- What a Joke

Pi you being in the gaming industry what do your colleages think of this? is there any sort of organised group that fights them or is it up to individual developers who face litigation that take up the fight? It just seems to me that many in the industry are taking this lying down
The general consensus that I've seen is that there's going to end up being some kind of regulation mandating age ratings. While that affects retailers more than developers, companies like Wal-Mart won't stock the more "mature" titles.
So I suspect most developers aren't feeling too bothered yet.

People like Thompson won't affect much - he's just in it to try and bring suits against individual companies to make a name for himself.
Pi Mu Rho said:
The general consensus that I've seen is that there's going to end up being some kind of regulation mandating age ratings. While that affects retailers more than developers, companies like Wal-Mart won't stock the more "mature" titles.
So I suspect most developers aren't feeling too bothered yet.

till they are forced by the new regulations to cut content that might be deemed questionable ..but I do feel a bit relieved that they arent all that worried

Pi Mu Rho said:
People like Thompson won't affect much - he's just in it to try and bring suits against individual companies to make a name for himself.

I dont know ...too many people write him off because he's an obvious nut but he's been very successful in other sectors of media ...he managed to get Clear Channel fined ($400,000+) for comments made by Howard Stern and was behind the Time-Warner ban in the 90's because of Ice-T's song "cop killer" ...and the 80's witch hunt of 2Livecrew and their explicit lyrics he has some very powerful friends: Hilary Clinton and Joe Lieberman
Could we make a website to host all the emails and responses sent?

It would help shread some light/expose this guy for the mis-informed fool he clearly is.
or what about a sticky in either the off-topic forum or the politics forum?
He also blames columbine on videogames...maybe if he watched the news for more than 5 seconds, he would learn that the kids who did that actually fired real guns in a forest as opposed to emulated real guns in a videogame.

It's not just violent video games either. Remember the kid who stabbed his baby brother because he was getting frustrated on the increadibles videogame?
dream431ca said:
He also blames columbine on videogames...maybe if he watched the news for more than 5 seconds, he would learn that the kids who did that actually fired real guns in a forest as opposed to emulated real guns in a videogame.

It's not just violent video games either. Remember the kid who stabbed his baby brother because he was getting frustrated on the increadibles videogame?

He had shit parents. The Incredibles is irrelevant.
This guys interviews, and the way he responds to answers tend to get me angry.

I dont know how someone could be so inconsiderate about something that millions of people do every day. Personally, I dont care at all about the way he is critisizing video games like this. I know that he isnt the one making the decisions, he isnt the one who is in charge of anything that will make decisions to change video games.

I am a bit irritated at the fact that the only games I see targeted are the upmost extreme games in the industry. Postal 2, GTA, and Manhunt. That is three games people, three games out of millions that have been put out over the past ten years. I personally thought Postal 2 was an extremely poor game, that was only fun for a few hours at most. GTA, I played the third version of that game and enjoyed it, the most memorable thing about that game was the car damage system, and the idea of a full flowing city to roam in. Manhunt was a terrible game also, that I didnt even bother to actually buy. The anti-game supporters and advocaters are very ignorant, they dont see that the games they are fighting against only make up about 1% of the actual market.

I would like to add here, that I personally did not enjoy the latest two installments of the GTA franchise. Vice City, and San Andreas to me were the same thing as GTAIII. Maybe this is because I didnt play the game for the violence, or the idea of shootouts. Maybe because I got bored of the mechanics of the GTA engine. I still think the GTA game's combat, and the realism in the way your fire, and handle weapons in the game is terrible. If I want to have a shootout, I go play Counter-Strike. The anti-game advocates need to get real, GTA had the worst simlutation of actual combat ever. Rapid-fire grenade launchers, and cops that slam their cars into anything on site. The rate of fire, and recoil on most of the weapons was a complete joke.
Yea, yea GTA is a good way to prepare youself for a firefight.

Another thing is the fact that in every article, the people say....

"In this game, you have sex with a prostitute, then brutally run her over with a car, and get out of the car, and put three more clips of machine gun rounds into her corpse"

Ok, first of all, as said before, there are no instructions on how to do this in the game, second of all. You are not forced to do anything in this game. Your not forced to have sex with the prosititute, your not forced to kill her afterwards, and if you are doing that in game, I suggest that you get help. I dont know about anyone here, but for one, I never even bothered to do any of that in GTA, because guess what, I'm not a raging militant, who trains in video games to prepare for my real life shooting spree.

