Stop the planet, I want to get off!


Sep 18, 2003
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Anybody else feel like this?

It just seems like the world is so screwed up these days, with people in positions of power blinded by their own greed, and entire populations blinded by their lies and deceit.

It just feels like it's a downward spiral, and I don't want to stay.

No, this isn't a suicide thread. I just wondered who else feels the same about this?

Yep, makes you proud to be a member of the human race. :rolleyes:
Hehehe, after watching the daily show just now I feel the same way. but then I realize there wouldn't be any daily show so nevermind!
Pobz said:
Anybody else feel like this?

It just seems like the world is so screwed up these days, with people in positions of power blinded by their own greed, and entire populations blinded by their lies and deceit.

It just feels like it's a downward spiral, and I don't want to stay.

No, this isn't a suicide thread. I just wondered who else feels the same about this?


If you go please take me with you. I need off too. :x Just reading the news is depressing anymore.
It just seems like the world is so screwed up these days, with people in positions of power blinded by their own greed, and entire populations blinded by their lies and deceit.

Exactly. I'm glad this isn't the case in this forum ;) I'd surely have a problem, if some jerks would come up with prejudices...
Well, stopping the planet prolly won't happen, but you can always hope to hitch a ride on an alien ship once they come. That's what I'm doing.
could you have possible asked a broader question?

lol... cant really answer it, apart from saying that im sure at one point in my life i will feel that the world is a pointless spiral of nobodys trying to make money and be something theyre not, watching illusuions that make them feel like people can be "heroes" and that the world is better than it really is, when in fact youre just living out an ordinary life, with an ordionary family, in an exruciatingly repetitive, annoying, pointless linear life.

and then you die.

but hey, i wouldnt know about that, im only (almost) 15.
Suicide42 said:
but hey, i wouldnt know about that, im only (almost) 15.

Where would you want to get off to anyway :P not much out there.

and once you went out far enough all you'd get from the radiowaves is yesterday's political debates.

so, define 'is'
lol, thast a good definition brian damage :D

oh, wait.... its letters.. anyway, simmo im no n00b :| or... wait... cybersh33p? wtf? well you agree pobz! no.. blabla.... WTF... I AM TEH MAD
hell no. if i get off i will probly never coem back.. that means i wouldent be able to play hl2 :(
pff, I'm glad I don't live on Earth.

Salutations from England on the planet Quigalybob.
You can't get off this ride, but you can have a limited effect on how it works. Taking control of your own life is only enough if you want to live an isolated but happy life. Otherwise you are going to have to accept that true happiness is never going to come to you, but don't look at it in such a depressing way.

We are human beings and we have the potential to affect our whole society if we play our cards right. I always see life as a big military campaign, where my body and my mind are both my armies and generals. The main reason most people feel so powerless is because they don't fight their battles properly, they take on enemies far too powerful for them given their own power and then feel helpless when they lose.

You will never win every battle, so don't feel bad for losing. You can however gain more power as your life goes forward, don't be satisfied merely defending your own borders from the advancing armies of poverty and depression. Take chances, fight back, take control. Rome would never have become as powerful as it did had it always stayed behind its walls, its people to depressed and scared to march forward and expand its influence.

Think of everyone as a separate nation, form alliances, trade, debate, send aid, and if necessary fight (not physically). Then consider how best you can expand the influence of your own nation, how can your nation gain a voice on the global stage, how can you gain enough power to start changing this world.

Thats how I view my life, it is probably the product of video games and of delving far to deep into my own psych than what is considered normal but I can say that it has been working for me. Its when I consider myself as a separate entity from my own conscious thought I seem to be able to make the best decisions. I realized I should try this after I found myself capable of making very good decisions for other people and always ended up making very bad decisions for myself.

Hopefully I didn't come accross as too insane. :P
The Mullinator said:
You can't get off this ride, but you can have a limited effect on how it works. Taking control of your own life is only enough if you want to live an isolated but happy life. Otherwise you are going to have to accept that true happiness is never going to come to you, but don't look at it in such a depressing way.

We are human beings and we have the potential to affect our whole society if we play our cards right. I always see life as a big military campaign, where my body and my mind are both my armies and generals. The main reason most people feel so powerless is because they don't fight their battles properly, they take on enemies far too powerful for them given their own power and then feel helpless when they lose.

You will never win every battle, so don't feel bad for losing. You can however gain more power as your life goes forward, don't be satisfied merely defending your own borders from the advancing armies of poverty and depression. Take chances, fight back, take control. Rome would never have become as powerful as it did had it always stayed behind its walls, its people to depressed and scared to march forward and expand its influence.

Think of everyone as a separate nation, form alliances, trade, debate, send aid, and if necessary fight (not physically). Then consider how best you can expand the influence of your own nation, how can your nation gain a voice on the global stage, how can you gain enough power to start changing this world.

Thats how I view my life, it is probably the product of video games and of delving far to deep into my own psych than what is considered normal but I can say that it has been working for me. Its when I consider myself as a separate entity from my own conscious thought I seem to be able to make the best decisions. I realized I should try this after I found myself capable of making very good decisions for other people and always ended up making very bad decisions for myself.

