Steam should die


Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score

Steam is the spawn of the devil....
It belongs six feet under and the
ground consecrated to protect us from its rising.

After approx 2 and a half weeks I manage to
download the shit it wanted in order for me
to play hl2 - this is a game on a CD - I should be
able to play locally without any connection.
Don't give me that shit about updates either - press
a small icon if you want updates ...gits...

Steam doesn't listen to a thing you tell it.
I told it to 'NOT' update the game. However, everytime
I go look it's gone back to auto-update again. F*****
sneaky bastards..this must be illegal as it connects
against the user wishes. Nothing I do seems to have any effect
as Steam just bumbles on and does what it wants...
Also, when I try to play hl2 it consistantly goes away
and says 'this game is not ready to play in offline mode'
What Shite!...I've just been playing you for F**** sake...
What's changed....I had to wait another 1 1/2 hours to play
the game which I'd just been playing....
This is the worse piece of malware I have ever seen..Valve
you'd do well to drop!!! They've turned a great
game into a pain in the ass and I won't buy anything from you
anymore while you have Steam involved...I know that must come
as a crush...yeah sure!! One twat who won't buy our
hoo!!! If we stand up against this type of shit then they will
have to drop 'em...but as usual we will put up and they will win..
Well good for you Valve - I can see I'm not the only one who's
had major shitkicking from Steam...just look up 'Steam is shit'
and you'll get plenty back...
I've smashed my CD's to hell and cursed the box it came in.
I can't tell you what I'd do if I could grab a Steam programmer...

Pissed Off @ Home

Why do you arrange your writing like poetry?

Steam sucks if you don't have broadband but if you do, then Steam is one of the best digital distribution system the games industry will ever know.
Wow, real smart saying this on a Half Life 2 fan site forum for your first post.
After approx 2 and a half weeks I manage to download the shit it wanted in order for me to play hl2 - this is a game on a CD
So you bought the game even though the box clearly indicated that an internet connection was essential? :rolleyes:

I had to wait another 1 1/2 hours to play
the game which I'd just been playing...
Your internet connection was inadequate. You must have known this before you even bought it. And yet you did.

This is the worse piece of malware I have ever seen..Valve
you'd do well to drop them...If we stand up against this type of shit then they will have to drop 'em...but as usual we will put up and they will win..
If you had done the slightest ounce of research before your purchase you would have known what Steam was and how it worked.

Many of us love Steam. It keeps my games up to date, checks if my game files are corrupted, and it's a guarantee that I can play my games long after the disk has been destroyed/lost (already happened to HL2). So I love Steam. And let's not forget the occasional guest passes that make for a free weekend of fun.

Malware. :LOL:
Well good for you Valve - I can see I'm not the only one who's had major shitkicking from Steam...just look up 'Steam is shit'
Sorry to burst your bubble, but most of those results are years old.

I've smashed my CD's to hell and cursed the box it came in.
The box that told you that you needed a good internet connection?

Cheers. :p

Steam is the spawn of the devil....
It belongs six feet under and the
ground consecrated to protect us from its rising.

After approx 2 and a half weeks I manage to
download the shit it wanted in order for me
to play hl2 - this is a game on a CD - I should be
able to play locally without any connection.
Don't give me that shit about updates either - press
a small icon if you want updates ...gits...

Steam doesn't listen to a thing you tell it.
I told it to 'NOT' update the game. However, everytime
I go look it's gone back to auto-update again. F*****
sneaky bastards..this must be illegal as it connects
against the user wishes. Nothing I do seems to have any effect
as Steam just bumbles on and does what it wants...
Also, when I try to play hl2 it consistantly goes away
and says 'this game is not ready to play in offline mode'
What Shite!...I've just been playing you for F**** sake...
What's changed....I had to wait another 1 1/2 hours to play
the game which I'd just been playing....
This is the worse piece of malware I have ever seen..Valve
you'd do well to drop!!! They've turned a great
game into a pain in the ass and I won't buy anything from you
anymore while you have Steam involved...I know that must come
as a crush...yeah sure!! One twat who won't buy our
hoo!!! If we stand up against this type of shit then they will
have to drop 'em...but as usual we will put up and they will win..
Well good for you Valve - I can see I'm not the only one who's
had major shitkicking from Steam...just look up 'Steam is shit'
and you'll get plenty back...
I've smashed my CD's to hell and cursed the box it came in.
I can't tell you what I'd do if I could grab a Steam programmer...

Pissed Off @ Home


I applaud you.

It's good to know there is a guy to counterweigh the combined awesome and intelligence of to maintain balance in nature.
I applaud you.

It's good to know there is a guy to counterweigh the combined awesome and intelligence of to maintain balance in nature.


How are we to be intelligent if there are no idiots?
I hear you, without a frame of reference, we wouldn't be able to tell one from the other.

I salute you, fellow intellectual.
If you had said that back when HL2 came out then i would have agreed Steam was shit then.

