Stern's scumbag of the day: Man pees on dying woman, says it's "Youtube material"


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
drawing and quartering the scumbag would be too lenient:

Man admits urinating on ill woman

A Hartlepool man is facing jail after he urinated on a disabled woman who lay dying in the street.

The 27-year-old shouted "this is YouTube material" as he degraded Christine Lakinski, 50, who had fallen ill, magistrates heard.

Hartlepool magistrates heard how, on 27 July, Miss Lakinski was making her way home with a box of laminate flooring when she fell ill and stumbled into a doorway.

Anderson had smoked a cannabis joint and been drinking when he and two friends spotted her.

He tried to rouse her by throwing a bucket of water over her, before urinating on her and covering her with shaving foam. The incident was filmed on a mobile phone.

Lynne Dalton, prosecuting, said: "Although his actions did not contribute to her death it was appalling behaviour that robbed her of any dignity in the last hours of her life."

that's ****ing low, wtf have people lost all decency?
Obviously alcohol and cannabis is to blame.
I'll remember that the next time I have a drink, smoke a splif
that will be the entertaiment in the future
Obviously cannabis is the root of all evil in this world and anyone who uses it will pee on ill women.
Let's not turn this into a drug thread.

What a bastard.

(also, I'm high right now and looking for ill women to urinate on, so if anyone knows one PM me)
What a tard. By shouting "this is YouTube material" and having it quoted, he has proved his existence is worthless. Forced sterilisation ftw in this case methinks.
It's funny because he'll now be wife material to some 20 stone serial killer.

Karma my friends.
This is what happens when an open society begins to dawn, when anyone can have the tools to record and archive everything they see and do for all of their fellow humans to see!

What an arsehole.
Obviously alcohol and cannabis is to blame.

those are both enhancers, a nice guy still wouldn't pee on her no matter how much he smoked....but an asshole becomes a larger asshole after doing those things.
What a tard. By shouting "this is YouTube material" and having it quoted, he has proved his existence is worthless. Forced sterilisation ftw in this case methinks.

nah lets just give him a bath of acid plus urine until it dies,and show it in youtube!
great... he just HAD to be smoking weed at the time. here comes the anti-drug advocates with more "compelling evidence" to add to their list :rolleyes:
...ignoring the fact that he was drinking

oh noes more "compelling evidence" that drinking leads to urinating on dying women

Hur hur.
Obviously a piece of shit

Did he know she was dying or did he assume she was drunk? Either way its still ridiculous, but I cannot fathom anyone knowing someone is about to die and doing that.
Let's not turn this into a drug thread.

What a bastard.

(also, I'm high right now and looking for ill women to urinate on, so if anyone knows one PM me)

Check your PMs.

Hanging is too good for him.

Hang the bastard!
Geez... what an asshole. Execute him now!
Sterlise. Amputate. Electrify.
he should have all his limbs broken and him trowed in a shallow but deep enough to drown pond.