Hopefully I didn't come accross as too insane. :P

Are you encouraging people to go out and assassinate world leaders?
mullinator, you play WAY too many RTS games....

but i have to say that is an excellent analogy, well thought up ;)
You don't sound insane at all, that makes a lot of sense... but I don't mind admitting that i'm a simple person, I want a simple life. I don't understand why modern society has to make every little thing so complicated, and why every living person is a slave to money.

I'd be much happier if humanity hadn't evolved past cavemen. I'd love to just live in a cave and hunt deer for dinner, toasted over a nice fire.

Yep, I'm pretty simple. Simple gooooood.
mortiz said:
Are you encouraging people to go out and assassinate world leaders?
I don't think I have ever met someone who needed to have their "world leader" assasinated, so no.

Very few people in this world are actually evil enough that would require such action, and even if they were they usually won't have any power to get in your way or hurt you anyway.
How about all of you guys slit the wrists and end your pathetic existence. I mean, less competition for the work, more space in the world, and you guys are not wasting gas either, so maybe price will go a bit down. Oh, and food for starving children in Africa, I mean the hell you need it, you hate this place so much.

*cough* emo ****s *cough*

EDIT: Oh don’t forget, it’s down the road, not across.
You hear that, Mr. Anderson? That is the sound of inevitability...

edit: in reference to the post above... LOL!!!
Mr.Reak said:
How about all of you guys slit the wrists and end your pathetic existence. I mean, less competition for the work, more space in the world, and you guys are not wasting gas either, so maybe price will go a bit down. Oh, and food for starving children in Africa, I mean the hell you need it, you hate this place so much.

*cough* emo ****s *cough*

EDIT: Oh don’t forget, it’s down the road, not across.


people aren't going to like that.
The thread was intended to point out the pathetic existence of the human race, not individuals... and what gives you the idea that your life is more meaningful than anyone elses?
Pobz said:
The thread was intended to point out the pathetic existence of the human race, not individuals... and what gives you the idea that your life is more meaningful than anyone elses?

I don’t give a flying crap if my life is more meaningful, I live it, I enjoy it. I don’t have time to stress over a big picture, because it was much worse back in time, and you know what, we made it perfectly fine. There always will be lairs, selfish assholes, racist, poor, rich, etc. It would be boring if there weren’t any.
Mr.Reak said:
I don’t give a flying crap if my life is more meaningful, I live it, I enjoy it. I don’t have time to stress over a big picture, because it was much worse back in time, and you know what, we made it perfectly fine. There always will be lairs, selfish assholes, racist, poor, rich, etc. It would be boring if there weren’t any.

10 bucks says you'll be dead due those types of people you listed before you have the chance to live out your natural life.
Pobz said:
You don't sound insane at all, that makes a lot of sense... but I don't mind admitting that i'm a simple person, I want a simple life. I don't understand why modern society has to make every little thing so complicated, and why every living person is a slave to money.

I'd be much happier if humanity hadn't evolved past cavemen. I'd love to just live in a cave and hunt deer for dinner, toasted over a nice fire.

Yep, I'm pretty simple. Simple gooooood.
Things are complicated as a product of our increased population, when we were but simple cavemen who lived in small tribes things are relatively simple, there are fewer differing opinions, fewer mouths to feed, fewer people to commit crimes, fewer people to keep happy.

As population increases and the world gets closer together everything will get more complicated, it sucks of course, but there is little that can be done about it. Our brains are still meant to exist in a small tribal society where everything is simple, our brains simply never had a chance to evolve to a level where we could be happy with the results of having such a huge population.

Oh and there is nothing wrong with trying to live a simple life, the only reason I won't ever live a simple life is because I can't shut out the problems that exist, I go to sleep at night thinking about how I could have handled political situations better, how I would change things given the chance, I want to change the world. I don't like feeling these things as I know it will keep me from ever feeling happy, but I know I must live with it. Life is both a gift and a curse, the battle involves ensuring that the curse doesn't consume you, and living the simple life is usually the best way of making sure that doesn't happen.
Mr.Reak said:
I don’t give a flying crap if my life is more meaningful, I live it, I enjoy it. I don’t have time to stress over a big picture, because it was much worse back in time, and you know what, we made it perfectly fine. There always will be lairs, selfish assholes, racist, poor, rich, etc. It would be boring if there weren’t any.

OK, whatever... but telling people to slit their wrists is just wrong... even if it was intended as a joke (which you didn't indicate) - and even though nobody would do it, it just makes you look like a completely arrogant/selfish/cruel/remorseless troll.
Well, maybe if some aliens came over to Earth and started blowing shit up a la Independence Day we could all forget our differences.

I figure we've got another 200 years left before we blow ourselves up completely. The way I see it, the only reason we made it this far is because we didn't have a-bombs 1000 years ago.

