Stop The Harrassment..NOW!

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gh0st said:
why dont you just not have anything thrown at you and not reveal your gender? no harm done.

well, sorry for being who I am...

thats like me telling you to take the Bush2004 thing out of your sig because people will know you like bush
Its a sad story that we even have to make a thread like this, in this used to be very fine and mature forum. I have been a member of this forum since the start and i have never seen anything like this.
Many of the respected forum members have left this place and it feels kinda empty. I remember when the community was new, those were the good times!!

I end this post with a nostalgic pic..
gh0st said:
why dont you just not have anything thrown at you and not reveal your gender? no harm done.

Gh0st thats enough, nobody should be made to feel they have to hide themselves on here because of the actions of others.
h00dlum said:
Its a sad story that we even have to make a thread like this, in this used to be very fine and mature forum. I have been a member of this forum since the start and i have never seen anything like this.
Many of the respected forum members have left this place and it feels kinda empty. I remember when the community was new, those were the good times!!

I end this post with a nostalgic pic..
Awesome pic, h00dlum! :P

I think its awful that people even have to consider hiding their gender for the sake of harassment. :( I guess that is the internet, eh?
Not saying you shouldnt have posted your picture, becuase this is a free world and you shouldnt have to worry about such things but fact of the matter is most of these fourms have guys on them. Guys tend to flock to the thing they cant have, its just guy nature to go after what you cant get. You shouldnt have to worry about some creep mass messageing you.

You did the right thing reporting it!

You got more guts than i do posting a pic of yer self on the net.... heh
wow... didnt know this was going on :D

i really didnt expect people on this forum to be so immature. but hey, i guess its the internet... out gift is our curse... or something equally profound.
bliink said:
Well, I'm over it...
That is definately a good thing :)

Did you get your 666th post? 669 now, but everyone needs to see their 666th post!!!
Erestheux said:
That is definately a good thing :)

Did you get your 666th post? 669 now, but everyone needs to see their 666th post!!!

NOOOOO!!! they were disabled then!!! :angry:
dam all that stuff of Deathseeker bring consecuences
bliink said:
NOOOOO!!! they were disabled then!!! :angry:
:( I'm sorry! ;( ;( ;(

Ironic, I remember RakuraiTenjin's 666th post and how I caught it for him. I even still have it...
I hope everyone learned something from this and that the forums can be a better place for both genders.

The Dark Elf said:
Guy's leave her alone, Ritz handled things properly like I wish some of you would do more often. He was asking for it and pushed his luck and kept pushing it after being told time and time again to quit. I back Icarus' choice to ban him.

Ofcourse you back Icarus. You're not going to openly post to the community that you contradict Icarus' actions, now are you?

On a side note: All of this political correctness is bullshit. If the ladies don't want to read the messages from the "offending" users, then block them. Someone pointed out that we can't force them to block people. No shit. It's your choice to use it. All I'm saying is: Don't cross the road, get hit by a car, and bitch when you didn't use the cross walk. If I was being harrassed by anyone on the forum, I would take 10 seconds, and block them. Not make it into an inflated issue of stupidity. This is ridiculous.
To whoever it may concern;

I bet you feel like a real ladies' man for protecting women online. God knows if they are even really women, the internet is a very anonymous place and if they really are women, they shouldn't have posted their pictures instead of complaining to the mods about harassment. No one told them they had to post their pictures in the thread. They should have known it was going to happen when you got people on this forum that actually get turned on by a video character (alyx). Especially when they can take a few seconds to block the user like Top Secret says. Like I said, to whoever it may concern, acting protective of females over the internet doesn't make you look like a ladies' man in anybodies' eyes.
bliink said:
Well, I'm over it...

over it... we were never under it were we.. its all just as silly as the finality of it all, its ridiculous. I apologise to ritz and any other girl member's , simply because its been blown way out of propaution,, its a HL2 community site, devoted to HL2, in the form of post's, when you compare it to 'normality' :P, its all very odd and can be taken far too seriously.. alot like flamming matches on CS server's, but at the end of the day,, it's not real.. (but i suppose its more real to some, what can I say... umm .. its not..?)

but that doesnt mean i dont respect the people incharge of the site, infact the ban was quite funny in some respect's, seeing as he managed to get away with the insults or w/e for so long :laugh: . tut tut.
Top Secret said:
Ofcourse you back Icarus. You're not going to openly post to the community that you contradict Icarus' actions, now are you?

