steam is out!

Feath: If they're the old beta, how come it converted all my old content over.

How come I can access DoD and Natural Selection.
WELL DONE FAGS now u beleive us??

haha i was the first in the world with steam 1. 0 :P
Holy CRAP! Sure am glad I didn'y flame you when I had the chance, lol.
you people are so ****ing paranoid...thinking people are always out there to fool you...test the link before you start flaming you god damn trolls.
heh good choice fuhrer :) i woulda been like sucked in..

SUCKED IN to the non beleivers...

the vid download is going very slow though =\
'thats what i mean man, i came here to tell everyone the good news, than bam...all these immature kids start talking sh!t.
I think a lot of people owe these guys an apology....
wow i'm glad we all anticipated this so much... lmao. nothing new
Ok, anyone have any guesses on how we find out what our SteamID is? ;)
Well, could be a possiblity they'll release it @ midnite (3 AM EST), but thats doubtful.
Originally posted by dscowboy
Ok, anyone have any guesses on how we find out what our SteamID is? ;)

heh thats what i was wondering. but whatever it is we probably got some low #
DO you realize how good it is for us:

The official site (steampowered) hasnt released it yet.. which means all the billion kiddies who are typing f5 in that site arent d/l it or opening accounts .. lol
I think a lot of people owe these guys an apology....

dont worry about it SLH, half the ppl heare are too immature to admit when they're wrong.
Funny thing is, it said it detected Half-Life platinum pack, But I just bought regular Half-Life.