Steam... Im steaming



Steam - I wouldn't give them the steam off my shit!!!

Whoever thought up the idea should have the follow senquence of events applied to them by a nasty bastard willing to inflict endless pain or failing that me...

firstly... They should be squired in the eyes with freshly squeezed lemon juice. That should disorientate them enought for the following events to be bestowed apon them.
They should then be stood in a blast furnace and cooked on a medium heat just long enough to crisp up but NOT die or infact faint. We dont want the fun spoiling. They should then be skined on the arms and legs and throw into a vat of boiling vinegar for a few minutes soak (stain removal is specialty of mine). When they've had sufficient time to pickle they should be drip dryed and then lobbed into a vat of coarse salt. This just about justifies the steam registration and now we must move onto the annoying crashes and updates inflicted by this hidious person on us.

For the annoying crashes and repeated lagging they should have their knee caps smashed round the wrong way and be forced to run the 100 metre hurdles with rabid dogs hot on their heels. If they survive this they should be made to play headers with molatov cocktails and have a sporting game of testicle conquers with a wild icelantic polar bear. As with any good torture routine their has to be some form of sexual torture which would be taken care of by dressing them in a school girl outfit and leaving them in a prison block for a few days. If they were then, still not finished off they should have their wrists slit have a dead rat stuck up their arse followed by a family of maggots.

I think the above will adaquately express my dislike for steam, as for Half Life 2 I would have to say...

6 years to spend on it in development and frankly they buggered it up. Dont get me wrong its a good game, no its a great game but thats the problem. Its not a fantastic game. Frankly Couter Strike Source is more like a demo than a game and the only salvation in that department is the wise decision by Valve to release the SDK and therefore allowing the modding community a pop at breathing life into a nice but rather limited multiplayer.

As for the single player... Wheres all the good bits we saw in the videos of giant blue tentacles and striders smashing through bridges. I was playing through the game and hoping to get to them and next thing i'd completed it. Common whats that all about...

My best suggestion. Release a cheap addon, bot patch for counter strike and do a better job of Half Life 3... and for gods sake dump steam...

If you need any advice then see the guys at Crytek... Farcry best fps of its generation by far, and from scratch.

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well i think i took care of the first bit. Hope someone can help with the second. ;)
Farcry from scratch. Source was also made from scratch.

Things being cut; Its called development and as the Final hours of HL2 @ Gamespot explains; the binks released were from the concept ideas to get approval for the game.

Last but not least, remove the bold, I cant read the paragraphs properly.
If you need any advice then see the guys at Crytek... Farcry best fps of its generation by far, and from scratch.

Are you trying to be a comedian or a critic? I'm confuzzled.
cryteks first attempt at a fps is what i meant... and anyone who ownes HL2 will also probably dislike steam... and the fact that the game has so much copy protection is almost unplayable on a genuine copy...
Thats funny, because I brought it through steam as soon as it was unlocked and then played it all day and then the next. From there Ive been playing it daily - go figure.
azzOr - dont take everything so literal... like get out more... seriously i am in no way saying Half Life 2 is a bad game.. im merely saying its been badly planned, thoughout badly and the fact that you HAVE to be on the net to play it on single player (activation i mean before anyone corrects me), its obviously been distrubited badly too.
I bought my copy through steam and didn't have any problems until I tried installing it on second PC. I'v been having so many problems with steam that I downloaded a warez copy just to play on my second PC and to play on my first PC is something happens to my internet.
I smell
1) someone got banned in some state of Steam's history
2) total ignorance of real life facts (warez prevention being one of them, profit the another and so on...)
3) "going with the masses"-attitude (friend says Steam sucks, those same friends give me free beer every friday, they must be right, Steam sucks!)
4) This is just a troll.
5) 1, 2, 3 and 4 combined.

I don't really care, I just copy/pasted that from a certain txt file I have ready just for cases like this :)
delorean_dude said:
azzOr - dont take everything so literal... like get out more... seriously i am in no way saying Half Life 2 is a bad game.. im merely saying its been badly planned, thoughout badly and the fact that you HAVE to be on the net to play it on single player (activation i mean before anyone corrects me), its obviously been distrubited badly too.
Nice opinion you have there. Personally I feel its a very good method of doing things. Sure stuff needs to be improved but then again this is the first system of its kind so its only natural that they won't get everything right the first time.

