Stern's scumbags of the day: crowd steals mans's groceries as he lays dying


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
seriously wtf is wrong with society?

The sight of an old man being hit by a truck in Arizona touched off a feeding frenzy among witnesses who allegedly stole the dying victim?s groceries.

Not only were the man?s groceries taken, but the only person who tried to help him also had his own bags taken.

The elderly victim was waiting for a bus Tuesday night when a pickup truck swerved off the road and plowed into the stop. The man was sent flying as were his bags of groceries.

As the truck sped off with a white plastic bag flapping on its grill, witnesses began grabbing whatever scattered food they could get their hands on. Boro Mitrovich, who was himself nearly struck, said he ran to help the man and had his bag disappear as well.

funny how the only person who helped was an immigrant, make that what you will, I couldnt care less what the implication is
Holy shit, bomb the shit out of that neighbourhood asap
Who were the people who stole his groceries?

Boro Mitrovich. When you said immigrant I thought you meant he was a mexican immigrant or something.

How do you know Mitrovich is an immigrant anyways? He could of been born in this country.
That is pretty tragic...
Those people must have been really desperate though, no one would do that out of pure badness...I hope.
*Darkside pulls out an abbacus marked, "Faith in Humanity"*

*slides another bead into the negative*


What the **** is WRONG with people? A whole crowd?! Words fail me.
That must've been a poor neighbourhood if their only way to get food is to steal a dying man's bags.
Who were the people who stole his groceries?

Boro Mitrovich. When you said immigrant I thought you meant he was a mexican immigrant or something.

How do you know Mitrovich is an immigrant anyways? He could of been born in this country.

immigrant, son of immigrant etc ..anyways most people born into the west are given western sounding names ..I should know ..anyways it was more speculation than facts

and immigrants can be from other countries besides Mexico ..and arent those called illegals anyways?
It must have been a black neighborhood.

Oh no he didn't!

That's ****ing horrible.

And enough of the God damn black jokes people, they aren't funny anymore.
immigrant, son of immigrant etc ..anyways most people born into the west are given western sounding names ..I should know ..anyways it was more speculation than facts

We're all sons of immigrants or immigrants ourselves, it just depends on how many generations back you want to go.

Besides, not everybody anglicizes their name. It's actually quite rare these days unless you're from certain ethnicities or countries. Eastern European isn't really one of those. Jewish names however, are still popularly anglicized, at least among celebrities.

and immigrants can be from other countries besides Mexico ..and arent those called illegals anyways?

That's all anybody talks about these days when they refer to immigrants in America. Mexicans coming over from Canada, either legally or illegally. Nobody talks about the new influx of Irish or Poles or what have you.

You may call Mexican immigrants Illegals, but I don't.
We're all sons of immigrants, it just depends on how many generations back you want to go.

Besides, not everybody anglicizes their name. It's actually quite rare these days unless you're from certain ethnicities or countries. Eastern European isn't really one of those.

again I said I was speculating and yes immigrants still anglicise their name

Mexicans coming over from Canada, either legally or illegally.

why would they emigrate to the US if they're landed immigrants in canada? I think you mean the illegals flocking to canada because they think we'll give them refugee status

Nobody talks about the new influx of Irish or Poles or what have you.

because there are none, or next to none:

The top twelve sending countries in 2006, by country of birth, were Mexico (173,753), People's Republic of China (87,345), Philippines (74,607), India (61,369), Cuba (45,614), Colombia (43,151), Dominican Republic (38,069), El Salvador (31,783), Vietnam (30,695), Jamaica (24,976), South Korea (24,386), Guatemala (24,146), Other countries - 606,370

You may call Mexican immigrants Illegals, but I don't.

hmm trying to label me as racist, nice, being of spanish descent you'd think that would be a big no-no for me
he probably had snack packs....who could resist those
why would they emigrate to the US if they're landed immigrants in canada? I think you mean the illegals flocking to canada because they think we'll give them refugee status

ROFL. I said mexicans coming from canada? Silly me. I meant mexicans coming from mexico. I don't know WHERE my mind was.

hmm trying to label me as racist, nice, being of spanish descent you'd think that would be a big no-no for me

I'm not trying to label you anything Stern. *YOU* are the one who said this, and I quote, "and immigrants can be from other countries besides Mexico ..and arent those called illegals anyways?"