On a side note: All of this political correctness is bullshit. If the ladies don't want to read the messages from the "offending" users, then block them. Someone pointed out that we can't force them to block people. No shit. It's your choice to use it. All I'm saying is: Don't cross the road, get hit by a car, and bitch when you didn't use the cross walk. If I was being harrassed by anyone on the forum, I would take 10 seconds, and block them. Not make it into an inflated issue of stupidity. This is ridiculous.

You didn't read the thread did you? It was pathetic. If one person wasn't hitting on one of them, another was. Even if they were told to stop, they had to be told 4 more times by other forum members before it got through their heads.

I personally would have banned additional members. I still feel there should have been a major crack down right then and there to make it clear that we do not tolerate stuff like that.

The point is that a person shouldn't have to feel threatened for telling people something about themselves. That means if I'm black (which I'm not), I shouldn't have to fear racial insults; if I'm a Christian, I shouldn't have to fear being insulted about my beliefs in God. They same thing goes with gender and a host of other things. It should have never happened. I shouldn't have to block posts from specific members or not read threads or receive PM's and E-mails.

The actions taken by the staff were not ridiculous, they were appropriate.
Zeus said:
they shouldn't have posted their pictures instead of complaining to the mods about harassment.

jen was the only 'girl' who put pictures in that thread.

and I'm not complaining about who harassed me, I'm just making an observance of how the general forum behaved, quite dishearteningly if you ask me.
MarcoPolo said:
Is it really that hard to treat people with respect?

Yeah. Why can't we all just get along? ;(

I propose standing in a circle and singing Kumbaya. It's the solution to all problems. Now start singing, folks!
blahblahblah said:
You didn't read the thread did you? It was pathetic. If one person wasn't hitting on one of them, another was. Even if they were told to stop, they had to be told 4 more times by other forum members before it got through their heads.

I personally would have banned additional members. I still feel there should have been a major crack down right then and there to make it clear that we do not tolerate stuff like that.

The point is that a person shouldn't have to feel threatened for telling people something about themselves. That means if I'm black (which I'm not), I shouldn't have to fear racial insults; if I'm a Christian, I shouldn't have to fear being insulted about my beliefs in God. They same thing goes with gender and a host of other things. It should have never happened. I shouldn't have to block posts from specific members or not read threads or receive PM's and E-mails.

The actions taken by the staff were not ridiculous, they were appropriate.

No, I didn't read the whole thread, I skimpered through and posted my opinion. While still respecting your opinion:

I still think this was dealt with in a ridiculous fashion. I've whitnessed two forums where incidents like this could have been easily avoided, but these facist actions were taken and the forum was destroyed, literally.
Next: While I agree that race, gender, ethnic beliefs, etc etc should not matter, it also isn't necessary. My "home" forum, actiontrip, has two or three females (Out of the twenty or so regulars) who are also regulars. They are given great respect on such a literal forum. (On actiontrip, I could litterally say to a mod "Your mother is a ****ing bitch, and I ****ed her all night long." and not even get banned.) And yet, it's a very mature forum to be on. (Not for new members) But all of the members of the forum have respect for eachother, and we all work as a family. When one of us feels pissed off/harrassed/insulted. We just click on "User CP" and add that person to the block list. 3 poeple don't get banned, and 4 more don't get banned defending that one person/taking sides.

Third, and greatest point of all: It's the internet. Full of anonymous (By choice) users. If I get a PM from some dude in Sweden, saying how he wants to do sexual things to me. I'd probably laugh. Seriously. If that same dude were to take a plane over here, and say it to my face. I'd press charges against him/kill him right then.

And Fourth: Icarus, you can't threaten legal action over an anonymous forum such as this. It's clearly stated in laws of sexual harrassment that it has to be a physical type of action. (Ie, I send a letter, or approach you at work, or talk to you on the phone.) I'll even find the law and quote it. One sec...

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual's employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.


It also clearly states in the law that one would have to know the other. Ie: Sending random pr0n to a random e-mail address isn't sexual harrassment. Sending it to your boss's e-mail, is.

In fact, getting in touch with the local authorities in an attempt to prosecute one of these members would most likely turn around (Since it would no longer be anonymous) provided you could get the police's attention in the first place. :)
I think the point has got across now.

To sum up. This whole attitude of "oh your a female/moderator/newbie/American so I can treat you like crap" has got to stop. People are annoyed over it, some leaving over it, and its simply not on.

With that, Thread closed, now can I please, for the love of god, get some god damn sleep without being woken up about this ever other minute?
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