Stories that have touched your heart...


Jan 15, 2004
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Don't you just hate it... When something so good......... ends?

This thread is for any story that has truly touched your heart. Made you think. Made you think about the world... our purpose... the heart... love...

Stories that have left you lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, wishing that you could erase your memory and start back from the beginning. Watch it all over again. Read it from the start.

Stories that make you wish, above anything else, that you could be a character from that book. From that film. From that cartoon that was flashing on your PC monitor right now, enticing you with nothing more than blinking pictures and babbling sounds.

This thread isn't for bland action packed films or short, uneventful novels. This thread is for something that you wished had never ended. Something that left a mark on you in such a way, you would do ANYTHING to find out what happened next...


Well, that was a rather dreamy introduction. I wouldn't have been able to write that unless I had just witnessed the end of something that has touched my heart.
Hahaha, I just realised what a load of bullshit this sounds. It's one of those things that I'll wake up in the morning wishing I hadn't typed.

But to be truthful... I like those things the best...

Right, on with the list. If you see something in my list you haven't seen or read yet, I would advise you not to read about it. Heavy spoilers from this point onwards...

These are just two examples (cowboy bebop I’ve just finished watching). I’ll post more later.

Metal gear solid.

A smile slowly spread across my face as I watched my stinger missile stream towards the radome. The explosion that followed enticed me, and the smile erupted into a giggle of laughter as I watched my opponent’s health bar slither down to zero. Dropping my pad, I leant towards the screen with anticipation and excitedly grasped both hands around the blinking television. This is it! I completed the game! As soon as this cut scene is over, I’ll be able to use that glorious reward- stealth.

But it wasn’t over. It was far from over. Before I knew it, my character was left helpless in front of a towering monster, and all I could do was watch. But then something happened that had never witnessed in a game before… Somebody saved me. As I watched Grey Fox elegantly dance past bullets and glide through the air, all I could feel was helplessness. I jumped to my feet and screamed at the television when I watched the huge, metallic foot crush my saviour…But then I grasped my controller, and for the first time ever, sweat trickled from my hand onto the grey playstation pad. Not many games make me sweat. Not many games make me mad. Metal gear solid is one of the only games that gives you a motive to play… One of the only games to make you win a boss fight for revenge.

Cowboy bebop.

I witnessed these characters fight for each other, support each other, dissapoint each other, hate each other… love each other. I witnessed the fights they struggled through, the fears they held within them, and the things they adored.

Spike’s death should have been sad. But as the camera panned out from his lifeless (yet relieved) corpse, I realised the meaning of the anime I had been watching. Oh, the irony of it all! All this time Faye had been living alone, telling herself that she didn’t need others. But at the climactic end, we realise that she needs others more than anything else- even money. As Spike leaves her, she reveals her true emotions, that she cares for him. At the same time- Jet, who I always saw as a caring person, appears to be harsh and aggressive underneath. And as for Ed… It’s a shame that she was always thrown from situation from situation, and has never had somewhere to belong.

In comparison, Spike’s ending is the happiest. He has been relieved from the troublesome “dream” he has been living, and can now glide among the stars with Julia. Indeed, the true meaning of this anime is that life it just a dream. We are always drifting from a hopeless, depressing situation to an even bleaker one. The only way we can find a light in the darkness is to find someone we truly love… and then.. Die.

Having just finished watching this 30 mins ago, I am feeling rather depressed. As I said above…
Don't you just hate it...
When something so good....
..... ends?


Other things that have made me sad:
Metal gear solid
When meryl died was the saddest I have ever felt over a computer game. Not because it was a scripted event, or because it was wonderfully portraid through cut scenes... But because I LET it happen.
Final fantasy 7 (game)
As i watched that carefree pearl bouncedown the harsh stairs into the deep waters, I couldn't stop the tear sliding down my face. Aries was dead... And I couldn't save her.
The amber spyglass (Dark materials trilogy):(book)
The fact that Will and Lyra could never see each other again left me completely shattered. I sat in bed for half an hour thinking of how much of a tragedy that was. To go through so much, and lose the only thing you had really gained... was heart breaking.
Evangelion (anime series)
I can't even begin to explain it. Just go watch it... Go watch it, and weep for Shinji. Oh, and shed a tear for mankind too.
Tenchu 2 (Game)
I can't remember why it made me sad, all I can remember is that it did. Seriosuly I can't even remember what happened at the end... I think one of the characters might have died... But i really can't remember. I think it's just that it was the first time I heard sad japanese music :laugh:

Here's some more:
Ghost in the shell
Terminator 2
Donnie darko
most final fantasy games
...and absolutely LOADS more that I can't remember >.<
Not many games have effected me like that. Some do now, when looked back upon with rose tinted glasses.

