#Steam INFO!!!


May 25, 2003
Reaction score
There is this guy on the official steam channel and he is the moderator and also works for valve. He's saying some intresting stuff.

"<Efficient> Expect TF2 Media soon people."

"<NeoG|Sleep> Efficient: can you tell us what bugs were you guys running into? Such as bugs with the video or steam itself?

<Efficient> Just last-minute bugs, which would have caused chaos if we released HL2 Media"

"<Efficient> Hopefully bandwith does not overload once HL2 Media is released, that is also why we've been delaying it, we are preparing due to the High Demand."

"<pim> vids tomorrow efficient?

<Efficient> Yes, we're hoping tommorow, or today for people in Central and Eastern part."

'<Efficient> There is no doubt HL2 media will be released this week, the question is, when this week."
Hmmm. I think I'm going to hit the search function to find out just how many times #steam has been wrong in this week alone.
i have steam on but im not sure how it works...dose the videos d/l automaticly, and do they open automaticly after they are done d/l?
When the videos are out you will see a new game section called Media. Then you just double click on it.
tf2 media?

argh i hate how they call everything media, they should just say if its a movie or sdk or whatever.

I've been saying in irc rooms that steam dosen't have enough bandwidth.

550,000,000 bits / 43,000 users = 12,790bit (about 1.6KB/sec per user!!!)
Originally posted by Crptic
tf2 media?

argh i hate how they call everything media, they should just say if its a movie or sdk or whatever.

I've been saying in irc rooms that steam dosen't have enough bandwidth.

550,000,000 bits / 43,000 users = 12,790bit (about 1.6KB/sec per user!!!)

assuming everyone is connected...
holy shit, #steam needs new management, they've propogated so much bullshit in the last few days its crazy how incompetent their op's are, why is no one else at valve talking about TF2 but this guy says there will be TF2 media soon? jesus christ.

take ANYTHING from #steam or #steam-hangout with a large serving of salt. don't work yourselves into a frenzy over this shit, we've all seen where that ends.
well yeah, i counted 43,000 users connected yesterday. When the media is released that number could be much more.
when did you get this just now or before the steam server's crashed?
He has had a very bad track record so far with delivering accurate info...
And whoever is Gullible enough to believ some server admin works with Valve are idots. Prob all the info about the new videos and all are just made up by some nerd.
Reminds me of George Brussard of 3Drealms...
"Duke Nukem Forever is going to rock 1999!"
"If Duke Nukem Forever isn't out by 2001, something is terribly wrong".

What did we learn from this? That's right kids, it's better to be tight lipped and work on the game than to publish stuff like "the media will definitely be out tomorrow!!@!@!111111one!!!" just to satisfy rabid fanboys ;)
For one, they arent saying anything on release dates anymore. They only said that stuff to tide over bitching, moaning forum goers. Anyway, a guy said that they were going to release the tech demo of hl2 instead of the videos. I was like, uhhh, no?
haha, the last percentage complete on DNF said, 'more than next year, less than last year'.
Originally posted by Crptic
tf2 media?

argh i hate how they call everything media, they should just say if its a movie or sdk or whatever.

I've been saying in irc rooms that steam dosen't have enough bandwidth.

550,000,000 bits / 43,000 users = 12,790bit (about 1.6KB/sec per user!!!)

Lets hope Valve learned something from the 1.6 beta release fiasco. Not that I'm putting them down, but it seemed like they greatly underestimated the required bandwidth for that situation.

Everyone should just expect the media next week. If it comes out tomorrow, then great, but if it comes out next week, then that's what you expected.
i dont think efficient works for valve or anything... when erik johnson was in the #steam room i remember efficient asking questions. why would he be asking ?'s if he works for em?
Why's everyone bitching about Steam bandwidth? As soon as it's out it'll be snatched up by every download site on the net and put up on http/ftp.
i hope so

i'll wonder if fileplanet or bittorrent would get it first?
All I do know is that efficient is a moderator on steam forums, so he all of the sudden has the supreme rigt to make up stories about releases
Can someone explain what a fanboy is? and why arnt there any fangirls?
because most fanboys act like girls anyway. therefore it's implied.
Originally posted by Xtasy0
holy shit, #steam needs new management, they've propogated so much bullshit in the last few days its crazy how incompetent their op's are, why is no one else at valve talking about TF2 but this guy says there will be TF2 media soon? jesus christ.

take ANYTHING from #steam or #steam-hangout with a large serving of salt. don't work yourselves into a frenzy over this shit, we've all seen where that ends.

I concur, first they break the rules themselves, then when others break them with them, the channel gets muted or the person gets banned.

Yesterday "Japje" got into a discussion about Bittorrent and said it sucks. because of game updates.

I as well did not understand him, but i did say that bittorrent was just a system to download a file, so what he actually was saying that everything that can download an update would suck according to you.

Then he muted the channel and said this was support channel only.

I even told him the same thing he told everyone else ->> #steam is for support only use #steam-hangout for chat <<-
each time he himself didnt obey the rules he himself had made.
I got banned from #steam for just idling in it waiting for news. :|
this channel is retarded... go on the official half-life2.net chan..

on quakenet,

i dont know what the hell you're all talking about. the only info that #steam gives out is what THEY get from Valve, so why are you guys shooting the messenger here? As for frog, they dont simply ban people for idling and waiting for news, because im doing so right now as i have for the last 2 weeks, so you were obviously doing something to get yourself banned
Where is a good place to chat/ get news on irc? (sorry for the stupid question) but any addresses please?
Efficent does NOT work for Valve or have anything to do with Steam except that hes a moderator on the Steam forums and IRC Channel. He's said many things that were just guesses and turned out to be wrong. Take any info you get from him with as much believability as info from anyone on this forum. And yes, when ErikJ was in there, Efficent was asking questions. He knows no more then what anyone would know by reading the Steam forums and channel.
The steam channels mean nothing. They are not run by anyone in valve, nor do they know anymore than anyone else. In fact, they take the sentence "Valve is in the US Pacific Timezone (GMT -8)" and translate it to "New Media Being Released 8pm PST"... Complete idoits.

Anyone can say "Yea, I work for Valve, we are having some problems we're trying to work out before releasing the media" lol no shit. As if Valve has all the media ready to go, they just forgot about it or something.
IRC is a chat protocol. www.mirc.com is the most popular windows client to logon to IRC networks. I'm sure you can find tutorials on how to use it.