I dont think I did just to my arguement above, I cant even express the stupidity of the anti-game movement.

Hitler must have been from the future, because the only reason he could have dont something as bad as the holocaust, was to play a game. Thats why he acted so irrationally, all because he could click plastic at a pixel.
bliink said:
That sounds about right for a translation.

He is affecting people, he has friends in the higher ups. We can't just sit back and say this won't do anything... there is going to be a day where Video Gaming will be on the verge of being banned, because people think clicking a mouse and hitting "W S A D" is going to make you a perfessional (Sp?) killer.

The public has to realize, how stupid these fight backs are, and how they are creating false facts about gaming. Parents constantly complain that their child is playing to much on the computer (Oh, I know this all to well). Though, they can sit back and watch T.V which involves almost no interaction.

Parents are starting to do anything to get a child off the computer, some are probably destroying their child's life in the process.

Just my 0.02$ Canadian Cents
Devvo said:
Could we make a website to host all the emails and responses sent?

It would help shread some light/expose this guy for the mis-informed fool he clearly is.
And call it :D
dream431ca said:
He also blames columbine on videogames...maybe if he watched the news for more than 5 seconds, he would learn that the kids who did that actually fired real guns in a forest as opposed to emulated real guns in a videogame.

Additionally, recent evidence (well not really recent, this was known for at least 5 years now) shows that one of the shooters, Eric Harris, was using a mind-altering drug known as Luvox.

Eric Harris, one of the shooters at the Columbine High School massacre was reported taking Luvox, which, like Prozac, Zoloft and Paxil, belongs to the class of drugs known as selective serotoinin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). In one out of every 25 children taking Luvox causes mania, "a psychosis characterized by exalted feelings, delusions of grandeur...and over production of ideas."

More on teenage shootings here. Wish I could find a more credible source, but it makes sense that mood-altering drugs influenced these shootings. Drugs make for a stronger case than video games ever will.

Oh, and I like the website idea. :)
He might be sending those emails to wrong people purposely... he can't be that idiotic. Perhaps he is waiting for someone to accidently show the right email, and then, he goes in for a sue *Against a gamer*. Just my own thought though. Angry Lawyer would have to confirm if this would be possible.
Angry Lawyer's our law expert, then. Hurry up and get the cursed website up so i can link to that instead of a forum thread - people tend to 'trust' websites more than forum threads.
Fliko said:
He might be sending those emails to wrong people purposely... he can't be that idiotic. Perhaps he is waiting for someone to accidently show the right email, and then, he goes in for a sue *Against a gamer*. Just my own thought though. Angry Lawyer would have to confirm if this would be possible.

I doubt he'd have a case. And he probably wouldn't, because 9/10 lawyers won't sue unless they're actually going to get money out of it. What money can he get out of you?

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
I doubt he'd have a case. And he probably wouldn't, because 9/10 lawyers won't sue unless they're actually going to get money out of it. What money can he get out of you?

-Angry Lawyer

One day you're going to forget to put "-Angry Lawyer" on the end of your post, and oh will you regret it.
Pesmerga said:
One day you're going to forget to put "-Angry Lawyer" on the end of your post, and oh will you regret it.
He misspelled it once... But his quick editing led to minimal exposure. You can't catch him off-guard!
vegeta897 said:
You can't catch him off-guard!

Which is suprising considering the amount of alcohol consumed! Angry Lawyer = teh win!
I have sent him various emails, from different accounts, and his response was

"Uh huh"


"Couldn't care less"
Evil Cows

Yes, all these people are going out and killing others, and they have all played computer games.

But I wonder whether they all ate cheese as well.

I put it to you that it is infact cheese that is causing the problem, not games. It's a conspiracy run by the cows of the earth to produce this mind-altering cheese that will cause the human race to exterminate itself, leaving the cows to inherit the earth!

DAMN them I say, Damn them.

Boarding up my house to stay safe from cows.
I think those murderer's mothers should be convicted for their children's crimes. I mean, it's really the mother's fault, as if she hadn't given birth to them, there would be no murderer!
Angry Lawyer said:
I doubt he'd have a case. And he probably wouldn't, because 9/10 lawyers won't sue unless they're actually going to get money out of it. What money can he get out of you?