Secret of Mana is one of them. Listening to the soundtrack the other night left a lump in my throat (much to my suprise) Suddenly I was a kid again, without a care in the world, sitting on the floor infront of a massive tv (which doesn't seem as big anymore) with my brother and best m8. At that age everything's an adventure - and SoM took us on one that we shared and talked about for months and months. Everything about it is perfect. Now it's all jobs, rent money, 'relationships', socks for christmas, easy listening music and slippers. A world of options has been replaced with responsibilities ..... but it was nice to remember what being a kid was like again, if only for a while.

I'm glad you mentioned The Dark Materials trilogy Suicide - and know just what you mean (it left me thinking what might had been at the end too). For me it's a fantasy book called Tigana (by Guy Gavriel Kay) LOTR began my love of the genre, but this book cemented it in my heart. Love, hate, loss, friendship, regret, joy - all wonderfully realised in one big volume. I haven't read it since I was 17, but it was truly breathtaking, and left me dumbstruck. I still think about the characters and events that took place often. (his Fionavar Tapestry trilogy is also fantastic)

The Star Wars trilogy - I remember watching all 3 (shown one after the other :afro: ) at the cinema with my mum. Darth Vadar scared the abolute shite out of me (i was 4), and every scene he was in was spent hiding under her arm. Hours flew by, and that night I just lay on my bed, looking out of the window at the stars. It sounds very corny - but that's as good as it gets imo.
Warbie said:
Secret of Mana is one of them. Listening to the soundtrack the other night left a lump in my throat (much to my suprise) Suddenly I was a kid again, without a care in the world, sitting on the floor infront of a massive tv (which doesn't seem as big anymore) with my brother and best m8. At that age everything's an adventure - and SoM took us on one that we shared and talked about for months and months. Everything about it is perfect. Now it's all jobs, rent money, 'relationships', socks for christmas, easy listening music and slippers. A world of options has been replaced with responsibilities ..... but it was nice to remember what being a kid was like again, if only for a while.

I think i'm stuck in the middle of responibility and childlike dreaming at the moment. I have so much work to do in 1 day (tomorrow), as the coursework deadline is monday. And you know why I haven't done the work? Anime. Stories. Daydreaming.

Sometimes I just get into a mood where I wish all the responsibilities and burdens of my life would float away in a wispy cloud, and I would not be here but in a fantasty world- populated by interesting and lively characters- that were free. Free of coursework and free of responibility and free of this miserable routine we all go through day in day out...

That's why I get so depressed when something good ends. When I say something "good", I mean something that relieves me from this world and, if only for a few moments, places me in an existance that I would want to live in... Not somewhere that I was thrown into by chance. It could be a raging battle in FF6, a mysterious land in the northern lights or a free roaming, haphazard galaxy like in Coyboy Bebop. It's better than here.

Oh and just to say... I still wish I had a deamon. A freind who understands you, who is a part of you, but who isn't a copy of you. A unique companion that will always be there- that will share your pleasures and witness your pain. Our life is so boring.

Seriosuly I should stop getting depressed... It's bad for me.
Suicide42 said:
I think i'm stuck in the middle of responibility and childlike dreaming at the moment. I have so much work to do in 1 day (tomorrow), as the coursework deadline is monday. And you know why I haven't done the work? Anime. Stories. Daydreaming.

Sometimes I just get into a mood where I wish all the responsibilities and burdens of my life would float away in a wispy cloud, and I would not be here but in a fantasty world- populated by interesting and lively characters- that were free. Free of coursework and free of responibility and free of this miserable routine we all go through day in day out...

That's why I get so depressed when something good ends. When I say something "good", I mean something that relieves me from this world and, if only for a few moments, places me in an existance that I would want to live in... Not somewhere that I was thrown into by chance. It could be a raging battle in FF6, a mysterious land in the northern lights or a free roaming, haphazard galaxy like in Coyboy Bebop. It's better than here.

Oh and just to say... I still wish I had a deamon. A freind who understands you, who is a part of you, but who isn't a copy of you. A unique companion that will always be there- that will share your pleasures and witness your pain. Our life is so boring.

Seriosuly I should stop getting depressed... It's bad for me.

