Steam subscription service will be having things like levels showing off Alyx's backs

I completely understand what you mean....


Was this supposed to be a reply to another thread?
I thought of the same joke, k? Yet, I had no urge to share it. Aw well, smart people think the same... apperantly so do other kinds of people too...
Maybe merge this with the other one? Seems like it was a reply and not meant to be a new thread.
What shitty decision?

When you create a discussion, it's always quite good to elaborate what you want to discuss so people know what you're talking about.
It sounds like you'll get expansion packs for free. This was expected.
I'm still on the fence about the subscripion fee. It's a great idea in theory, but it all depends on how long it takes them to actually pump out new content. If we're talking at least a level or two a month I may consider it, but no one wants to go 7-8 months waiting for what ends up being a 2 hour expansion pack know what I mean? I guess I need to just wait for more info and perhaps a tentative release schedule for content.
your right chris it goes like this: I despise monthy fees more then elese in life, and most people wont want to pay them, but im a fan of half-life and want to see all about the cool characters so I feel like my nuts are in a vice and valve has the crank.... I am a 15 year old kid and can hardly afford to buy lunch every day at school much less crank out money every month for a video game.... please I feel like its going to become like fileplanet were more and more special benifits will come from paying every month this makes me even more scared for my half-life future... ;(

id be happy if for expansion type content to pay 20 dollars if they were actual substantial releases otherwise if this type of content is only available to subscibers I will probably throw a hissy fit
Why don't you just pay the one-off payment then?

I don't understand why people fret over this.. it's not like VALVe said "A Steam subscription is the ONLY way to get these," I'd imagine that any official "expansions" (ie. Alyx's backstory) would be available in the same way as Blueshift/Op4 were.. only difference is, if you have a subscription, you get it for "free."
Don't pay a monthly fee then, buy the content in a store. Christ it's not bloody hard is it :) Although paying by subscription will be cheaper in the long run.
I'm under the impression that theyre will be subsriber EXCLUSIVE content.... OK!? It seems the be what VALVe is implying....
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
I'm under the impression that theyre will be subsriber EXCLUSIVE content.... OK!?

Perhaps, and is that so wrong? They pay, they get. Not a hard concept to grasp I reckon.
Valve has every right to do so, and I won't blame 'em for it. It's a decision you make for yourself, not paying could mean nog exclusive content, paying means getting it. Like with Fileplanet and IGN and stuff. It's not like they're forcing you to do so. So stop your whining.
Munro said:
Don't pay a monthly fee then, buy the content in a store. Christ it's not bloody hard is it :) Although paying by subscription will be cheaper in the long run.

not if its ONLY AVAILABLE to subscibers
It's not subscriber exclusive content.

Oh, and it costs money to run severs you know..
PvtRyan said:
Perhaps, and is that so wrong? They pay, they get. Not a hard concept to grasp I reckon.
Valve has every right to do so, and I won't blame 'em for it. It's a decision you make for yourself, not paying could mean nog exclusive content, paying means getting it. Like with Fileplanet and IGN and stuff. It's not like they're forcing you to do so. So stop your whining.

why dont you shut your face, not everybody wants to pay a montly fee some valve fans for one reason or another cant see if you will, bite me good sir.... like hl2 +steam wont be fetching them enough money... of course they have the godamned right it's the treatment of the fans im concerned for
then boo-hoo

if you want it that bad, subscribe
Prove that its not....

My point being this is speculation until someone emails valve with the question. Subtle hint there....
:bonce: ... there is no need for posts of this kind... I dont wish to subscibe
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
why dont you shut your face, not everybody wants to pay a montly fee

Well, that leaves us to a very simpel solution: they don't get exclusive content (this is assuming there will be exclusive content, which is just speculation).
Is it really that strange that subscribers would get some extra's? I only find it natural.
Headcrab, have some maturity about yourself please. There's no need to tell people to shut their faces.
My understanding of the PC Zone article is that subscribers will get exclusive content shipped to them automatically, however if a person doesn't subscribe they can pay extra for the add on.
it just irritates me, what has become of the simple days of paying once for my games :upstare: :eek: and maybe for the expansions

