Steam to being sending 'the game' to hard drives a week before it ships

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i need to go to sleep but i can't press the x button in IE. CANT...LEAVE...FORUM...ARGH
I am beginning to hate valve. Tell us something, please. I set my alarm early this morning expecting SOME sort of news, opened up steam, NOTHING, came here, NOTHING. If there is a delay, they had bettter damn well tell us :(
Indeed, they need to tell us something, but perhaps they just like torturing :(
I bet they do. Probably all sitting around the 'Valve' offices, playing Halflife 2, laughing at us. Bastards. :)
I'm getting really pissed off. IT's getting kind of ridiculous. All these rumors are flying back and forth across the internet, and Valve doesn't do anything to confirm or dny anything. No official press releases, no official information detailing the three different packages (sp only, sp+mp, collector's edition), no official information on where to buy the different packages or how/when we can buy over steam, no official information on how the subscription package will exactly work. Basically, for the past few weeks Valve has told us the game would arrive in a weeks time from now, but we don't have anything officially finalized with any kind of press release - these e-mails don't really count for shit too me. It's getting kind of ridiculous because it appears that in the least, the retail version won't be coming next tuesday and possibly not even the Steam version, but Valve hasn't said one thing one way or another. They've just left us hanging, and while I'd like to still believe all their assurances, why haven't all these other loose ends been tied up yet? Seems kind of fishy for a supposed release in a week. I'm just getting so antsy about this.....

Edit: I just want to know if it's delayed or not for 100% certainty. No more of this "we'll see" or "it'll be close" crap. If it's delayed, that's fine, but I just want to know. I've got plenty of other things that I ca do while I wait for HL2; my life doesn't depend on this game, but why can't they give us a solid answer to end all this.
Amen to that. A simples 'yes' or 'no' to the question, is it delayed, would be nice.
Can I use Steam without having a Valve game CD-key? I really haven't researched it...obviously.
I agree looks like we wont be seeing HL2 for sep 30th afterall.

To tell you the truth, i knew it wouldnt be so...
You did? Then why didn't you tell the rest of us? Why did you keep it a secret? :(
ahem... remember, valve is on pacific time... its 8:00AM over here... plenty of time for news in the day.

but yes, every minute w/out an update gets a little bleaker;(
Originally posted by dis

Edit: I just want to know if it's delayed or not for 100% certainty. No more of this "we'll see" or "it'll be close" crap. If it's delayed, that's fine, but I just want to know. I've got plenty of other things that I ca do while I wait for HL2; my life doesn't depend on this game, but why can't they give us a solid answer to end all this.

i feel your pain man , if they just come out and say if its delayed or not then maybe we can rest. If they keep this up until september 30th without any information then that would be very mean....
has anyone e-mailed gabe about this? I just sent him an e-mail saying that it looked like hl2 was delayed, and that i didn't really mind too much, i just was frustrated at being completely in the dark. maybe if we send a few mails, we'll get a response.
Originally posted by Spiffae
has anyone e-mailed gabe about this? I just sent him an e-mail saying that it looked like hl2 was delayed, and that i didn't really mind too much, i just was frustrated at being completely in the dark. maybe if we send a few mails, we'll get a response.

i will send one before i goto bed, and when i wake up i hope to see some good hl2 news and threads :) . goodluck all!!!!!
Originally posted by Kevin Anderson
You did? Then why didn't you tell the rest of us? Why did you keep it a secret? :(

Because anyone on the forums who doubts a sep30th release is tarnished for life on the forums.
Well it seems that the release date will still be a mystery however Im sticking with a September 30th Steam release followed by an October store-wide release.
I just sent this message to Gabe.....

Gabe, I'm sure you're spammed with these messages already, but the complete lack of communication about everything surrounding the release (other than the 30th being the "day") is really annoying and tearing apart the community as we know it. It's developed into massive flame wars, locked threads, and general animosity all around. I realize you guys want to be covert and secretive about all this, but at least a press release would be roundly appreciated by 10's of thousands of people out there. Go check out the forums if you haven't witnessed the madness... Remember, these are the people that put you where you are today ; )
-joel stanford-
/sings "go Athlon! It's your birthday! ...something something"
Originally posted by Athlon7
I just sent this message to Gabe.....

Gabe, I'm sure you're spammed with these messages already, but the complete lack of communication about everything surrounding the release (other than the 30th being the "day") is really annoying and tearing apart the community as we know it. It's developed into massive flame wars, locked threads, and general animosity all around. I realize you guys want to be covert and secretive about all this, but at least a press release would be roundly appreciated by 10's of thousands of people out there. Go check out the forums if you haven't witnessed the madness... Remember, these are the people that put you where you are today ; )
-joel stanford-

No I think Microsoft was what helped the most in putting him where he is today. Had he and Mike Harrington not had millions worth in MS stock, they probably wouldn't have had the necessary funds to restart the original Half-Life's development timeline one year into the process. We all would have been playing a rather forgotten title by now if that wasn't the case.