I took some of your advise the other day. I unplugged my computer and the internet, and sat down and did shitloads of work in the morning, I spent 7am to 1am doing work, got it all out of the way, then spent the day out with some mates. It felt great - it's so satisfying to actually tackle the problem head on and get it done. Once it's out of the way, you can play games, watch movies all you like - and when you stop, there's no worry that you've got this and that to do. To be honest, I'm sick of burying my head in the sand and wishing my problems away.

But back on topic, I can't really say there's any things that moved me alot, even though I know there's tonnes - but that could be because I have crappy long-term memory. I remember reading a book about 4 years ago, where this woman (I can't even remember the name) who seemed really nice from the story and I took a liking too - only for her to get absoultely butchered in her house as the main character finds her gutted carcass sprawled across the bed :| I really should read more - I have so many books that have been bought for me that I haven't even touched.

A few films that made me choke - not really a film, but a few scenes from Band of Brothers made me feel really sad - the acting was pretty damn good in that epic series, I really took a liking to alot of the characters. There's so many more, but I honestly can't remember even half of them.
Suicide I wonder why you don't work for this site, great peace of article you have there.
For some reason the baldurs gate series

I guess just because there was so much to do and so many characters. I guess after all that time spent getting my character so strong that he could kick dragons asses, I got kind of attached to him. And the fact that you could say whatever you wanted and do almost anything. It really was an immersive game. and when my character became a god I was like "well shit, i guess that's the end." I just wished that there was more and it could last longer.

Thats the only game or story that made me feel lke that.
JiMmEh said:
I took some of your advise the other day. I unplugged my computer and the internet, and sat down and did shitloads of work in the morning, I spent 7am to 1am doing work, got it all out of the way, then spent the day out with some mates. It felt great - it's so satisfying to actually tackle the problem head on and get it done. Once it's out of the way, you can play games, watch movies all you like - and when you stop, there's no worry that you've got this and that to do. To be honest, I'm sick of burying my head in the sand and wishing my problems away.

Glad I could help :D Now I wish I could follow my own advice... lol

Adrien C said:
Suicide I wonder why you don't work for this site, great peace of article you have there.

Thanks :D When I'm older I hope to be a writer of some sort... Not sure which though :)
Suicide42 said:
Glad I could help :D Now I wish I could follow my own advice... lol

You can do it! You lazy git! ;) :D It really isn't hard once you think it through. A good way I find is just that "reward system" thing. Say to yourself, if I do this and this - I can do whatever. Maybe get your parents to hide your graphics card or something I dunno :P

Sorry to go a bit off-topic here again, but can anyone reccomend me a great book to read? Not like Lord of the Rings or anything like that (I don't mind the setting, just not books that movies are based off) It'll be much appreciated :)
I Am Sam is the only movie that's made me well up a bit. But it's not like I didn't want it to end, so maybe that doesn't count.

JiMmEh said:
Sorry to go a bit off-topic here again, but can anyone reccomend me a great book to read? Not like Lord of the Rings or anything like that (I don't mind the setting, just not books that movies are based off) It'll be much appreciated :)
Neuromancer, practically invented Cyberpunk and coined the phrase "The Matrix". Don't worry, The Matrix movie isn't based off of it.
The Da Vinci code, a pretty cool hidden treasure type thing where they follow loads of clues to a very important discovery. Set in the present day. Loads of conspiracy about things like the Knights Templar.
Well, that was a rather dreamy introduction. I wouldn't have been able to write that unless I had just witnessed the end of something that has touched my heart.

Hahaha, I just realised what a load of bullshit this sounds. It's one of those things that I'll wake up in the morning wishing I hadn't typed.

Yes, let's refrain from that from here on-in shall we? :p

Final Fantasy VIII did the romance story between Rinoa and Squall really well (except for that know...THAT song...urgh, must not speak it's name...). Everything was spot on with that plot IMO; pacing, characters etc. There's no way I would have liked that game as much as I do if it wasn't for the brilliantly crafted story. :) The last treuly great Final Fantasy story IMO.

And, on the polar opposite, I loved Silent Hill 2 and how it had the guts to do such a tragic romance story. If it wasn't for the shoddy voice acting with a couple of characters, it would have been classic. Despite there being numerous endings, I can't really seem to recall one that's wholly "good". I liked Max Payne 2 for the same reasons, except it had what could easily qualify as a "good" ending. Despite certain losses, everything turned out more or less ok in MP2.

