Steam or Retail??????

Steam or Retail?

  • [1] - Im so stoked about the preload ,im going to buy it through Steam.

    Votes: 48 29.6%
  • [2] - Doesn't change a thing im still buying it at a store.

    Votes: 95 58.6%
  • [3] - Im so excited ill crawl in a featle possition and cry.

    Votes: 7 4.3%
  • [4] - im undesided at this time, give me 10 mins to think about it.

    Votes: 12 7.4%

  • Total voters


Aug 25, 2003
Reaction score
Now that the Preload is upon us.

[1] - Im so stoked about the preload ,im going to buy it through Steam.

[2] - Doesn't change a thing im still buying it at a store.

[3] - Im so excited ill crawl in a featle possition and cry.

[4] - im undesided at this time, give me 10 mins to think about it.

sorry I am a forum noob didnt know how to poll it. ;(

Valve gets more money, I don't have to wait for the game to be shipped to the UK. Win-Win.
Retail for me. I have to be able to hold the CD and drool over it for an hour....
Anthraxxx said:
Retail for me. I have to be able to hold the CD and drool over it for an hour....

Agreed....what's the fun in a game when you can't drool on the CD, then take it to your friends house to clean it up and gloat?
Who ever fixed it thank YOU!!!!!!!!!!
ima buy it on steam im stoked.
To me, the CD is just something that stands in the way of me getting into the game. It takes time to get the game off that CD. To me, it's the game that matters, not the manual or box.

Anyways, if you want to take a Steam purchase to your friend's house, you can just go round and logon with your Steam account, maybe taking a CD/DVD burned with the GCFs to speed up the download.
I was planning on buying the game at my local Gamestop, but I'm not sure at this point, I will be very tempted to just punch in my credit card number at 12:01 and buy it, instead of trying to sleep (yeah right :P) and having to drive to Gamestop in the morning.

EDIT: 600 posts! I am now a Prowler :cheers:
heh. I already pre-paid for the whole thing at EB Games. It was one of those rare times when I had money to spend. ;)
[2] - Doesn't change a thing im still buying it at a store.

Going to buy the Collectors Edition.

Also have the ATI voucher. So 2 hl2s for me.
Hey, you forgot one.
5 - I have an ATI card. So, I have to download it or wait 5 months for the CD delevery
Im getting it retail, im not on steam anyway

I just hope it dosent take months for Half-Life 2 to be realeased in Australia after the American realease ;(
Raziel-Jcd said:
[2] - Doesn't change a thing im still buying it at a store.

Going to buy the Collectors Edition.

Also have the ATI voucher. So 2 hl2s for me.

Quoted for emphasis and agreement.

Oh yeah...mine isn't downloading ;(
for me its just reliability. I'd rather have the hard total copy and not just some burned executable comps can hose up in god knows how many ways
ill probably do both... steam so i can have it before the retail peeps
but eventually ill buy the collector's edition or something, just to have the cd's and box :P
Danimal said:
Im getting it retail, im not on steam anyway

I just hope it dosent take months for Half-Life 2 to be realeased in Australia after the American realease ;(
its being released simultaneously worldwide
Retail is what Im doing. Get all da nice packaging and crap. Plus I dont have da net (at home) so Steam is outta the question
featle possition . . . undesided . . . Im . . .

Ah, American education . . .
I was debating this...Steam...I get it faster and I don't have to bother installing...and Valve gets around 2.5x as much $$$.

Store...I can just bring it over to friends' houses easily or install in case I don't have fast internet,

EDIT: I can't understand why you'd buy 2 copies of the same game...that's just weird...and a waste of money.
Buying it retail. 50hrs/month of 56K + large download != HL2 fun.
I want to subscribe to steam for $5 a month (or whatever it was going to be). Knowing what good people valve are they probably wont offer that option until lots have people have already bought half life 2 in full :(
I pre-ordered mine and pre-loaded HL2 allready. So when the game comes out im rushing to the store bringing it home and just intering CD-KEY and PRESTO ! game play :P
I'm getting it through Steam... preload didn't change me mind or anything, though...
lmfao, my typo's are sad, sorry. I do like the idea of giving valve all the money for there 4 or 5 years of hard work. Ill prolly buy a hard copy for my lill wife, so ill do both.
I'm buying it retail from EBgames because

1. I like having the CD's to install from
2. I like having the box for my collection (yes I have every game box of every game I've ever bought)
3. I like having the manual to read on the shitter
4. I get a free T-shirt with it :laugh:
Steam. That way I don't have to argue with my parents about taking me to a retailer to buy it :P
Hmm... option number 4 seems unecessary.
"im undesided at this time, give me 10 mins to think about it."
Ignore the spelling and grammar errors.
Anyways...If I did indeed need 10 minutes to think about it and I voted to for number 4 to get 10 minutes to think about it...then when I come back to vote for something else...guess what? I can't vote!
But anyways, I voted for number 2.
Unless the Steam version is selling for $30, I'm getting the retail version. Don't want to depend on Steam unless I have no choice.
id love to have a box with dvd/cds but if i can play the game before then by buying it off steam, i must go with that choice :)
I have an ATI voucher. If I choose to recieve the cd's/dvd, would I still be able to download and play through steam untill my cd's are delivered? Or do I have to wait 4-6 weeks to unlock the pre-loaded hl2 with the cd key on the box?
I'm not sure. I'm tempted to buy via steam becuase VALVe get more profit that way and also becuase (hopefully) it means I'll get the game unlocked when the US gets it, rather than having to wait the extra fortnight or so for it to come out in the shops here.
"Half-Life 2
Pre-loading Complete.

A locked copy of Half-Life 2 is on your computer."
I wish everyone would buy it off steam IMO, this way valve gets more of the money directly.
the oldschoolish way. retail. dude, i need that case + dvd. aw, yes!
Hmm I don't think I can buy it from steam cause I don't have a creditcard! Is there any other way of paying for it. :flame: :smoking: :afro: :sniper: