Steam package pricing?



Has Valve published any pricing info on the Steam packages yet?
Since these packages are supposed to go on sale next week, I'd guess pricing info will be coming soon.
np m8, lots of trolls around here, they seem to be migrating outta their caves so look out ;)
Anyone want to take a guess?

I say $29.95 for bronze, $39.95 for silver, and $59.95 for gold..


What do you guys think?
CreedoG said:
Anyone want to take a guess?

I say $29.95 for bronze, $39.95 for silver, and $59.95 for gold..

you wish.

the gold is confirmed as including international shipping. i guess $US90.;)

EDIT: added link
EDIT2: actually he could just mean they will ship, but u will pay.
mebbe $US80 + extra for OS ppl
i was just guessing, no wishing going on. (I'm still gonna buy it retail). But you're probably right, that's a lot of stuff in the gold copy. But I bet they can't possibly charge more than the retail special edition version, so maybe up that to $79.95. If gamers see steam gold vs retail special edition, same price, but see all the stuff they get with steam gold, then gamers may just head that way.
£28.99 basic retail, £54.99 se/ce, steam bronze £18.99, steam silver £33.99, steam gold £49.99.

these are geuses but they seem realistic as most new games cost this as their rrp, im sure you can get them cheaper, like with most games (eg, WH 40k DOW, £18.99 at amazon, rrp £26.99?)

It's wonderful how people are pulling prices out of the air. I've seen numerous news sites with articles about the price differences between steam versions and cd/dvd versions.
I'd say 45 bronze 55 silver 75 gold mabey?? thats my guess anyhow. Ahnteis, love the packmule.
Considering what the CE edition is and it's $80 price tag (unless they change it) I can't imagine the "Gold" version being less than $100+
I didn't mean for this to become a speculation thread, but hey, that's how most good rumors get started. $100+? Ouch!
kill-9 said:
I didn't mean for this to become a speculation thread, but hey, that's how most good rumors get started. $100+? Ouch!

hehe well no biggie on speculation because pricewise that's all we have.. But if the CE edtion is $80 (according to various sites)....and the Gold edition had a LOT more and full Prima guide (which is like $30 on its own I think...could be wrong) etc...pretty easy to assume that should be $100 easy.

And that's not even including the 1-5000 purchaces get a trip to valve thing...

eek...says big bucks for me.