-Angry Lawyer
Nooo! Not my 2 cents, I was gonna use it for posting.
I decided to finally visit this guy's site. The report on the front (and only) page of his site struck me as so... stupid I decided to write a paragraph-by-paragraph analysis. I hope you enjoy. Please note- it actually includes a lot of what has been said before, so you actually don't really need to enjoy...

This site's purpose is to give you the means to contact Miami attorney Jack Thompson if you know of someone harmed as a result of violent entertainment, including violent video games.
The first time I went to his site, I was greeted with a boring, repeated pattern of "patriarchal" colors or red white and blue (assuming this is the case, seeing as he IS from america) as if his being an attorney specifically against "video-game induced violence" increases the positive aspects of the international view of a country. Pfft.

One current horrific example is a video game made available by Sony and Take-Two Interactive called Manhunt. This game allows you to train yourself to kill people by placing plastic bags over their heads while you watch them struggle while suffocating.
As has been said by many others, simply playing a video game does not count as "training". And training, usually, involves doing something over and over as to be able to do it rather well... From what I've heard, Manhunt isn't exactly a game that you'd want to play over and over. But that doesn't really make a difference on the level of debate we're on.

You may be a parent whose child is addicted to video games. You may know someone harmed by someone addicted to violent entertainment who copycatted that violence. The victim, whoever it is, needs help. Jack Thompson will assist in getting that person help. Please fee free to use the below contact information.
Kids (normally) don't get "addicted" to video games, the way they get addicted to drugs and the like (which is probably what Jack is thinking, if we can tell anything from his view on games) I betcha even the most ravenous video-game playing teen will get over games in a much smaller time span than any druggy.
Anyway, if this is the case, then the second sentance is null :upstare: but I'd also like to point out the use of the word "copy-cat": which is a very childish word, I personally haven't heard it used by anyone over fourth-grade education level, and I found myself wondering why he couldn't have jsut put "Copying" and left it at that. I mean, cmon, the guy didn't even spell it right. There's a hyphen.

Miami attorney Jack Thompson has appeared on more than 50 national television programs and 170 college campuses over the past twelve years in a national effort to hold accountable the entertainment industry for the harm it does to our children.
Going to the colleges to talk to people about video game violence when you specifically say that it's teens (which immedeately brings to mind 13-16 year olds in my mind) that have all the problems with video games. And that itself is wrong, as there are probably hundreds of people who are pre/post teens taht have been influenced by games in a way that you would think of as violent. I say this, because you seem to think of any instance of game playing as violent military training...

Recent medical brain scan studies at Harvard, Indiana University, and elsewhere prove that adolescents' brain functions are damaged by a steady diet of violent images. The heads of six major health care organizations, including the American Medical, Pediatric, and Psychiatric Associations have all testified before Congress in June 2000 that violent entertainment contributes to teen violence. Video games are literally "murder simulators" teaching our kids how to kill.
Allow me to bring up a certain theory (I don't recall the exact name)
that states that you cannot observe anything without altering it, and therefore altering your observations. I doubt it was the "violent images" that was damaging the kids' brains as much as the constant trips down to the science labs for brain scans...
Hah! Murder simulators. Right... Again, it's been said before, but games are about as far from the truth as you can get. As I believe someone put it, "rapidly firing grenade launchers, police shooting everything in sight, cars rammin into things constantly. That's a great way to prepare for a killing spree," or something along those lines.

The incredibly violent Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, made by Take-Two Interactive of New York City, has caused multiple copycat killings across the country. A recent Gallup Poll found that any American teen who has played this one game is twice as likely to be engaged in an act of violence than those who have not played this one game. In this game you have sex with a prostitute and then kill her grotesquely to get your money back and win the game faster. Police officers are set on fire, shotgunned in the face, and innocent pedestrians are run over with cars.
See the quote in the above paragraph that I wrote, and I'd like to bring up a point that someone else made: You aren't forced to do any of those things in the game, it all depends on the person playing it. And if the person playing it does choose to do these things while playing, they were probably already messde up in the first place, or probably even more likely, just have a wierd sense of humor (as is the case with my best friend).

