Steam on Mac Coming May 12th


May 6, 2005
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Valve have confirmed that the public release of Steam on Mac will be May 12th. That is all we know, press release follows for those interested.[br]Steam for the Mac: May 12[br]Valve today announced the public release of Steam for the Mac is May 12. Please stay tuned for more information.
This is just Valve games right?
Nice! As long as TFtoo runs well on my Macbook, I'll be a happy camper.
This is just Valve games right?
We don't know. Valve is very tight-lipped about business so there's been no news so far of anyone signing up for it.
Will so be trying this out to see how the games run on the iMac. Hopefully it does pretty well. :)
Just in time for summer break.... maybe I won't have time for a job. ;)
Can't wait. Will do some benchies to see how it performs compared to windows.
I am a little worried about heat on my Macbook Pro. It can get pretty toasty around the WASD area... even when only playing some online flash games.

I'll probably rig something to lift it off the table to get some more air under it.

Any suggestions?
I suggest bending clothes hangers into a metal-frame chair for it (or use one of the ones that come with disposable barbecues).
May 12, 2011 seems like an ambitious schedule for Valve, I hope they make it. :p
does anyone have any concrete information on what is being released via steam straightaway? i was reading a preview/review thing the other night saying the beta right now had tf2 and portal playable, but with other half-life titles available soon. are they not being released right now as they are still being worked on?