From VALVe: Steam will NOT be delayed. Steam will be released tonight.
#steam on irc.gamesnet.net for father information.
*UPDATE* #steam has just received an email stating the following:
"Dispite the rumors, Steam Final 1.0 will be released tonight, Sept. 11, 2003. We are working as hard as we can to get the Steam Servers up and running. We would rather have a working program then a buggy beta-like program. If Steam is not released tonight, then we will post a new release date, which will be shortly after today."
#steam on irc.gamesnet.net for father information.
*UPDATE* #steam has just received an email stating the following:
"Dispite the rumors, Steam Final 1.0 will be released tonight, Sept. 11, 2003. We are working as hard as we can to get the Steam Servers up and running. We would rather have a working program then a buggy beta-like program. If Steam is not released tonight, then we will post a new release date, which will be shortly after today."