I also e-mailed Gabe yesterday pleading with him to give us some scraps of info regarding release---and realized that if he isn't going to throw a bone to the press---he's not going to throw a bone to us. We'll just have to continue our spamming and flame wars until we here an announcement of some sort...and based on that announcement...either continue the spamming and flame wars or complain that we don't have the game in our hands currently.
No I think Microsoft was what helped the most in putting him where he is today. Had he and Mike Harrington not had millions worth in MS stock, they probably wouldn't have had the necessary funds to restart the original Half-Life's development timeline one year into the process. We all would have been playing a rather forgotten title by now if that wasn't the case.

All too true... so... er... YAY MICROSOFT!

and microsoft got their money from.... yeah right, their CUSTOMERS
Be sure and post it immediately ifn you get a reply :-D
yep, this spoon could seriously cut my wrist if i kept at it until HL2 came out
Originally posted by Clush
/sings "go Athlon! It's your birthday! ...something something"

lol, that made me laugh. So who says we just storm Valve tomorrow afternoon and take some hostages? I don't own any guns, but I think if you just keep our hands in our pockets and make it look like we're holding guns then we could play HL2 tomorrow and we wouldn't even have to wait till the 30th. Who's with me>!?!??!? SOunds like a plan to me, booyah. HL2 here I come!!!!!
Originally posted by Spiffae
has anyone e-mailed gabe about this? I just sent him an e-mail saying that it looked like hl2 was delayed, and that i didn't really mind too much, i just was frustrated at being completely in the dark. maybe if we send a few mails, we'll get a response.

What's Gabes email addy then?
Just in case I can't wait any longer and need to vent my spleen at someone.:flame:
Originally posted by dis
lol, that made me laugh. So who says we just storm Valve tomorrow afternoon and take some hostages? I don't own any guns, but I think if you just keep our hands in our pockets and make it look like we're holding guns then we could play HL2 tomorrow and we wouldn't even have to wait till the 30th. Who's with me>!?!??!? SOunds like a plan to me, booyah. HL2 here I come!!!!!

Count me in m8.
I'll dig out my Ronald Regan mask a la point break and stick a banana in my jacket pocket.

"We are the ex-gamers and we are in fact robbing your game"


Just kidding... ah well I can dream cant I?
Originally posted by Deadline

Just kidding... ah well I can dream cant I?

Nice one.

I've only just managed to get Steam downloading to my hard drive. turns out I've had a bad install for a week. Doh!!!!!111elevenOne
oh well im one of the skeptics, so far there hasnt been any announcement which seems strange 7 days before the scheduled release. can any one lay this out straight? they are gonna send the game to everyone thru steam, it will be encrypted, then when u pay ur steam fee they unencrypt it? im just really muddled up. and wont there be major bandwith issues with receiving a 1gig game thru steam? the 350mb dl of cs was already unbearable even for cable users.
Well, they won't send you the game thru Steam unless you've already payed for it. But yeah, even then it seems like bandwidth could be a huge issue. Hopefully, if not sooner, all our questions will be finally answered either this friday when they show the game again at the Tokyo game show or on the 30th when valve will be present at ATi's show at Alcatraz. :Fingers Crossed:
Originally posted by dis
Well, they won't send you the game thru Steam unless you've already payed for it. But yeah, even then it seems like bandwidth could be a huge issue. Hopefully, if not sooner, all our questions will be finally answered either this friday when they show the game again at the Tokyo game show or on the 30th when valve will be present at ATi's show at Alcatraz. :Fingers Crossed:

has it been confirmed that valve is gonna be there?
I'm sure a rep will be there...

I to want some much needed info on this game.. as I will be ready to pay for it this Friday..

Or if needed I will pawn something to pay for the game until I can get paid Friday, because I don't have any money right now..

Anyone else willing to pawn something until payday to get the game...
I think so. I think Gabe corrected people by saying that it was ATi's event (not Valve's) and that they'd be there because they were invited by ATi. I'll go try to find more on that, but I think it's confirmed.

Edit: And IGN stated that Valve would be in Tokyo, and IGN is about as reliable as it gets.
Originally posted by Alphy
Well it seems that the release date will still be a mystery however Im sticking with a September 30th Steam release followed by an October store-wide release.

That's what I'm expecting too. If so, I think I'll buy 1 month of steam for 10 bucks and then get a box after that.
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