Steam should die

Aw beer, I was hoping if we ignored him he would stew to death in his own fecal juice.
Klesk - that was my favorite guy from Quake III. Don't let the locals here badger you too much about Steam. I recall myself (and a number of other heads) being quite frustrated the first time installing it on opening day (it took me at least a couple of days due to busy servers, a bug where you couldn't opt out of installing CSS, etc. I was pretty irate too.) It does automatic updates in the best way I've seen (note: opinion, not fact). There's been quite a few updates so if you're installing it for the first time, give it as long as it needs to get all these updates taken care of and I think you'll be pleased. Is your computer portable or can you otherwise get it on broadband temporarily? Heck, bring your hard drive to a friend's house (who has broadband), install it as a slave, run Steam from there and let it update. They don't care where you're logging in at or what computer it's on, just don't give anyone your Steam account info, as that's the unique identifier. How fast is your connection anyway?
You are so right about steam, it wont even play my games right now. You spend all your money on these games so they dont work. It is day light robbery!
Personally I'm pissed that they want cash for CS:Source and DoD:Source.
They're friggin' MODS! Nothing more!

if its made by valve then its not considered a mod. so in other word you get to pay!
if valve is interested in a mod then they will work with them to sell it on steam.
Personally I'm pissed that they want cash for CS:Source and DoD:Source.
They're friggin' MODS! Nothing more!

Oh god, you gotta pay some money for them. DoD:S is $10 and you complain about that? You are rather sad...
Then why the **** are you bitching about not being able to play a vidya game. Go study or something.

I'm a student and I have plenty of money to spend.
Awesome! It's a new guy! Can I shout at him? :D
What's funny is that he can still play his game even after his act of defiance smashing the box+cd. (install steam, log in and download the game)
I would've agreed with this guy before I had DSL installed in our home and when Steam just replaced WON and actually did suck.

Fun Fact: My high speed internet connection was down when HL2 went gold, so I waited half a day for it to verify files!
steam during first year = crap.
steam as it is now = superb. So much so that its the content delivery platform of the future..

and lol @ op for being silly.
I disliked steam the day hl2 came out. every day since then ive never had issues with it.

Except for how the friends system hardly ever worked until recently. The whole community thing is amazing though. I hope eventually all PC game developers use steam as a distribution service.
I think inevitably there will be a distribution service other than Steam worth noting. And then we'll have Distribution Wars. It'll be a fun century.
I personally hate steam,I am filing for a lawsuit against steam because of the threats he made to me.

First I tried installing Prey: "You're not a good person. You know that, right? Good people don't end up here."
Then I tried installing Half Life 2:"This is your fault, it didn't have to be like this."
Then I Tried Installing Team Fortress 2 "I'm not kidding now. Turn back or I WILL kill you... I'm going to kill you, and all the cake is gone. You don't even care, do you?"
I personally hate steam,I am filing for a lawsuit against steam because of the threats he made to me.

First I tried installing Prey: "You're not a good person. You know that, right? Good people don't end up here."
Then I tried installing Half Life 2:"This is your fault, it didn't have to be like this."
Then I Tried Installing Team Fortress 2 "I'm not kidding now. Turn back or I WILL kill you... I'm going to kill you, and all the cake is gone. You don't even care, do you?"

Jesus, it's unnecessary day, isn't it.