Steep Parallax Mapping


Jul 20, 2005
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Dreamscape: Pin Point Blank implemented Steep Parallax Mapping. This is a brand new feature to HL2. Steep Parallax mapping is a step up over regular Parallax Mapping.

For more info, see this pic:

Also, take a look at my comments in the Dreamscape site:

Flat surfaces can now have amazing detail. Check out the orange pic for an example of how deep the steep parallax mapping can go. They can also occlude things, which is not possible with regular parallax mapping.

Oh, and we're looking for one more mapper, a modeler, and PR guy.
It would look even sweeter with self-shadowing, but I'm having trouble implementing that atm. The shader compiler is hanging on me.

Here's how it looks in Render-monkey:

Pretty darn close to relief mapping if you ask me.
wow man thats prety fookin awesome! on another note how comes your mod?
uggg in the first set of pics I cant see anything,,

it's damn aparent in rendermonkey though...

I thought the whole point of parralax mapping was that it could occlude itself,,, oh well...

as for the self shadowing, we've been salvating over teh prospect of horizon shadows ever since the dark elf tempted us pre-HL2
I disagree. Cube, Cube Zero, and Hypercube were all horrendous, which is why I love them.
You sir win at life.

Paralelle Tri Dimensional Mapping FTW
Cube was good, hypercube sucked, cube zero was good

btw i believe FEAR uses steep parallax for those big gouges out of walls that the bullets sometimes make. At first i honestly though there was a little bit of Geomod tech going on until i took a really close look.
How did you get render monkey and source shader system to play nice, because I had a quick look and source's files are split up into VS and PS files, and most of the editing programs just put it into 1 file.

But I did not look around render monkey that much.
Render-monkey support hlsl and that is what HL2 uses. HLSL files are split into 2, the vertex shader and pixel shader.
whats the preformance hit when you use steep parallax mapping, is it any at all or is just modifying the pre-existing code?
You will need support for Shader Model 3.0. If you can run HDR then you can run Steep Parallax Mapping! ;)

The hit depends on how many iterations the loop goes through. The more iterations, the more precise the effect is. I will be adding an option in our mod to choose the number of iterations (depth steps). I will also add support for regular parallax mapping for Shader Model 2.0 compatible cards. :)

Also, I think I might give Relief Mapping a shot. :D
Thanks for that link :D, you can process the Doom 3 maps and get updated depth maps, awsomeness.
I've added relief mapping with self-shadowing to source. I still need to tweak it but the effect is there and guess what!? Relief mapping is faster than steep parallax mapping.

Here's a better pic showing off relief mapping:

now that is ****ing nice !!

good job :D

it's really faster? even when it has to calculate all those shadows?
Looks amazing man! Keep up the awesome work, looking forward to seeing it in real-time.
Canuck said:
I've added relief mapping with self-shadowing to source. I still need to tweak it but the effect is there and guess what!? Relief mapping is faster than steep parallax mapping.

What kind of FPS do you get ingame with that, and what specs do you have?

It looks fantastic.
Neat, I assume its all exagerated to demonstrate the self shadowing more., because the bricks look horrible.
Do you need SM 3.0 for the relief mapping too? Because I don't have it and I really want to play with this on, it looks fantastic.