Stop the planet, I want to get off!

Mr.Reak said:
Too late, was done before :D Let’s join some Nazi organization, concept is basically the same :P
Ah shit.
(10 char blows)
CptStern said:
sure it would, just think of yourself as a domino in a chain of dominos. All it takes is one push to set it in motion
That my friend is sig material...
I wouldn't worry about the human race nor the planet. No one will blow it up. In a couple of years, when our cloning technologies will have matured some engineers on this planet will breed dinosaurs. To make a little bit of money they will create a giant park to attract people. Then the people will get bored of seeing these dinosaurs, so using genetic engineering the scientists will make the dinosaurs even bigger. Of course, Denis Nedry will let the jumbo dinos loose.

The rest is easy to imagine: the 30 meters high T-Rex are going to destroy our cities and eat 99% of earth population. The rest will live in caves running away from the big jumbo dinosaurs. The good part is that if you are able to kill a t-rex your whole village will have food for all winter.

Id say we have about 20 years left before the dinosaurs take over. So lets just do the best we can and try not to think about the fate of our race because it will only bring depressing thoughts.

Anyways, after a thousand years of ‘dark age’ hiding from dinosaurs, the human race will prosper again to continue a maybe never ending cycle.
Thank you time we need a refreshing dose of reality, we will call you. ;)
Pobz, about changing things I definitely understand how you feel. At times the problems in the world can indeed seem overwhelming and it feels as if there is nothing you can do. But just remember that if everyone thought that way then nothing ever would get done. It's the people who decide to go out and make a difference that end up changing or controlling things in the world.

I think a great example of this is Apos, who use to post here. He quit his job and is currently on the campaign trail with Kerry, because he thinks that's what's best for this country. A very admirable thing to do in my opinion.

Though I might not be so gung-ho about it if he was with Bush instead, heh. :P
Actually, what I was trying to say is that humans are humans and we can't change that. Its too depressing to start thinking about the bad things the human race does because we cant change anything.

Ok, maybe we can change smalls things and have short term victories, but we will end up at the same place anyway. This applies to us as individuals and as a community. So I just try to live my life the best I can and be happy about it. If I have the chance to help my neighboor, than I help him. But I know I cant save the world so I dont.

This is what I meant in my earlier post, I guessed I should have made it a bit more clear, sorry.
Pobz said:
Anybody else feel like this?

It just seems like the world is so screwed up these days, with people in positions of power blinded by their own greed, and entire populations blinded by their lies and deceit.

It just feels like it's a downward spiral, and I don't want to stay.

No, this isn't a suicide thread. I just wondered who else feels the same about this?


I Know ,, but hey thats what forums and games where made for, to take our mind off what is real?,, yup..

Hook me up,, feed the virtual bliss through my veins...

but dont feel helpless.. use the system and work it from the inside, and then cripple the greedy buggers.. Patience ;)
not the whole world

america is the most ****ed up country on the planet, followed by most of asia and africa

at least living in the UK is good as its one of the most un****ed countrys in the world, as is mainland europe
Cool philosophy nicrd, I like it :)

Screw the world, ignorance is bliss.

For some that OK but I just can't feel ok knowing how screwed the world is... and seriously I know i'm a pessimist but I can't stop the world from being screwed, it would take a hell of a lot of people to make a difference.

I hear what someone said about dominoes, and I wish that were true... but it isn't. You push one domino and the rest fall. You go out and try to make a difference in the world. Who follows you? your neighbours? your friends? family? no.
Pobz said:
I hear what someone said about dominoes, and I wish that were true... but it isn't. You push one domino and the rest fall. You go out and try to make a difference in the world. Who follows you? your neighbours? your friends? family? no.

That's why you need to join organizations that are already trying to make a difference. Sure trying to accomplish something entirely alone isn't going to do much good and trying to start a movement by yourself is going to be incredibly hard. But there is already tons of groups trying to make a difference right now. I'm sure they'd appreciate the help. You could always start by seeing if there are any nonprofit organizations in your area that could use volunteers.