The problem your having is a game must be fully updated before playing in offline mode. That's why it's try to download the updates even though you don't want them, and is the reason offline mode is not working because you are stopping the updates.
Steam will not die with over 13 millions users and gaining popularity with more 3rd party games. Good luck finding people to stand up with you.
Good job, you obviously cannot read anything on the box. It says INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED, glad you didn't read that.
I believe the dumb/smart counterbalance is nearly complete. It's at a ratio of about 49/51 right now, we just need one more guy who comes on here about his pirated game not working.
Whatever happened to those guys, anyway?
At first I thought steam sucked. But after a few days, I started to like it. The only thing I dont like is that you cant play your games on a different pc...
At first I thought steam sucked. But after a few days, I started to like it. The only thing I dont like is that you cant play your games on a different pc...
Sure you can, just not simultaeneously.
I tried that, to a friends pc, would not allow it, it says the games are not regesterd to that pc, or w/e
You have to use the same Steam username/password on all the machines. Right now I have HL2 installed on 2 computers and Ep 1 on my laptop.
I didnt like steam when i first got half life 2, but at the same time, i didnt know much about PCs at the time or how they worked either. now i think its great and wish it could grow in to a more centralized program... :O or maybe even a gaming OS!!! haha ... long shot but one can dream :)
I think Steam is a pretty cool guy, eh plays games and doesn't afraid of anything.

But seriously, I love Steam. OP is an idiot.
didn't even bother reading thanks to the lack of paragraphs... whatever... i think steam is good... no problems here.
Steam is great, a fantastic way to organise, buy and use games.

We should change the thread title to 'You should die'
Years ago Ii had a lot of trouble with Steam but I also had one of the crappiest broadband deals you would ever see. With my internet now Steam works fine and I love it :) (Apart from one update for HL2: episode 1 where I can no longer play the game on my laptop =S)
More on Steam

So I can't play the original game on the CD without
endless updates......
The box says Internet 'Hi Speed' required - but it
did not say that's required just to install the bloody
thing...the implication there is to play online -
surely the statement '2-24 players' underneath implies
the internet's needed for online fragging - not install requirements,

There - I've said it...

So I can't play the original game on the CD without
endless updates......
The box says Internet 'Hi Speed' required - but it
did not say that's required just to install the bloody
thing...the implication there is to play online -
surely the statement '2-24 players' underneath implies
the internet's needed for online fragging - not install requirements,

There - I've said it...


why would you buy a game that requires high-speed and that can only be played online... then come on here and complain that it didn't specifically tell you high-speed was a requirement for installation... why does it matter? if you want to play, you need high speed... therefore installing it with dial-up is pointless because you won't be able to play.

HENCE HIGH-SPEED REQUIRED, you incoherent imbecile.
I just don't like it because the technology will only make it harder and more risky to pirate games tbh. Required updates can be annoying if you have capped internet/low hard drive space. It's great for people who don't want to go down to the store and buy games yet want to download legally, or people who are in the habit of losing disks. However I personally don't favor Steam over non-steam, but I don't hate it, and I'm not ganna go on any anti Steam crusade, sure it's slightly annoying but... seriously. Also no, it is not the spawn of the Devil.

edit: OP's post reminds me of that "epic half-life 2 fan fiction" YTMND.
I love Steam - it saved me from losing mah copy of HL2.

And really, how much work would it have been to check Wikipedia before buying the game?
I love the high speed servers to download games, the prices of games and the peace of mind not needing to search for patches etc.

Friends system tops msn by a long shot (not needing to alt tab is a blessing.) How can you hate steam? Don't like it? Go back to server queue you idiot.
I believe the dumb/smart counterbalance is nearly complete. It's at a ratio of about 49/51 right now, we just need one more guy who comes on here about his pirated game not working.
Whatever happened to those guys, anyway?
Shasta scared them off. :thumbs: He did contribute to after all.
Internet 'Hi Speed' required

The box says Internet 'Hi Speed' required - but it
did not say that's required just to install the bloody













Just because it says I need a quadcore, doesn't mean I need it to play...


Sure, I hated Steam when I couldn't get CSS onto another account, but I got over it.

Sure, I disliked the fact I couldn't play the Orange Box for over a month+ because Orange hadn't sorted out my broadband.

But they weren't Valve's fault.

They weren't necessarily my fault.

But this...?

This is your fault. This happened because you're stupid.
I like how you snuck in "Real Life" Mario, or should I say "Creepy Ass" Mario
So I can't play the original game on the CD without
endless updates......
The box says Internet 'Hi Speed' required - but it
did not say that's required just to install the bloody
thing...the implication there is to play online -
surely the statement '2-24 players' underneath implies
the internet's needed for online fragging - not install requirements,

There - I've said it...


Personally I'm pissed that they want cash for CS:Source and DoD:Source.
They're friggin' MODS! Nothing more!
Personally I'm pissed that they want cash for CS:Source and DoD:Source.
They're friggin' MODS! Nothing more!
The original CS and DoD were mods. The makers of the mods were offered a job by Valve. The makers accepted. The makers wanted to charge money for their mods and sequels. Valve accepted.