The Federal Trade Commission in September 2000 found that big entertainment companies aggressively market adult-rated violent movies, music and video games to American children. Presently, Disney-owned ESPN is running ads for the Grand Theft Auto games on programs watched by huge numbers of teens, all in violation of video game industry regulations passed by the industry after the Columbine massacre.
Of course, it's absolutely inconcievable that an ADULT could possibly have been watching ESPN at the times that commercials for ADULT games were playing.
On another hand, teens are constantly watching things they aren't supposed to (i.e. porn) And I have always thought of sports as things that mainly have an adult audience, so I find it very likely that the "huge numbers" of teens watching ESPN shouldn't even have been doing so in the first place.

In April 1999, eight days before Columbine, Jack Thompson appeared on national television to identify the role that shooter video games, specifically Doom, would play in future school shootings. A week later in Littleton, Colorado, Klebold and Harris, who obsessively trained on Doom, killed thirteen.
I suppose Klebold and Harris also held their shotguns against the middle of their stomaches, and had catchy MIDI tunes playing on they walkmans. Y'ever heard the music to E1M1 the hangar? Pretty snazzy.

ANOTHER THOMPSON PREDICTION CAME TRUE: Dateline NBC reported Friday, December 13, 2002, that the Beltway Sniper, John Lee Malvo, was compelled by John Muhammad to train on the sniper video game, Halo, switched to sniper-mode or God-mode, to suppress his inhibition to kill." Jack Thompson predicted, in an interview by Matt Lauer on NBC's Today show three weeks before the Beltway Snipers were apprehended, that one of the snipers "might very well be a video gamer as young as 15 trained on a game switched to sniper-mode or God-mode."
My god, are we a fortune teller now, too?
Another? I must've missed the first one. And again, as it has been mentioned before, Halo doesn't have a "sniper mode", in fact, No game does. Sniper mode implies a whole section of gameplay that is dedicated simply to using a sniper rifle. Halo does include a sniper rifle (as does most games) but again, it is optional whether or not you use it. And on the other hand, what the hell does "god mode" have to do with anything that was stated? Makes me wonder if you even know what god mode is.

In 1992, the American Civil Liberties Union named Jack Thompson one of its ten "Censors of the Year" for daring to suggest that Time Warner rapper Ice-T's "Cop Killer" should be pulled from store shelves worldwide. That award is a badge of honor Thompson wears proudly, not only because Time Warner did what he requested but because Thompson was ten years ahead of the national curve in predicting the entertainment-inspired copycat violence we are seeing from a generation raised on violence that Hollywood says is "cool."
I suppose you're proud of that "censor of the year" award. That's like getting a "most neurotic soccer mom of the year" award, except it's even more sad, because you're not even a mom. You're not even censoring your own kids. Do you even have kids? I don't really care... In fact, this one "achievment" makes me wonder why you even do this kind of stuff. You remind me of vandalists; you do pointless, destructive actssimply to see your name in lights.
Moving on to the next sentance in the quoted paragraph, "...not only because time Warner did what he requested..." that makes you sound like a vandalist AND a spoiled little brat that whines and beats his fist on the ground until mommy buys him a toy that he wants.
Ten years ahead of the antional curve? More like it took ten years for people like you, who can't seem to stay out of other's buisiness, to convince a few goddamned neurotic moms that they're spoiled little kids going bad may not be their (the moms') faults.
Hollywood never came out and said Violence was "cool". Hollywood is not a being. It cannot even speak. Just because the movie industry is constantly making movies that involve violent scenes and the like, does not mean they are officially titling violence "cool".

I am trying to protect our freedoms. How so? When the next Columbine happens and the perpetrators are proven to be copycatters of adult-rated violent entertainment, then the government, driven by parental concern, really will contract freedom for all Americans. Safety will trump freedom.
When the next Columbine...? Are you insinuating that another crazy teen with a gun is going to go to the very same school and shoto a number of kids? That would count as another columbine. Maybe one scared little kid taking a gun to school to scare off a bully isn't. You should be careful about generalization.
There you go with copy-cat again...
Do you honestly think the US government is going to "take away freedom" because one more kid gets shot? You know people are shot and kileld everyday, and the government aint doing shit. I'm assuming that you believe that they'll... ban video games of all sorts and types, ban firearms, etc. etc. and go against nearly ALL things constitutional, just so a few less people die a year. I fail to see your logic.

