorta system is the future for gaming :)
Steam is pretty damn cool, I love it.

Never will I have to search for HL2/CS/DOD/etc. patches, steam downloads them automatically!
OMG LIKE STEME IS SUKINGE ALL MI BANDWIT!!?!?! W-TEE-F!!?! CS SOURCE DLING AT 1.2MBPS? LAAAAAME!....Sorry for caps, just had to give you that "what a moron" opinion. ....and CS Source did preload at 1.2mbps oddly enough for me
You guys don't get it. Just because it's a crappy program doesn't mean you have to like it. We're the consumers, we're in command. Hypothetically, if nobody bought HL2 until Steam was gone, Steam would be out in a heartbeat.
Illegal Amigo said:
You guys don't get it. Just because it's a crappy program doesn't mean you have to like it. We're the consumers, we're in command. Hypothetically, if nobody bought HL2 until Steam was gone, Steam would be out in a heartbeat.
You don't get it. People here like steam, they don't think its crappy like you do.
Illegal Amigo said:
You guys don't get it. Just because it's a crappy program doesn't mean you have to like it. We're the consumers, we're in command. Hypothetically, if nobody bought HL2 until Steam was gone, Steam would be out in a heartbeat.

wth? That's the worst argument I've seen in quite a while. YOU don't get it, nobody is making you buy anything via steam. Steam is awesome for people that live in remote locations, they can get a VALVe games or mods the day it comes out, instead of having to go to a far away store or wait weeks for it to be delivered. What exactly is so bad about Steam anyway? Uses up minimal ram, good speeds, has hardly any bugs anymore, doesn't have to start when windows starts, all your games/mods are in one place, WHAT IS SO BAD?
I'm not Steams biggest fan. It's concept is excellent, but it doesn't work well. I think it would be really good if we could choose to download the patches normally. Sure, the Steam servers are really fast for you guys in the USA, but here in New Zealand they are ridicuously slow.
I'd be lying if I said I thought Steam is perfect. It isn't. But seeing as how it is new technology, I'm not gonna hold a grudge against it. Beta testing for something like Steam can only work so far. A public release was inevitable if they were to truly optimize Steam and iron out a lot of crap. And Hell, at least you still had the option of WON for quite a long time, allowing them to fix many of the program's major problems before they pulled the plug on the old servers.

As it stands, Steams loads fine for me. I like how the Valve products and third party mods are easier to access. I like the automatic updating. I like the GUI and the better handling of options and the console whilst in-game. And I hardly ever find any bugs or glitches when I use it. That's damn good enough for me. I don't find it to be a crappy program at all.

But go ahead, boycott the damn thing. You aren't in any position of power just because you're the consumer. If you pay the money, you get the game. Or you don't pay the money and get no game at all. It's a fair business transaction, so don't kid yourself. Especially when you expect legions of HL2 fans to ditch Steam, consequently giving them zero ability to play their new game.

People will move on. They'll get used to the new and better platform. You can sit there and pound your chest if you want. I'd rather roll with the times.
Illegal Amigo said:
You guys don't get it. Just because it's a crappy program doesn't mean you have to like it. We're the consumers, we're in command. Hypothetically, if nobody bought HL2 until Steam was gone, Steam would be out in a heartbeat.

hey gringo (your name irks me), some people here like steam ..if you dont like it you dont have to buy the game. Simple as that
i don't see why people hate steam it work all along with me and the problems i have had were fix by either reinsalling/restarting so how can any can hate it :\

and besides what are you haters going to do?
it not like valve will bow down forget about hl2 (and other projects they have) and redo steam from the ground up
The only problems I've ever had with Steam was "svc_bad" errors (which I still get from time to time) and other small things. I have never had anything really major happen to Steam.

Steam itself has the right idea, but it's poorly executed. Early releases of the "final version" are a good example.

I know it's still new software, but Valve needs to try fix some of the common bugs.
slicktick said:
This was the first time that I saw it and I thought it was really funny. But seriously, steam hardly has any of the problems that it did when it first started, they have fixed it, and people need to stop bashing it, becuase they are gonna be doing it for a really long time to come.
i agree, when it first came out it had a bunch of bugs. it aint bad now...../me waits for friends list to start up
........../me waits
........../me reads "connection lost"
........./me punches monitor
........../mom calls 911

svc_bad errors aren't strictly Steam errors at all though, that's a HL Engine error.
Illegal Amigo said:
I want HL2 to be like a normal game. No other game company includes crack-ass software that wants to dominate your resources and internet connection like Valve. Also, on default it runs when Windows starts. Steam shouldn't be necessary to prevent piracy, piracy happens anyways, and if Valve was really concerned about security, there would have never been a source theft.

My 2 cents. :afro:

Get a better bucket next time you want to carry an argument, because that one is clearly full of holes.
In reply to the topic start, I would say:

OMG, Internet Explorer haters unite: IE loads on Windows startup, uses your internet connection(!) and takes up about 50Mb of RAM! It can even clog your whole download link, can download spyware without intervention, loads cookies and more of that stuff, displays popups and contains advertising.

Yet all you Windows hippies continue using it.

Face it, Steam is a great new medium and it's really exciting to see where it's going. I never had any problems with it yet.
Go back to Mexico, Amigo :p (Kidding, obviously, just wanted an excuse to attach the post the pic below :D)
Mediocrity said:
Go back to Mexico, Amigo :p (Kidding, obviously, just wanted an excuse to attach the post the pic below :D)

I'd be willing to bet he's not mexican ..actually he probably has more in common with you ..oh and must I remind you not to use rascist stereotypes? it's in the rules