paying every month directly to valve seems unecisary to me how fast is content going to come out?? it just dosnt seem like it has a place amongst us when they cant keep a single release date... why trust them to steadily deliver us content especially content worthy of a monthly cost... cz was delayed and went gold like what ten times and finally was released and was... well it was less then perfect and we all know about how hard valve pressed for its 9-30 date only to find that a year later half-life 2 is comeing out ilegedly at the end of the summer

dont get me wrong delays are usually worth it. but if I pay a monthly fee and people are like new content all the time yay :D and then valve keeps delaying it until it all comes out at once in a big SHABANG why not just pay that ONCE instead of every month.....imo valve has to prove to me that paying a monthly fee is going to be worth it
Chris_D said:
Headcrab, have some maturity about yourself please. There's no need to tell people to shut their faces.

I apologize he just seemed ignorant
I always thought that some exclusive content was going to be one of the main selling points of the steam subscription service.

So no real surprise here ( if this news is true indeed)
Alyx have multiple backs? weird... I also thought it would be Steam-exclusive but I soon figured out that that wouldn't work very well. So yeah, everybody will most likely be able to play it or whatever they have in store for us.
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
it just irritates me, what has become of the simple days of paying once for my games :upstare: :eek: and maybe for the expansions

Don't worry, those days still exist, you only need to pay once for HL2 and it's expansions...

paying every month directly to valve seems unecisary to me how fast is content going to come out?? it just dosnt seem like it has a place amongst us when they cant keep a single release date... why trust them to steadily deliver us content especially content worthy of a monthly cost...

And that's where exclusive content (like higher res textures, just an example) falls into place. I highly doubt Valve will barf out enough content each month to justify that $10. So exclusive content can make it attractive again.
:dozey: most likely valve will do whats best for its fans in the end but for now i'd like to be the negative ass and worry :dozey:
Personally I would never subscribe to Steam. It means that if I stop playing after a couple of years and want to go back later, I'll have to dish out more money again. At least if I've paid for a game in one lump sum I'm garunteed it for ever, even if I don't get the little extras. Then there's the fact that there's no garuntee I'm going to like CS/TF2, and the fact that I could buy a small 1 month subscription if I really needed that fix. :p
Varsity said:
Then there's the fact that there's no garuntee I'm going to like CS/TF2, and the fact that I could buy a small 1 month subscription if I really needed that fix. :p
I'm guessing that they'll combat this by removing downloaded content after you unsubscribe. I've already thought about it, and if they don't have any defense against this, then they didn't really think the whole thing through.
Yeah, but the idea is I get to have a play thorugh once or twice in that time.
I dont mind paying for the extra content but I just don't want to subscribe to steam. :(
you will not have to subscribe to steam to get anything. You might have to order things like the high-res THROUGH steam, simply because it isnt worth it to package a $10 expansion, but it is worth it to uploaded it to a server. The main reason VALVe is doing the subscriber plan is that since steam provides the new content instantly and without packaging costs, etc, it becomes viable to do such a thing. (That is why it has never been done before, damn packaging costs) And its a win-win situation. You get everything for cheaper, and dont have to pay all at once(its like 0%APR financing), and they dont have to pay producers like VU as much money to put it all in boxes. Of course, if you dont play everything than maybe they win a little, but thats the same as you buying a game and then not playing it. If you aren't sure you will play or use all the addons, dont subscribe. But its your loss when you decide you do want them and have to pay $10(more for full expansions, probably) each to download off steam.

These things will be Steam exclusive, but they will not be subscriber exclusive.
im gonna pay the monthly fee cuz the content worth it
I personaly object to any subscription of any kind.

but if i get the job i was at my final interview for last week (BP apprentiship) then i will finaly have a very steady secure income and might be willing to depart of some money on a monthly basis.

still hate subscritions though.
There gonna release the content normaly u know.

If they made important content subscriber only, not only would it reach a smaller audience but as soon as people stop subscribing, the content becomes dead and unusable, the whole point in this subscription (which is no more than Eve or Neocron or whatever) is that u dont have to worry about buying each thing seperately, you just get everything already released and everything that will be released automaticly added to your games list.

For people who dont have any Half-life stuff this may be a cool option for them. they can tryout all of HL1's stuff and all of HL2's stuff for a whole month for just 9.99, then buy whatever ones they like most... if u see what i mean..
WAIT!!! if i subscribe to steam i get a mod all about alyx's backside? !!! /me subscribes