Steam skins

Jul 19, 2003
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I started making my own Steam skin...a blue-ish sytle skin.

If you got a skin, post it here :)
Neat, how did you do that? I'd make it much more blue like the blue task bar in windows xp at the bottom.
I love the longhorn blue, can you make it like longhorn please :cool:
yea, and how do you change it?

off topic: hehe i like playing with the cursor on your forums nuclear_gerber :bounce:
Copy the 'grey' folder in the skins directory (in steam), then edit the files in there. Most are tgas and there is a .res file pertaining to the colours to draw things in.
Yeah. You can also change the color in there.
For most of the little icons in steam I used a blue overlay in Photoshop.

You can edit the tray icon if you want, it's in one of Steam's folders.

heh I'm gonna do a wicked red steam :)

to not spam, the original font used was Tahoma. But it seemed too steamy. I guess times new roman could do the trick.

Wraith, use notepad.
Will you fix the font? Or keep it as Times New Roman or whatever it is at in those pics. Just my opinion, but the original Steam font was nice (but nice skin color you did).
i just made an entire skin but i cant open that damned res file, what should i use?
yea how do you open the res file? ive almost finished a skin of mine, but i dont know what program to use to open the res.
Attached is a skin I whipped up in 30 minutes to go with my pure black wallpaper. Enjoy (Thadius Dean: Invader Zim rocks)

Note: unzip to ..\Steam\skins\
and restart Steam for changes to take effect.


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I want to try and get images as backgrounds, and then I'll be happy :)
ok heres a screenshot of mine, similar to Lukstrs but i was working on mine first :x

anyway, not a competition.


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u skin makers takin any more requests?

i would like a Teal or Orange/Yellowish (kinda like fire) version if thats possible and not a hassle..

thanks either way :)
I meant one that had both orange and grey. And using the shades of orange and grey like the pic of Gordon at the top of this page. I've been trying to do it myself, but I can't seem to get the hang of it.
there is a time limit on post editing?
seems silly...

Anyway, I made a minor change to the TSA skin, I increased the brightness of the hilighted text so it stands out.

heres the updated version....
(could a mod please remove the .zip from my other post, not the screenshot tho)
Nuclear_Gerber, are you able to make a darker orange version of your first orange skin? I find that the orange you used in your original skin is a little too bright for my tastes, the contrast hurts my eyes.

If you need colour references, I've attached some shades of orange that I feel would better the skin I'm personally looking for ;). Finally, if you are able to recreate the sharp black outline effect that Inflatablewoman used with his "blue" skin, I would be forever in your debt.

If you could do this I would appreciate your efforts greatly, however if you have other commitments I fully understand.

Cheers :)
Originally posted by ElFuhrer
It'd be cool to see HEV suit orange and grey also.
Is this close?


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... can't edit posts more than 15 minutes old.
So, here is the HEV skin with a more appropriate font (included in


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... and here is the download (because I'm tired of working on this thing):
Decided at add my skin in this thread.

file attached with nxt msg


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How.... Did you add some images?

HEV is nice, but the orange color = yuck.