So I merely pointed out that you might call them illegals, since that's what you said... that they're called illegals. I however, do not. I didn't paint you with anything, only denied what you said.

Don't try to paint me with the paint that you think I'm painting you with as racist. <--- :E

because there are none, or next to none:

Umm... gee, you think maybe that's why I assumed you were talking about mexican immigrants? The fact that mexican immigration is the hotbed of immigration talk these days.

Maybe, just maybe Stern.
I'm not trying to label you anything Stern. *YOU* are the one who said this, and I quote, "and immigrants can be from other countries besides Mexico ..and arent those called illegals anyways?"

So I merely pointed out that you might call them illegals, since that's what you said... that they're called illegals. I however, do not. I didn't paint you with anything, only denied what you said.

Don't try to paint me with the paint that you think I'm painting you with as racist. <--- :E

again you fail to realise when I'm being sarcastic was a snide joke made to make fun of those that would label mexicans as illegals ..and there's plenty of them, I've met my share

Umm... gee, you think maybe that's why I assumed you were talking about mexican immigrants? The fact that mexican immigration is the hotbed of immigration talk these days.

Maybe, just maybe Stern.

no, illegal immigration is the hot topic issue, immigration is a non issue because immigrants are allowed to legally emmigrate to the US

ok can we go back to the topic? it seems threads dont go two replies before they're completely derailed
Quote battles going on ITT

...anyways, those people need to be shot. Who would do that? Some people forget we aren't savages anymore.
*Darkside pulls out an abbacus marked, "Faith in Humanity"*

*slides another bead into the negative*
Faith in humanity:
D: |_|___________________________________| :D

Aeriosuly ****ing disgusting. If I had been there I would not have been responsible for my actions against that crowd of unhuman freaks.
i get mad when someone with the same car doesn't wave, cant imagine what i would do if this happened
People from my city went to the crash site of a cargo jet crash a few years ago with the intent to steal anything they could from the downed jet.

There's no mention of it in the article, but it did happen. My dad worked at the Airport in a control tower just off of the runway, about a KM from the crash site. I woke up the next morning (the crash happened in the middle of the night) and my dad wasn't home, and that was why.
Wait. What?


Common courtesy among drivers, a small wave signifies mutual respect, a thank you for letting me pass, you may pass, you go first, any number of things.

I get mad too. And I don't even drive.
Common courtesy among drivers, a small wave signifies mutual respect, a thank you for letting me pass, you may pass, you go first, any number of things.

I get mad too. And I don't even drive.

that's not what he meant ..he said someone with the same car as his in "hey look buddy we have similiar tastes therefore you must be cool"
Still falls under what I said, stop grabbing straws.

I'm not in the mood for a crappy multi quote debate stern, so just go away.
Still falls under what I said, stop grabbing straws.

grabbing straws, do you even know what that expression means?

I'm not in the mood for a crappy multi quote debate stern, so just go away.

or in other words you dont like being corrected, so dont get all lippy with me just because you didnt fully understand what he said
Hostile engaged.You're. Why? I assure you it's not all that bad, he's fun to argue with!

yes I wish more people would realise this ..the majority of times I'm either playing devil's advocate or being tongue in cheek ..unless we're discussing iraq or jesus
Iraqi jesus would make stern implode.

I lost faith in humanity long ago. Things like this, and the guy urinating on the dying woman... they dont even surprise me anymore.
It just went to hundreds of a) total assholes or b) people so reduced by circumstances they had to steal a dying man's food.

I'm guessing a... but I don't have any further evidence.
And enough of the God damn black jokes people, they aren't funny anymore.

Didn't think you were one to comment on the taste of some jokes, after that lovely "Oh shit I'm going to be a father" incident.

On the subject of this thread, guess it's just humanity reverting back to it's barbarian roots.
Sorry guys, I don't know about you but I ****ing ROFL'd. This is so unbelievably horrible that makes it hilarious.
It all makes sense, man is dying people take food. Dead people dont need food. All they did was clean up the street so they did a good thing, im sure they called a ambulance atleast.
It all makes sense, man is dying people take food. Dead people dont need food. All they did was clean up the street so they did a good thing, im sure they called a ambulance atleast.