Oh and you say your neighbors, friends, and family won't follow you. Well why do you think that is? It's because they feel the same way as you do. They probably don't think they can make enough of a difference to matter. It's the same reason a lot of people probably don't vote. They don't think their one vote would make a difference and they're technically right that a single vote probably won't. However the problem comes in when everyone thinks that way. That results in a huge chunk of our population that doesn't bother to vote at all. Now if they all decided that their vote did matter and voted it would indeed make a huge difference. See what I'm saying? It's too easy to feel defeated before you even start. Only problem is that by thinking that way you make it a reality.

Here's another example. Think of stealing a small item from a store. Is that really a big deal? No. Is it going to hurt the store? No. But does that make it right? No, because if everyone did it than it would be a big deal and it would hurt the store. That's why it's wrong to do in the first place, just like it can be wrong to think you can't make a difference.

Now, even having said all that I do understand pessimism. It's too easy to think that nothing can be done. I feel that way a lot of times. So I'm guilty of the exact same thing. But I gurantee that if half the people who thought that way got up off their asses and went out to make a difference, things would change.

Sorry, for the long rant. Hopefully, I've made some sense.
for some actual intelligent commentary:

Usually species have to compete to survive. It i a system of checks and balances. But we have eliminated all major competitor's, and now we're top dog. But this can't last. An average human uses a LOT of resources, and there are 6 billion of us. Now there are a few options
1.The end days of the bible come.
2.We blow our own dum**** selves up, leaving the cows to inherit the earth shortly after.
3.We blow our own dum**** selves and irradiate the planet, leaving the cockroaches to inherit the planet.
4.We spread into space, and either outcompete all other races, or step on some other races toes and they blow us away.

I know this is pessimistic, but im tired.
Pobz said:
Anybody else feel like this?

It just seems like the world is so screwed up these days, with people in positions of power blinded by their own greed, and entire populations blinded by their lies and deceit.

It just feels like it's a downward spiral, and I don't want to stay.

No, this isn't a suicide thread. I just wondered who else feels the same about this?


uh nevermind
Anymore complaining and I'l turn this planet around, its not to much trouble you know. We can right back.

I have a way to solve the problem of living and crappy planet...Trow bags of money at it. Honestly, a bag of money will solve most of lifes problems if you look at it the right way. Sure, be innovative and all that but bags of money go a long way :)
While I'm usually a pretty pessimistic and cynical, at this point I'd implore you to look ont he bright side of everything. :D

Oh to hell with it. Let's all build an rocket and bugger off somewhere.
Pobz, i urge you to seek out material by Bill Hicks. there are others who produce(d) similar material, but i think Hicks nails it, particularly in this situation. see if you can get hold of a few of his stand up videos. it won't cure you, but it'll ease your mind a little to know you're not the only one who feels like that.

but yeah, nicrd has put it quite nicely. it kind of ties in with what Morhpeus said in The Matrix. it was something along the lines of "but what if people don't want to be unplugged? they've become dependant on the system, so hopelessely inerd that they couldn't accept it if we freed them." something similar anyway, fire up the dvd and check it out.

if you need some more guidance, seek out Sun Tzu's The Art Of War. ok so you're not going to round up ten thousand pasty looking mancurians and march on parliament, but the philosophy the book teaches in invaluable and transferrable to all walks of life.

but i suppose the best you can do is just spread the word to the 'right' sort of people. carrying on from what Morpheus said, most people aren't worth the bloody effort, so don't bother trying to win them over. as long as you find the right sort of people who think along the same lines and are receptive and open minded, you can have a good crack at changing things. you won't change everything in your lifetime, but you lay the seeds now. our purpose is not to change anything, but leave giant footsteps for our children to follow, in the hope they will pick up the flame and resume the assault. or something.
FortisVir said:
Well, maybe if some aliens came over to Earth and started blowing shit up a la Independence Day we could all forget our differences.