When that happens, the entertainment industry will be to blame for our loss of freedom because of its failure now to accept even reasonable marketing standards.
let's take a look at this...
the entertainment industry will be to blame for our loss of freedom
then the government... ...really will contract freedom
hmm :|
And anyway, I'm not sure what the marketing standards actually are, but just by reading your site, I ahve concluded that it includes showing of commercials of games to their appropriate age groups. Now, just this one marketing standard alone is impossible to meet, because as I said earlier, it is impossibly difficult to keep kids watching and viewing only what's deemed "appropriate" for them by outer parties. Anyway, that would go against free speech and the like, so taking measures enough to meet this standard would be taking away "freedom", which again goes against your seeming patriotism, and your fight to keep our contry safe for the little kiddies.

Jack Thompson has appeared recently on a number of national television program with victims of two teenage Tennessee snipers whom police concluded trained obsessively on Grand Theft Auto to prepare for their sniping spree. Numerous others have been murdered by teens trained on this one game.
Again, it isn't training.
By victims one immedeately assumes peple who were shot by the snipers themselves (of course, for some reason, modern day classification also includes family members who were not even present at the event as "victims") and if the snipers had trained so obsessively, why would these two have survived...? Anyway, you are further implying that "numerous others" have been killed by snipers "trained" on this game. Aren't sniper rifles rather... exspensive? I doubt the teens at large here would have been able to afford one. And if their parents already owned one, well... they shouldn't have kept it in the house where the kids could get it, proving them to be bad parents- along with the fact that they actually bought the kids these violent games and let them play them (another sign of bad parenting) or, assuming that the parents had not bought the kids these games, and the kids were sneaking around and playing them, the parents should've have noticed that their kids were missing for the hours and hours it would have taken for them to "obsessively" "train" on these games? (this in itself is not exactly a sign of bad parenting... it might not be the parents' fault that they didn't know their kid was playing these, they could work late, they could be out all the time, the kid could've been at a friends house, I dunno...)

If you want to know more about the copycatting of violent video games occurring across the country, please contact Jack Thompson at 305-666-4366 or by e-mailing him, by clicking on the below link, at [email protected].

Finally, you can write Jack Thompson, 1172 South Dixie Hwy., Suite 111, Coral Gables, FL 33146. May God bless you in the meantime. If you have kids, have them start shooting hoops instead of humans.

Ok, lessee... Phone number, e-mail, address... My god, Jack, you aren't exactly the brightest man, are you? May I ask, what is your shoe size?

I find it difficutl that a man with your disposition can actually believe in god. You strike me as a man who maybe pretends to, when he's around other christians, but actually doesn't. I'd rather not stooop to your level and insult you on your religious standings, as I so easily could've done...

Yes, let's shoot hoops. Do you really find yourself clever, Jack? I ahppen to find you an ass.

Anyway, I don't think I'm gonna e-mail this to him, as it doesn't seem to include anything not said before, is definately not on the level of finesse as mecha's e-amils were, and I happen to have an extremely low tolerance of complete assholes, and I'd rather not have to read his bullshit answer, if he ever did answer.
Pooley said:
Yes, all these people are going out and killing others, and they have all played computer games.

But I wonder whether they all ate cheese as well.

I put it to you that it is infact cheese that is causing the problem, not games. It's a conspiracy run by the cows of the earth to produce this mind-altering cheese that will cause the human race to exterminate itself, leaving the cows to inherit the earth!

DAMN them I say, Damn them.

Boarding up my house to stay safe from cows.

um, did you join to post this?
15357 said:
um, did you join to post this?
Y'know, I started off reading it, thinking he was trying to make a point and finished reading it thinking he was maybe just crazy :S
Wait I forgot this part. I played Half-life 2. I'm a certified button pusher. Ph33r my skills Jack Thompson.

Oh, I've played Splinter Cell, who's that sneaking up on you, well, certainly would be me... well... just because I've played Splinter Cell and know how to press X!
I truly fail to see how playing video games can possibly train you to shoot a firearm. I used to be a counter-strike addict. I was a good awper. However, when I would shoot pop cans with my BB gun with a scope, I would miss half of the time. Granted, BB guns != sniper rifles, but when it's 20 feet away, there's very little chance that gravity affects the BB considerably. People like this should not be allowed to speak.

