Steam to being sending 'the game' to hard drives a week before it ships

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Valve doesn't care about any of you or your pathetic wants.

Just shut up and get your credit card out.
if valve are going to the tokyo presentation thingy my guess is they'll anounce gold there and the game will be released the 30th as planned.

/me hopes :\
i'm pretty damn nervous... they are cutting their announcement(s) so0o0o0o0o0o thin
what's about the official news which should be on screen yesterday or today? i still don't see anything on my monitor.

i wanna finally know what's going on right now.. :imu:
THe official news was speculation... And what's this about "those that preordered" Valve hasn't started accepting orders by Steam yet!
im getting mighty pissed off.

ffs if its delayed just say so!

and if it isnt just say so!
This is part of the big conspiracy !

so STFU and let them have their moment
-----Original Message-----
From: nicolas vetterli [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 9:53 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Tokyo!

It'll be old material from the E3 that you're going to show, won't it?

well its tuesday now... lets hope the steam pre orders get there wish...
we can all hardly wait for the game :) only 7days left, just hold on guys :P
bah!! i think some people will commit suicide when the game doesnt show
I think a lot of people are setting themselves up for a huge disappointment. There's nothing wrong in hoping for it to come out next week, but I think it's wrong to expect it to come next week. Everything just seems kind of fishy. I pray it doesn't get delayed more for the effect that it'll have on these forums than for me having to wait longer. I can handle the wait, but I don't think most of the people here will be able to, and I don't want to have to endure all the "VALVE SUCKS" "BLAHA BLAH BLAH VALVE IS NEVER GETTING MY MONEY" bitching and moaning that will occur because people are too blind to realize that it might not come next week.
I just thought of the ultimate evil press release, copied blanently from when Ultima Online 2 was cancelled.

Sept 23, 2003
Headline: EA purchases Valve and cancels internal competing products
"Electronic Arts and Valve have announced a plan that will increase their focus on HalfLife and halt production of HalfLife 2 (HL2). The reason is simple, rather than creating HalfLife 2 (HL2) as a parallel world competing with HL, we've decided to put those resources into growing and improving the core offering for HalfLife's 230,000 loyal subscribers. In the near future and with the release next week of HalfLife: Counterstrike Clone 3, players will see new lands, new enemies, and a world that is continually evolving within HalfLife."
Originally posted by dis
I think a lot of people are setting themselves up for a huge disappointment. There's nothing wrong in hoping for it to come out next week, but I think it's wrong to expect it to come next week. Everything just seems kind of fishy. I pray it doesn't get delayed more for the effect that it'll have on these forums than for me having to wait longer. I can handle the wait, but I don't think most of the people here will be able to, and I don't want to have to endure all the "VALVE SUCKS" "BLAHA BLAH BLAH VALVE IS NEVER GETTING MY MONEY" bitching and moaning that will occur because people are too blind to realize that it might not come next week.

Spoken like a reasonable, levelheaded chap. good job.
Doug Lombardi has said HALF LIFE 2 is OFFICALLY DELAYED F*CkIN valve used us like pawns to hype the game whiched worked, but it also says how money hungry they are. i mean just look at what steam is doing and HL2 mods are not free anymore, gamers make a mod only for valve to get rich off it? any1 else see a problem there? People who say Gabe is just a gamer are idiots hes a money hungy geek who just wants more money and now hes playin all of use like pawns F him and f the game if we let this BS go toyin wit us till the last minute just to create word of mouth advertisement then what fools we are and we'll just be walked on again. Valve is gettin to powerful similar to microsoft and will eventually stifal inovation and they will continue to use us again and again for one purpose personal gain. We have been used. Obviously for a few months at that. All that stringing us along when al the long they knew months ago it wasnt going to make the sept. 30 release date. The game should be boycotted and made an example of, F*ck GABE and Valve. Dont buy this game.
I partly agree. It pisses me off to and I really think they should have told us when they knew it. But hey, I'll buy it anyways! I'll just stop respecting VALVE for something more than a regular gamecompany.
Hey Spitcodfry, I just thought you should know that there is a moderator over at Sierra’s official Half-Life 2 forum saying all kinds of bad shit about you. I personally think its pretty f*cking sad when official moderators at official gamming sites ridicule there own fans like this so. Check out post (12) where that moderator Smoking Gun calls you an ‘attention whore’…