I figure we've got another 200 years left before we blow ourselves up completely. The way I see it, the only reason we made it this far is because we didn't have a-bombs 1000 years ago.

Eh, maybe I'm just being pessimistic.

I agree, I think we're all goners if we don't stop..doing a lot of things.

Wars, for one...Polluting the Earth for another.
I will change the world in exactly 10 years, 12 days, 1 hour, 12 minutes and 56 seconds.
Sprafa said:
I will change the world in exactly 10 years, 12 days, 1 hour, 12 minutes and 56 seconds.

I wrote it on my calander.
Did anyone read the pentagon report, saying if we continue the way we are going then there will be major climate changes in twenty years or so.
We'll have less of that buggering thank you very much

How about we all bog off somewhere?

As for our old bud Titor...what if the entire community, in an effort to stop his prophecies comign true, tried to storm the white house to take out the current US government, and ended up starting the civil war...?

Whoah, that would be weird.
Sulkdodds said:
How about we all bog off somewhere?

As for our old bud Titor...what if the entire community, in an effort to stop his prophecies comign true, tried to storm the white house to take out the current US government, and ended up starting the civil war...?

Whoah, that would be weird.

15 years old with plastic guns :O

p.s. sorry, couldn't stop myself there :P
We'll soon know if Titor was right, cause there would be a terrorist attack at the Olympics :burp:

Oh yeah, let me be the first to say this:

Where is the world coming to?
Pobz said:
Anybody else feel like this?

It just seems like the world is so screwed up these days, with people in positions of power blinded by their own greed, and entire populations blinded by their lies and deceit.

It just feels like it's a downward spiral, and I don't want to stay.

No, this isn't a suicide thread. I just wondered who else feels the same about this?


Further Down the Spiral, as Reznor would say.
Most of your theories of the destruction of the human race are very plausable. But theres evidence to support this one-

The only reason the intence radiation from the sun doesn't fry us all like tissues on a bonfire is because the Earths magnetic feild, along with the o-zone layer shield the planet. However, 100-200 years from now, the molten iron that is the very center of our planet which creates the magnetic feild, will re-polarise itself, resulting in the magneticx poles inverting. This process could take any-where from a few hours to a hundred years, no-one knows.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Blaze said:
Most of your theories of the destruction of the human race are very plausable. But theres evidence to support this one-

The only reason the intence radiation from the sun doesn't fry us all like tissues on a bonfire is because the Earths magnetic feild, along with the o-zone layer shield the planet. However, 100-200 years from now, the molten iron that is the very center of our planet which creates the magnetic feild, will re-polarise itself, resulting in the magneticx poles inverting. This process could take any-where from a few hours to a hundred years, no-one knows.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Thats true but it has happened many times in the past (seemingly at random), and as far as I know it never caused much of a problem. The magnetic field won't disappear while this happens so I don't think there is too much of a danger. Although it will definately cause problems for us but they will probably be minor.
It wont dissapear entirely, however, there will be about thirteen norths and souths, and nothing at all sometimes. What you are refering to are regular disturbances in the feild, barely detectable. The last time this happened was several ice-ages ago.
Blaze said:
Most of your theories of the destruction of the human race are very plausable. But theres evidence to support this one-

The only reason the intence radiation from the sun doesn't fry us all like tissues on a bonfire is because the Earths magnetic feild, along with the o-zone layer shield the planet. However, 100-200 years from now, the molten iron that is the very center of our planet which creates the magnetic feild, will re-polarise itself, resulting in the magneticx poles inverting. This process could take any-where from a few hours to a hundred years, no-one knows.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
The Mullinator said:

Really we do need another world, right now we have too many eggs in one basket.

Great idea...isntead of keeping out eggs all in one perfectly suited basket, lets move them into the barren basket of doom where they go funny due to bad air. :P