The same goes for the so-called "reverend" Fred Phelps. For those of you who know him, I'm sorry that you do. Unfortunately, he lives in my town. I have to see him picket at least once or twice a month.
For those who don't, the Phelps are an openly anti-gay, anti-American, anti-anything group who "Thank God for 9/11", believe that "God Hates Fags" (Not my view, that's what they say), and they have to picket every damned thing that exists. My high school graduation, a local church, my high school's play a couple years ago, anything that doesn't fit exactly the way they wish. /vent

Edit: It's ironic that our zip code starts with 666. Mine is 66606.
I suggest sending some of these responses to those senators under the influence of his rantings...or even better, to senators who advocate games (not sure if they exist though). There must be at least a few senators who hate this man's guts....he's extremely unpopular here, I find it hard to believe that he hasn't made a few enemies in Washington with his brash uninformed biggoted views., lets take a look at stats.

At 5:30 AM...there are over 100,000 people on these first person shooter games. Thats an all time low I Think \= Anyway, if you think abou tit, just about EVERY KID has played a violent video game..I think people are just reaching for straws by finding something everyone has in common. Previously sated about cheese and crazy cows...Lets just say Comedy shows are what REALLY stive to make these kids kill. All the bad puns and horrible acting...makes em go CRAZY to kill..

I just can't help but go off on this sort of shit. Poeple really need to get a clue in the real world. I can't wait till this generation of kids (20ish age) become the reigning adults so less idiots are in control...or more idiots, just with more intelligence..*IT MAKES SENSE*
kirovman said:
I suggest sending some of these responses to those senators under the influence of his rantings...or even better, to senators who advocate games (not sure if they exist though). There must be at least a few senators who hate this man's guts....he's extremely unpopular here, I find it hard to believe that he hasn't made a few enemies in Washington with his brash uninformed biggoted views.

Agreed, it would be fantastic if we made something of a tangible difference. :)
hehe they really nailed that vacant look in Thompsons eyes .......heheh vapidsoft

btw Que-Ever send your letter to thompson's good
Alright, I sent my analysis to Jack, along with this introduction:
This is a post I made on a gaming forum... I have not edited it at all from the forum format, simply cut & paste... I didn't realy feel it necessary; I hoped you would be able to "figure it out". I mean, a man of your mental stature, this should be a piece of cake.. *s******* Anyway, please note that this was not originaly intended for you (as shown in the bottom paragraphs or so) but I changed by mind about sending it to you. And actually, I hope I really do get a real good bullshit answer :)

Oh, In the PA comic, I used to have the fat guy's line quoted in my sig, on a diff. forum :D
The problem is dumb@$$ parents. They go into places like gamestop (my friend works there), and then buy their 8 year old child, GTA:SA, or Halo 2. They're not games for kids.
The funny thing is they did censor comics at one time. The response was horriffic. Comics that in the pre-censor days were edgy, were nothing compared to the new wave of comics. The medium got more graphic and and more inappropriate as it moved underground. In the same way, I see that happening to games. If they move to censor gaming, it'll go underground, and become worse. Or at least that would be the case. Gaming is now as commonplace as football. I'm more inclined to think that any attempt to censor games will fail. So many people play them now, that it would be like the prohibition. All over.

Anyways, video games don't train you. NO video game simulates real life. NO FPS can simulate firing an M4 under stress. One of my neighbors is an ex-spec ops solidier. We got to talkin about games. Basically, they don't train much beyond strategy. No game will make you effective at killing. It may teach you to stay under cover, and other basics, that common sense would reveal. But no game will show you how to reload an m16, how to compensate for range while firing a gun. No game will make you anything close to mil-spec.
Fliko said:
That sounds about right for a translation.

He is affecting people, he has friends in the higher ups. We can't just sit back and say this won't do anything... there is going to be a day where Video Gaming will be on the verge of being banned, because people think clicking a mouse and hitting "W S A D" is going to make you a perfessional (Sp?) killer.

The public has to realize, how stupid these fight backs are, and how they are creating false facts about gaming. Parents constantly complain that their child is playing to much on the computer (Oh, I know this all to well). Though, they can sit back and watch T.V which involves almost no interaction.

Parents are starting to do anything to get a child off the computer, some are probably destroying their child's life in the process.

Just my 0.02$ Canadian Cents

No. First off, too many people play now. Lots of them vote too.
Secondly, they tried that with comics if I remembre right. It backfired miserably. They tried it with alcohol, which was popular, and demonized much like videogames. Honestly, with the internet, with mods, with whats out there, its not possible.