Steam Question


Jul 26, 2004
Reaction score
Is it bad to be logged in steam at two different locations at the same time? Will I get banned?
WhiteDevil said:
Is it bad to be logged in steam at two different locations at the same time? Will I get banned?

Nope, don't worry, you can sign on anywhere you want, but the other steam client will get a "user ticket" thingy.
Whats a user ticket? So I can be logged in at two locations at the same time? What if both locations try to play games at the same time?
WhiteDevil said:
Whats a user ticket? So I can be logged in at two locations at the same time? What if both locations try to play games at the same time?

faster wins ? :cheese:
When you login, you're issued a Steam ticket, which is sent back to the Steam servers to authorise you to play any game. The ticket is unique to the time you login, the account, and the IP you login from.

If you login at a second location, this typically has a different IP, and so if the first client tries to play, the ticket that client sends will be invalid, because the login of the second client created a new ticket for the account.

In other words, you can only play games from one location at once.
that stinks.. so if 2 people in my house want to play CS together we have to buy 2 copies of halflife2?