Eh, maybe I'm just being pessimistic.
mortiz said:
10 bucks says you'll be dead due those types of people you listed before you have the chance to live out your natural life.

So, probably I will, but as I said, I am not gonna stress over it. If you always look at the big picture, life is a bore. I mean, you finish college, you get a job and a wife, bunch of kids who turn out to be smoking potheads. At the end you will die alone in the bed, while shitting at your pants, because you can’t control your anus anymore.

Pobz, it doesn't make me look like a troll, it makes me look like a person who hates cry babies. If you don't like this world so much, how about dedicating your whole life on changing it? Or are you one of these hippies, who fought for world peace by doing drugs on the hills of San Francisco?
im disowning all you bitches. Im starting my own race called adulus. If you are stupid in said race, you are shot. Then and there, on the spot. thank you.
Pobz said:
Anybody else feel like this?
It just seems like the world is so screwed up these days, with people in positions of power blinded by their own greed, and entire populations blinded by their lies and deceit.
It just feels like it's a downward spiral, and I don't want to stay.
No, this isn't a suicide thread. I just wondered who else feels the same about this? :|
Well, politicians have always been greedy and power mad; it's in the nature of the beast. As the old adage goes - The people who want power most are those who are least suited to be trusted with it. And not the whole population are blinded by the lies - just look at yourself pointing it out. There are ever-increasing numbers of people who've become increasingly wary of politicians and arte loathe to let them get away with it.
Although, sadly as you said, there are those who're lazy and feckless and don't think politics matters. That is until the govt. do a bad job :hmph:
However it pisses me off when people talk about this constant flailing decline of humanity and society. Yeah there's lots of awful things that are going on, but people find it far too easy on concentrating on what's bad than good. The worst part of that being that these people are so set in their ways of complaining that the idea they might go out and actually do something about it escapes them. Or they simply choose to ignore it.
adulus said:
im disowning all you bitches. Im starting my own race called adulus. If you are stupid in said race, you are shot. Then and there, on the spot. thank you.

Too late, was done before :D Let’s join some Nazi organization, concept is basically the same :P
Mr.Reak said:
Too late, was done before :D Let’s join some Nazi organization, concept is basically the same :P

Except his killing don't involve an oven nor a gas chamber/relaxing shower room.
Sorry for pissing you off el Chi - i'm sure there is something good in this world, but whatever it is, I don't have a slice of it.

As for changing what's bad... well, there are thousands of protestors out there all trying to make a difference. Nothing changes, and i'm sure my contribution wouldn't change a thing.
Pobz said:
As for changing what's bad... well, there are thousands of protestors out there all trying to make a difference. Nothing changes, and i'm sure my contribution wouldn't change a thing.

sure it would, just think of yourself as a domino in a chain of dominos. All it takes is one push to set it in motion
Pobz said:
As for changing what's bad... well, there are thousands of protestors out there all trying to make a difference. Nothing changes, and i'm sure my contribution wouldn't change a thing.
Fighting battles that they cannot win given their power, even united they don't have much of a hope. To me at least they are a perfect example of people who don't play their cards right, they think they can win when really they are often hurting themselves.

The more they protest the more annoyed the people that they are protesting against will become, the more annoyed those people become means the less likely they will be willing to make the changes the protestors demand.

Had green peace activists not concentrated on being a thorn and a major annoyance to the very people they were trying to change I suspect they would have been much more succesful at reaching their goals. Alot of the time today the people in power have been so greatly annoyed by many different protest groups that they are unwilling to budge on the issues even when it is extremelly neccessary.

Sometimes protestors will be succesful, and it is often the best way of fighting a neccessary battle, but it will not always work.
Pobz said:
Sorry for pissing you off el Chi - i'm sure there is something good in this world, but whatever it is, I don't have a slice of it.

As for changing what's bad... well, there are thousands of protestors out there all trying to make a difference. Nothing changes, and i'm sure my contribution wouldn't change a thing.

I can't stand people like you, really.
Mr.Reak said:
I can't stand people like you, really.

That's OK, I don't think much to you either. Someone close the thread plz?
Pobz said:
Sorry for pissing you off el Chi - i'm sure there is something good in this world, but whatever it is, I don't have a slice of it.

As for changing what's bad... well, there are thousands of protestors out there all trying to make a difference. Nothing changes, and i'm sure my contribution wouldn't change a thing.
No I didn't mean you specifically :) But your defeatist attitude is what I'm talking about. Like Cpt Stern said, domino effect, every little bit builds up, stand up and be counted, etc.
I worked for a women's rights charity on a campaign about domestic abuse. Whilst I know it's not going to stop it, the important thing was raising awareness and raising money for the charity so it could help the abused. That's not me trying to blow my own trumpet I'm simply saying that it's at least worth a shot - helping in some small way is better than apathy.
Whether or not you supported the war on Iraq, you have to admit that the protests were impressive in size, if not conviction, and that was because people didn't take the "What difference will I make?" line. You could make all the difference.

Mr. Reak - you could at least be a bit more constructive? The way you went about it you were being just as negative as Pobz.