So far I have had zero problems with Steam, everything has worked perfectly for me and it has also made alot of things much more convenient for me. I absolutely love the system.

Now don't go spouting off that I am a Valve "fanboy" because the fact is I am not lying here, I truly have not had any problems with Steam and I truly do love how it works and how convenient it makes alot of things for me.
The game itself is probably the best I've ever played (better than HL1). It's just the steam that's driving me nuts, like having to verify my HL2 and CS:S every patch.
hey mullinator all i can say is fair enough... if you love the system fine but its like alot of things, you love em till they screw you then its all down hill and you become a hater... they could of at least had a service to ring up and activate like win xp... i mean needing an internet connection to play games is a bit steep....
delorean_dude said:
azzOr - dont take everything so literal... like get out more... seriously i am in no way saying Half Life 2 is a bad game.. im merely saying its been badly planned, thoughout badly and the fact that you HAVE to be on the net to play it on single player (activation i mean before anyone corrects me), its obviously been distrubited badly too.

Do we need more proof this dudes a troll?

I bring up some points and then suddenly Im taking things too literal?

I think its you who needs the life.
For your information, there are NO polar bears in Iceland. Sorry. Try again.
I'm sorry Delorean, but I gotta disagree with you about steam. I think it is a novel way to help REDUCE the number of pirated copies (note that I said REDUCE, and not eliminate, since Hackers can and will hack almost anything). I think it is a good way to help protect IP, and as far as requiring an internet connection, I think that those without them are missing out on a lot more than just 1 game, and should resign themselves to doing so until they are ready to join the rest of us.

Does steam cause some problems? Sure. Does it cause MORE problems than other copy protection systems? I don't think so, and it does not prevent backup of the game as most other copy protection schemes do (hell, it even allows you to re-download the game if you damage your original files -- something those of us who have had to re-purchase a game because of a thracked CD will love). Do the benefits of steam outweigh the disadvantages? YES! In addition to allowing you to re-download all of your game content fresh to any system you choose, you also get updates automatically as they come out, and the "free content" that VALVe have said will be coming out soon (although the value of said content will have to be determined when we actually have it).

So yes, I support steam, and VALVe using it. They have taken a huge risk and responsibility on themselves by putting out such a revolutionary delivery system with a game which is sure to be one of the most popular. And before you label me a steam/VALVe fanboy, please be aware that I took release Teusday off from work, stayed up all night to be at the midnight unlock, only to discover that my preload was no good (after 4+ hours troubleshooting it), and could not play until I had cleared out ALL steam+HalfLife2 files and redownloaded them -- a 17+ hour process. I simply believe that the end result is worth the small inconveniences we go through for this. And before anyone gets pissed at VALVe over steam, look to the pirate community that makes this kind of protection necessary (and be aware that when you download a pirate copy, you are CONTRIBUTING to the need for this type of system). Steam is simply the newest weapon in the piracy arms race, and you people who contribute to piracy by stealing copies of the game are the ones who are primarily responsible for the need for these copy protection schemes.
As people have said before me, there are no such thing as "a wild icelantic polar bear".
I havent had one problem with Steam. Infact, I'm all about it unifying everything like it dose.

I have the patients to wait for Steam to load up, in exchange for it automatically delivering me my updates and content. I can wait an extra 30 seconds for my game to boot up, no skin off my back.
delorean_dude said:
cryteks first attempt at a fps is what i meant... and anyone who ownes HL2 will also probably dislike steam... and the fact that the game has so much copy protection is almost unplayable on a genuine copy...

If I'm not mistaken, wasn't Half-Life Valves first attempt at a game? I mean, from everyone elses point of view, I thought HL > FarCry... \=

And Steam is wonderful for me....I got skrewed by it once or twice, doesn't mean it's bad. There are always going to be problems, but they way you cope with them, is the truth at how mature you are about things. I'd hate to see someone cut you off on the streets... :(
personaly i think steam suck.
Ive never had a problem with it but, i personaly dont like the system at all.
i feel like its been forced onto me and i also dont like the fact that once i installed it it deleted my origional copies of HL and CS forcing me to patch up when i didnt want to.
Also now i have to wory about someone stealing my account and in essence all of my games!

steam is fine for those who like it but i feel its been forced on us all regaurdless.

I knew once they killed WON everything was goin down hill.
It aint cool being a jive [troll] turkey, so close to Thanksgiving.
