Steam News?

It's normally either Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.
Seriously....right....Caffeine? Probably not a good idea for you!
Something telse me that it's something great or they wouldn't wait so long :p

Maybe some screens of The lost coast?
Speaking of which... Whatever happend to that coast level (ATI level I think)? It's a mystery. Oh well, although valve should redo those ATI levels as like a bonus in the expansion pack :E
But they probably won't. Oh and if your not familier with the ATI levels, those are the levels that they used in the preview movies in '03. Like traptown, docks, sewers, yadda yadda. I think... :|
I know. I want my weekly report too, but rarely it's something exciting. Maybe I'm just too critical...

Eh, it happens.
nah not your fault, the news happened so recently at this hour most of the mods are tucked up in their beds dreaming about giving out warnings, so even this isnt posted on the front page yet. Geez slacking around here eh?
Yeah, I should have a program that restarts Steam every fifteen seconds. Meh, I'm not hurting. At least I've only been accused of not using the Search button once, which must be some kind of record.

Ah, I still love you people. We're all friends here.