Smoking Gun (Moderator) - 10:56pm Sep 23, 2003 PST (12.) Mark Reply
Who's driving? OH MY GOD! Bear is driving! How can that be? - [email protected]

Come on... One, Gabe would probably be violating any NDA he has between himself, Valve, and Sierra/VU. Two, attention whores love attention... and from what I've seen, this kid who went to Valve's office likes attention. In fact, I'd like to ask an old forum friend of mine, Depthroat, to see if he can take a tour of Valve too. I mean, he's told me he lives near their offices, so if any old jackass can walk into Valve's office and get a tour from Gabe Newell himself, then why should Dep get the same treatment?

You can read the rest of this crap here…[email protected]@.eff341c
Yeah that is pretty sad. He's probably using his big mouth to compensate for other smaller things :X

On another note, Valve claims that they didn't send the word out about the delay because of troubles with their mail severs.. then how did so many people get replys from Gabe Newell and why would they tell lies to Cod? Simple. Publicity. This is my own personal opinion though. Gamespy wrote an article about it and I some what agree. Valve wants to own the world with this game. That's probably a big reason that they are going to that Tokyo show. The PC games market isn't very high in Japan. Valve knows that, and wan'ts to increase their product sales there. That's just my thoughts.

Also, will we still be getting that HL2 benchmark program on the 30th? I remember something about them releasing that on the 30th.

We should at least get a demo or something to toy around to make up for the delay :D

Nah i'll wait it out like everyone else, no biggy. Gives me more time to upgrade my PC. Not that my PC is bad now, I just want brand new stuff :X
Gamershell reports that game has gone gold and in production and on track for Sept 30th... and that shacknews was just made up shit.. even the email confirmation was bullshit..

Ask yourself why shacknews would be the only one told about the delay.. you think everyone at Valve says OH YEAH lets let shacknews know first...

well they dont have to release any more videos they have enough publicity from the release speculation.

If I log into steam on the 30/9 and it's there im going to luagh my hairy little bollocks off.
Originally posted by Han Pritcher
Hey Spitcodfry, I just thought you should know that there is a moderator over at Sierra’s official Half-Life 2 forum saying all kinds of bad shit about you.

OMG, there's something wrong with that Smoking Gun guy! He's got a bad case of Small Hitler Disease.
mr Methane is your signature from Resident Evil's zombie diary where the books says, itchy tasty?
Originally posted by Forum Lamer
Gamershell reports that game has gone gold and in production and on track for Sept 30th... and that shacknews was just made up shit.. even the email confirmation was bullshit..

Ask yourself why shacknews would be the only one told about the delay.. you think everyone at Valve says OH YEAH lets let shacknews know first...

dude, but SPUD off of here - these forums, emailed D. Lombardi DIRECTLY asking him conformation. And he replied saying YES IT IS DELAYED.

Has anyone heard from Gabe about any of this? HE's probably on his way to Tokyo.
ya that tokyo thing, i hope we get some goodies and not same e3 stuff...
I hope the game is still going to be released sooner than we think for steam.
Originally posted by richpull
mr Methane is your signature from Resident Evil's zombie diary where the books says, itchy tasty?

Heh, yes. I still chuckle when I think about it :)

Itchy itchy Scott came ugly face so killed him. Tasty.
Release Date Sooner Than Anticipated

On a part of Gamespot under the community beta part, it lists the most wanted games, the most tracked, the most owned, and the most currently played. When half-life 2 shows up on the lists the date reads 2004-08-01. Check it out on the bottom of this page:
Even though this is a beta page the release dates on GTA san andreas or Halo 2 are still @ thier predicted dates that were decided around E3.
Sinking back down to the depths...
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