Stern's Thread of the day: Epic mount for an epic mount

ya she's a winner all right ..getting laid by a fellow troglodyte doesnt make a person a winner ..any fool with enough coin can get laid ..I mean you could litterally be a stump: no arms and no legs and still get laid (it might entail a bit of extra work, but it's do-able)

no she definately should have a permanent "L" tattooed to her forehead ..and god is she ever ugly that trailer trash, I married my cousin sort of way

I get your point, but in the end the girl got everything she wanted, even if she looks [EDIT:Sorry, I didn't mean "looks", I meant "seems". I need to learn english someday lol] like a looser to others.
I mean you could litterally be a stump: no arms and no legs and still get laid (it might entail a bit of extra work, but it's do-able)
This gave me some seriously sick mental images :x
I get your point, but in the end the girl got everything she wanted, even if she looks like a looser to others.

it's not her looks, it's that she values her epic mount over her dignity

I like(ed) casual sex as much as the next guy but at least show some semblance of dignty
Who are we all kidding, I'm willing to bet at least half of the people in this thread would hit it. :naughty:

But this is probably by far one of the funniest things I've seen on the internets.
Why didn't the guy just sell the 5000 gold on ebay and get laid by a half-decent looking prossy! That girl is just so...very...unatractive.

I wonder what they dressed up as. THAT i would pay to see.
That's like $768 worth of gold. Technically it'd be legal because it isn't 'real' money.

I smell a business opportunity here.
If it was a guy pulling this off we'd all be e-patting him on the e-back (of his e-cock).
not really cuz A. he's probably ugly and B. the woman would surely be uglier and C. he'd only get a pat on the back if the women were especially hot

if she was hot no one would say anything except "damn I wish I had 5000 gold"
That's like $768 worth of gold. Technically it'd be legal because it isn't 'real' money.

I smell a business opportunity here.

no it's $25 worth of gold:

5000 gp @ 5$/1000 = $25

she promised to do it twice $25 / 2 = $12.50 other words she's a $12 ho
I wouldn't hit that with a ****ing 10 foot piece of rebar.
I'm sure she's like Natalie Portman to some of those guys that play WoW.

This is almost as bad as the guy about a year or so ago, paid around $30,000 I think for a virtual island. Not sure what game it was for. It makes me wonder how bad these peoples lives are that they need to take a video game to this level. Takes all kinds I guess.

If it was a guy pulling this off we'd all be e-patting him on the e-back (of his e-cock).
No, if a guy was trying to do this. He'd have every federal agency on his porch and he'd be labeled some kind of sexual predator.
Who are we all kidding, I'm willing to bet at least half of the people in this thread would hit it. :naughty:

But this is probably by far one of the funniest things I've seen on the internets.

:O a post by no limit in a non political section? :afro:
What the **** is an epic mount? What makes it epicer than a normal mount? How is it $700 epicer? Is it just bigger?

And what the **** was that guy thinking? Although it pains me to say it ... she really came out on top in this one (pun certainly intended). I mean, she looks like a ****ing cave troll. Jesus Christ ... to think someone that ugly could pull ~$700 from ANYONE is absolutely ridiculous.

I'm honestly having trouble even fathoming this. That girl ... she is really ****ing ugly. That isn't even a case of getting drunk and ****ing a fairly unattractive/chubby chick ... she's ****ing balding. If he wanted to get laid that bad then $700 would've probably bought him a fairly high end escort.
well she doesn't look THAT bad. The only women some of you see are probably pornstars on the net when you're watching porn in your parents' basement.
What the **** is an epic mount? What makes it epicer than a normal mount? How is it $700 epicer? Is it just bigger?

a faster cooler looking horse/rideable thingy

And what the **** was that guy thinking? Although it pains me to say it ... she really came out on top in this one (pun certainly intended). I mean, she looks like a ****ing cave troll. Jesus Christ ... to think someone that ugly could pull ~$700 from ANYONE is absolutely ridiculous.

it was $25 ..she sold herself for $25 ..that's how much she would have paid had she purchased WoW gold online ..and she said she had sex twice that's $12.50 each time ...she's a $12 ho

I'm honestly having trouble even fathoming this. That girl ... she is really ****ing ugly. That isn't even a case of getting drunk and ****ing a fairly unattractive/chubby chick ... she's ****ing balding. If he wanted to get laid that bad then $700 would've probably bought him a fairly high end escort.

she wore a WoW costume ..he probably got the most out of his $25 :O :x
a faster cooler looking horse/rideable thingy

it was $25 ..she sold herself for $25 ..that's how much she would have paid had she purchased WoW gold online ..and she said she had sex twice that's $12.50 each time ...she's a $12 ho

she wore a WoW costume ..he probably got the most out of his $25 :O :x

Shit I'd hit it if she was wearing a costume... O_o
A rogue did her from behind.
That was the best I could come up with. I'm sorry.

:D Don't worry, we love you all the same...

...on the same page, you wouldn't like to trade 5000 gold for buttsechs would ya???

HAHA :D ****ing win
even if she was dressed as the Horde? ..wait that makes no sense ..from her picture it's clear she's already a Horde

Exactly, so she probably dressed up like a night elf or something!
well at least the blue makup would hide some of the nastiness

well she doesn't look THAT bad. The only women some of you see are probably pornstars on the net when you're watching porn in your parents' basement.

I don't know what you see in her but she's bad mate... add on the fact that she whored herself for a $25 worth of virtual money makes it even worse. I mean christ, looking at that pic, she scares me with that uncounterable combination of ugly / slut / dumb.
Not if it made her look more like papa Smurf.

Not even a sniper would take that out.

well alriightee then I can never watch the smurfs with my kids ...thanks alot mr "I crush small kids dreams of watching the smurfs with their dad" dream crusher you ..

ok I'm out of material .. /me pulls pockets out of pants
honestly I dont hit her

I hav see womans in theyr 40's that look better
I'd hit it under the condition that she was dressed like a Moonkin.
I'd hit it under the condition that I have my memory erased and my dick removed with a new one put on immediately afterwards.
She actually plays on the exact server that I play on. (Jubei'Thos Australia)
this is kind of on topic

Whore. No matter how much either party wins, this still comes of really really wrong.

<Edit: Ignore, didn't know this was a year old.
Its not that old. Its only 5 months. There have been much more epic bumps. I never got to see Ennui's pic though, so its all good, since I lol'd.
Crap, didn't realize it was a bump.

Anyway, here's the pic for those of you who can't see it:
Whore. No matter how much either party wins, this still comes of really really wrong.

<Edit: Ignore, didn't know this was a year old.

it's wrong because she's an ugly monstrosity not because they step over your personal moral code
it's wrong because she's an ugly monstrosity not because they step over your personal moral code

She's not that ugly actually. Depends on her age - if she's 50, then she doesn't look half bad. If she's 20 however...