Steam Holiday Sales Continue

Oh damn. I've never played The Secret of Monkey Island before... should I buy it?

EDIT: My other options for a cheap game are Evil Genius (which I tried and did enjoy), and Quantz.
Oh damn. I've never played The Secret of Monkey Island before... should I buy it?
A lot is said about how brilliant Monkey Island is, and only some of it is true. You've got to know that even in Special Edition form, you're getting a game that is nearly 20 years old, that many will call the best thing ever through some degree of rose-tinted, childhood rediscovering glee. But I think anyone should be able to enjoy it, and for less than the price of a pint of shitty alcoholic piss-water, I really think everyone who hasn't should buy it and see how it goes.

The same really goes for Mirror's Edge. It's a 'not quite-excellent, perhaps not even great' title that deserves to be played for the sheer audacity of what it's trying and only narrowly failing to do.
How's the Riddick Game? I heard the first (which is included) is very good, but not the second.
Thanks for the input kupocake. It would be a no-brainer to me if not for the fact that Evil Genius is the same price, so I'm trying to decide between the two.

I gotta say I'm woefully uneducated in the legacy of the Lucasarts games of old...
How's the Riddick Game? I heard the first (which is included) is very good, but not the second.
I'd probably describe the original game in similar terms to Mirror's Edge actually. It brings a similar emphasis on creating a new first-person experience and the results are a mix of fantastic and disappointing, but the story is probably a little better (and I haven't even seen the associated movies. Or is that an advantage?)

I haven't played the remake, but I haven't heard about it messing anything up. At that price, I'd say the quality of the original game makes the quality of the bonus mini-sequel inconsequential. But having played the mid-decade original, I'm not tempted to buy it.
In my opinion, age is not an issue for adventure games.
Gameplay-wise, I agree. But when I replayed the Special Edition, I had to concede that the humour wasn't as hilarious or as sophisticated as I remembered it being.

edit: Oh, that's in the case of user age. The age of titles in the point-and-click genre? Well, they're all old aren't they? :P Whilst I agree that the genre didn't have to evolve with the technology, it still bares mentioning that point-and-click games are from an archaic genre that struggles in the modern market, and have been all but replaced by 'action' adventures.
sweet deals today actually! just got secret of monkey island and i will probably buy my friend Riddick or Mirror's Edge
I didn't enjoy Mirror's Edge much, but for that price I think it's definitely worth a purchase if it's something which interests you.
The same really goes for Mirror's Edge. It's a 'not quite-excellent, perhaps not even great' title that deserves to be played for the sheer audacity of what it's trying and only narrowly failing to do.

Mirrors Edge is defintely worth getting just for how it plays, though the story is utter rubbish and there are some major difficulty spikes at times. My advice is don't think you can play it without breaking a few eggs (killing people). I tried that, but ultimately it just became a lot easier to shoot people than try and hand to hand them at times.

How's the Riddick Game? I heard the first (which is included) is very good, but not the second.

Get it, it's worth it at that price point alone just for the remake version of the original, and albeit the sequel isn't quite upto par, it's still good. One thing to be aware of, is the old game has been revamped graphically (to the level of the sequel) but you need to adjust it under the settings to reflect this, it doesn't choose the best graphics automatically.
The single deals aren't that impressive. The THQ pack was the only thing worth getting.
It should keep me busy for quite some while along with L4D2 and the R.U.S.E beta.
Yay! Bought the THQ pack that I couldn't afford. Midway through downloading Red Faction.
Yeah, I decided I shall get the Riddick games, fair price.

In all honesty though, this day's sale is a bit of a let down for the final day.
Just played some Dead Space, from the holiday sales. What a disappointment: worst.... controls.... ever. Moving Issac is like driving some kind of clumsy tank. When I stopped playing, I kept dragging the mouse on the screen for a while. Awful, but it was cheap and I was tempted.
Just played some Dead Space, from the holiday sales. What a disappointment: worst.... controls.... ever. Moving Issac is like driving some kind of clumsy tank. When I stopped playing, I kept dragging the mouse on the screen for a while. Awful, but it was cheap and I was tempted.

It's meant to be that way. It's like a mini deep diving suit. You're supposed to feel the weight of it. There's nothing wrong with the controls.