Steam Summer Sale Summary - Day 10/Day Z + Dead Space 2 Giveaway


Retired Lead Content Creator
Staff member
May 29, 2007
Reaction score
Check out our Day Z..erm I mean Day 10 coverage of the Steam summer sale! We're giving away a free copy of Dead Space 2 on the show tomorrow, watch the video below to find out how you can enter for a chance to win. Remember to check back tomorrow to see if you've won!
Check out the hub in the tab below.
Hey did you know that Arma 2 is also a fun game without DayZ
Hey did you know that Arma 2 is also a fun game without DayZ

Thats part of the intended joke - Repeating the way people see Day Z as the game instead of ARMA2. Hence why I spammed the Day Z logo over the ARMA2 store page and made James get 'extra excited' about mentioning it.
Well the intended joke was clear of course. But it's scary how many people continue to view Arma as being for military simulator nerds and think DayZ is the only way to make it fun. You had the power to affect some small dispel on that notion, but you squandered it!
You had the power to affect some small dispel on that notion, but you squandered it!

Neither James or myself have actually played ARMA2 so we couldn't genuinely give an opinion on it for the staff picks, so instead we just played it off as a joke.

But still, the more people buying ARMA2 for DayZ, the more potential players ARMA2 vanilla and the more money towards the development of ARMA3 for loyal fans like yourself.
Oh of course, it's all good there. I was only half serious. I just have to be Vegeta about these things.
But it's scary how many people continue to view Arma as being for military simulator nerds

It's scary they don't realise it's actually gun wank/Empty Scenery Through A Scope: The Game.
ARMA 2 has as much training time in it as most modern day shooters have play time. Fun game yes, but the view it is for military nerds is really closer to the truth than not.
The title makes it look like you're giving away ARMA2 too.
ARMA2? What's that? Is it a new Call of Duty map? Does it come in the new DLC?!