Heh, I'm starting to notice a certain trend in my personal tastes. ;)

And of course, there are those stories that offer really memorable moments you get where you least expect them. There were a few moments in "So long, and thanks for all the fish" between Arthur and Fenchurch (what a horrible name) that peaked my interests as well. Marvin's last words was a great bit. The odd bit in Unbreakable as well, especially near the end (probably the first movie soundtrack that really caught my attention), as in Gladiator, Titanic, Platoon, Taxi Driver...

I found Solaris (the remake, haven't seen the original) very moving, but god help me if I find out how. :laugh: What a mind-****.

Ok, I'm gonna stop there for now. :)
Heros don't seem to die at the end of their epic struggle anymore. Its always more touching when a hero dies.....
The ninja/snake/liquid scene in the boss battle with rex. That scene was pure brilliance, with Snake bieng unable to fire the stinger to the ninja suddenly appearing and thursting the katana into the dome.

I remember feeling bad about barney getting killed in office complex actually.
Apparently, this same thing is quite common:
You get a barney quite early on in the chapter, and he helps you fight your way through headcrabs, zombies, vortigaunts.. you know.. making all those little comments too...
But then I get to a flight of stairs, I start climbing them, barney following behind, and I hear the horrible sound of an auto turret decending, it starts shooting and I duck around a corner out of the line of fire; the turret locks on to barney, who is trying to follow me up the stairs and starts firing- but instead of continuing up the stairs behind me, barney turns around, raises his gun, and starts firing at the turret.. a hopeless battle that I couldnt interrupt in time to save poor barney :'(
bliink said:
I remember feeling bad about barney getting killed in office complex actually.
Apparently, this same thing is quite common:
You get a barney quite early on in the chapter, and he helps you fight your way through headcrabs, zombies, vortigaunts.. you know.. making all those little comments too...
But then I get to a flight of stairs, I start climbing them, barney following behind, and I hear the horrible sound of an auto turret decending, it starts shooting and I duck around a corner out of the line of fire; the turret locks on to barney, who is trying to follow me up the stairs and starts firing- but instead of continuing up the stairs behind me, barney turns around, raises his gun, and starts firing at the turret.. a hopeless battle that I couldnt interrupt in time to save poor barney :'(
I always have them wait, throw a few grenades ahead, peek out, check and then we all run up the stairs to safety, until we come to a ladder and i have to leave them, damn ladders :p
There is one game that made me think about things. Silent Hill 2 made me almost cry =)
Garfield_ said:
There is one game that made me think about things. Silent Hill 2 made me almost cry =)

Yeah, in all honesty Silent Hill 2 has been one of the only games so far where serious issues have been covered really well.
'green mile' and 'Road to Perdition'.

the music is awesome in these aswell.
Man, I was sad when I finished the last book of "The Dark Tower" by Stephen King.

And then, this... damn.... ending... not-ending... whatever. Okay, King warned the reader not to read the real ending but to lay the book aside, but I'm so curious ;)

Well I was mostly sad because a great, epic story came to an end, I could have gone on forever reading about Roland's adventures (and Eddie, Jake, Susannah and Oy, for that matter!)

ff7 is i think the only game that got me sad ( at the end of disc one ;( ) and i love the music in the game

metal gear solid, made me think about life more

i dont think there are any movies that got me all emtional...but the one that got pretty close to making me cry was the green mile, that was a good movie
Cowboy Bebop.

I witnessed these characters fight for each other, support each other, dissapoint each other, hate each other… love each other. I witnessed the fights they struggled through, the fears they held within them, and the things they adored.

Spike’s death should have been sad. But as the camera panned out from his lifeless (yet relieved) corpse, I realised the meaning of the anime I had been watching. Oh, the irony of it all! All this time Faye had been living alone, telling herself that she didn’t need others. But at the climactic end, we realise that she needs others more than anything else- even money. As Spike leaves her, she reveals her true emotions, that she cares for him. At the same time- Jet, who I always saw as a caring person, appears to be harsh and aggressive underneath. And as for Ed… It’s a shame that she was always thrown from situation from situation, and has never had somewhere to belong.

In comparison, Spike’s ending is the happiest. He has been relieved from the troublesome “dream” he has been living, and can now glide among the stars with Julia. Indeed, the true meaning of this anime is that life it just a dream. We are always drifting from a hopeless, depressing situation to an even bleaker one. The only way we can find a light in the darkness is to find someone we truly love… and then.. Die.

Oh so true, I love that series. Looking forward on getting all the DVDs :cheers:

Another story that touched my heart was Kill Bill (as a whole of course) - 4-5 hours of revenge-tour and then the climax-meeting :) Really love it. And by that I don't mean all the violence, some things in the first part could've really been left out.