Still Alive? She?s Free.


Aug 20, 2003
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thats bloody nice.

Take a look at GlaDOS. She?s a woman hanging upside down from the ceiling, in a straight jacket/bondage getup. Her head is even blindfolded and gagged, and her ears covered. Don?t let the big round?eyes? fool you. Look past them and see the woman hanging and suffering.

Was a very good read. The picture he drew was pretty accurate in what he was trying to get at. :)
cooooooool...crap...I did not even see a thing, before!!
I have to know if this was intentional. Looking at it now, even before seeing the drawing, just reading what he'd said and looking at the in-game picture the form was so clear. It's a marvel nobody caught it before now, and that just makes me wonder if the hidden human shape was so natural that nobody realized it, or if this guy's reading too far into it and has put the image into everyone's head. Either way, it's like looking at an optical illusion: once you see it the 'correct' way, you can't see it any other way.
Whether that was intentional or not, that's still awesome.
That is a neat way to look at it. And give's serious thoght if that's what they were trying to do. But damn you Gorgon I was just about to post that here. :( oh well it's cool anyway.
I was just about to post this till I saw this thread D:

never noticed it either.
haha wow, that's kinda creepy.

but i had never thought of it that way before...
I did kinda notice the way GLaDOS was thrashing around with only one core left, but this never occurred to me.

Very interesting, and indeed very awesome. The picture he drew was both disturbing and cool.
well, what I think we're all trying to say is that our minds have just been blown.
Wow, that's really, really cool. I was always too busy running around trying not to get killed to notice anything other than a bunch of machinery. :p
I was overcome with a distinct sensation that I was in the presence of someone in pain. Troubled. At the very least, immense frustration.
But this is what makes it fun! Free my ass.
I just saw and thought of a giant super computer AI that was obviously not working as intended, but thats a cool little hypothesis you got, + points for cleverness.

My sister once tried to psycho-analyze me after I showed her a pastel and charcoal picture I did of a sillohetted guy looked upon by a bright angry eye surrounded by smaller eyes in a dark space, I called it "naked in the dark".

She shut up after I told her I watched LoTR:FoTR the night before and the image was relevant to a discussion topic on a studio forum thread I was participating in.

Its cool the things people see and come to conclusions on when they aren't given an immediate answer or they dwell on something, nice little insights into their minds....but most often wrong. :imu:
I think this is going too far. I'm pretty sure GLaDOS is just a supercomputer that went crazy and now continues to perform tests on the test subjects that are still being held in the enrichment center (without humans to keep her actions humane).

I highly doubt she is/was a human in some form. It just seems like it's over-complicating something that really doesn't need to be so complicated.
As I said in my useless identi-topic, I can't believe I missed that the first, second, third etc. times I faced GlaDOS. I urge all who see this to complete it again and watch her as it's all blowing up. I got the frickin' shivers.

Edit: Two images I took of the moment. Notice her "arms" seem to be free here.


didn't GLaDOS mention a:

"Bring Your Daughter To Work Day"???
As I said in GreatBlack's topics, I never noticed the shape. But it probably doesn't mean anything, since that would make GlaDOS a giant, considering each of those eyes are about the size of Chell's head..
That's Silent Hill if it were sci fi haha
As I said in GreatBlack's topics, I never noticed the shape. But it probably doesn't mean anything, since that would make GlaDOS a giant, considering each of those eyes are about the size of Chell's head..
The things you knock off aren't her eyes. To me they seemed more like parasites stuck to her, if you were to think symbolically. Also, it doesn't really matter if she's a giant, since it's a machine.
The things you knock off aren't her eyes. To me they seemed more like parasites stuck to her, if you were to think symbolically. Also, it doesn't really matter if she's a giant, since it's a machine.

No, I meant 'eyes' purely in the context that they looked like them.

And whether it's really a machine is debatable.... wooooo.
I don't think there's any doubt as to whether she's a machine or not. Now, Minerva from Metastasis, she's b**** and a half.