Story Line Missing


Feb 4, 2005
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Okay, I am sure this has been posted about before but... Is it just me or is the story line missing from Half Life 2? I meen, stuff like who G-Man is and what happens next is part of the games story line and what will be revealed in the future. But what about now? Who are the combine? Where did they come from? What destroyed city 17 and all its vehicals? What happened inbetween the time of HL1 and HL2? Surly this should have been revealed to us since we played the part of the person it happened to, especially who the Combine are...

Am I missing part of the story here or is everyone left in the dark about this?
Yeah, it could have been clearer, but there were a lot of subtle signs explaining what happened (the bulletin board in Black Mesa East, for example).
Maybe they'll explain more in the third one.
This is not the end, it will come sequels to this. And the story of HL2 isn't thrown in your face, you have to look it up yourself.
The player is put in a position where the npcs expect them to know what is partially going on. It's like someone telling you the course of the War on Terror and how it started with September 11, most people know what happened and don't need to be told. You are expected to draw your own conclusions, one of the great story telling techniques that Half-Life 2 uses.
Yes, but im not talking about HL3 or the future, I am talking about now and in the past. Who are the combine? I would like to know what my character should know, what happened to earth?
Dont know if I have to do this but a lot of between game elements are below... if you dont want to know.. dont read..


Who are the combine: An alien race which attacks other planets through teleportation, then assimalates that race into themselves to control the planet.

Where did they come from: An alien planet (maybe abother dimension as well)... besides that... unknown

What destroyed City 17? The combine did... in the 7 hour war they whooped up on the humans and we surrendered (led by Dr. breen to save his bootay) within 7hours of their appearance

What happens between HL1 and HL2? Well... Xen beasties show up on earth, and to escape humans run to the cities and baracade themselves in... the Combine see the resonance cascade and attack... we lose.. and Gordo shows up

all this can be found out by looking around and payig attention to not jsut the NPCs... but also drawings.. news clippings on walls.. all kinds of cool stuff...
Haze said:
Yes, but im not talking about HL3 or the future, I am talking about now and in the past. Who are the combine? I would like to know what my character should know, what happened to earth?
Well that's the point, your character shouldn't know anything that you shouldn't. If you don't know it, your character (Gordon Freeman) don't know it.
Well gordan would know it, hes hardly going to walk in and accept it without asking what the hell is going on and where am I, thats just stupid...

Also, I thought the vortigon (the lightning ones from HL1, or however its spelt) aliens were bad, in this they are good o_O;
Well gordan would know it, hes hardly going to walk in and accept it without asking what the hell is going on and where am I, thats just stupid...

Also, I thought the vortigon (the lightning ones from HL1, or however its spelt) aliens were bad, in this they are good o_O;

EDIT: sorry for double post someone delete this one, pressed it to many times
Vortigaunts were being controlled by the Nihilinth.. which was controlled by the combine... so they were bad.. gordo killed the Nihilinth, and the Vortigaunts were released from their imprisonment... they then helped Gordon, and the humans and became freedom fighters against the combine...

Now... I have spoon fed you a lot of answers... if you want to know more.. play the game.. very slowly... investigate every crevice and cranny of every level and you'll probably find some really cool stuff that answers other questions you may have
Yeah, you'll notice that the vortigaunts had collars and braces in Half-life, in HL2, only those enslaved by the combine do.
And seeing as gordon doesn't talk, yes, he does find himself in it. Maybe he's just really really insecure because his voice hasn't hit puberty yet.
Haze said:
Well gordan would know it, hes hardly going to walk in and accept it without asking what the hell is going on and where am I, thats just stupid...
The whole point is that you ARE Gordon Freeman - pretty much from the start of HL1, you know what he knows about the events. In the space between HL1 and HL2, you are unavailable - in stasis? Who knows? The point is, he's missed the events of the past decade or so and is as clueless as we are.
el Chi said:
The whole point is that you ARE Gordon Freeman - pretty much from the start of HL1, you know what he knows about the events. In the space between HL1 and HL2, you are unavailable - in stasis? Who knows? The point is, he's missed the events of the past decade or so and is as clueless as we are.
The only thing I couldn't buy was this; Yes, it doesn't make sense for someone to recap everything the world has been through for the last ten years to someone who should know it. But why doesn't anyone wonder where Gordon went after Xen and where he ended up after that? Someone should be curious. Sure, Gordon wouldn't be able to answer but still.
AJ Rimmer said:
The only thing I couldn't buy was this; Yes, it doesn't make sense for someone to recap everything the world has been through for the last ten years to someone who should know it. But why doesn't anyone wonder where Gordon went after Xen and where he ended up after that? Someone should be curious. Sure, Gordon wouldn't be able to answer but still.

Maybe they do know. "I expected more warning" and all that jazz.
KagePrototype said:
Maybe they do know. "I expected more warning" and all that jazz.
Yeah I certainly got that impression. It wasn't as if they were in complete disbelief, which you might have expected.
I think the resistence may have hired Gordon from the G-Man, but all I have to prove that are these magic beans I swapped my cow for. They don't taste very nice.
Yes... I suppose... I don't mind the way VALVe told it in HL2, but if we don't get some real juciy info in HL3, I'll be so peeved off I will never by anything from VALVe for as long as I... ah who am I kidding, of course I will...
I think that the way the story-line is showed is great: it inspires discussion and chatting about the story, even giving space to creativity and self-conclusions. That's much better than these infant games or movies that have to explain every single thing in the end.

Yet, I feel a lack of good data about the story. By now gamers should have joined together and made a Full Story Summary somewhere, pointing out many of the tips and hints we can get in the game, for those who didn't get it (some don't even know english.. other's, like me, got a version of the game with different languages/bugged sounds). I have heard of a few sites that did it but couldn't find any...

And not only that, but I think that discussion and information sharing on this game is so important that they should be more organized and concrete. Now what I see is a bunch of theories, lost pieces and mystery, even around the players.

Anyway... I like theories, and even though I'm trying to find a collection of FACTS on the story, I have a few theories of mine. So, to answer your question, I believe that after Xen, when G-man offered Gordon to work for him or engage into a battle that would most certainly take his life, Gordon affronted G and actually got into the so called battle. How long it took is uncertain.. but it was in that battle that Gordon became strong (he was a mere scientist with battle skills in HL1. Now he's a savior). Now G-man has to test Gordon, see how he's, and that's what he does in HL2 (No weapons.. very few information.. no plans.. that's how G leaves Gordon to do his work on HL2. Doesn't it look like a test to you?). Now that he has passed.. well... only valve can tell that :).

Anyway.. it's just a theory and there's more to it. There's already a topic on that going on so I will say no more:

So... the story is great and the game is great. Almost as good as the first one but it's hard to compete with genuine originality. Now I've a question to you all: don't you thing HL2 and HL3 should have unique names? I think it's better to identify the game and divide the story lines. Like Lord of The Rings: Fellowship of the Ring, TT and ROTK. Or Star Wars... In my opinion HL2 should've been... I will open a topic on that :)
Hmm, well said, but one thing gets me, why cant Gordan speak? And if he can, why does he not? Surly he could ask someone what happened but he just doesnt =/

Oh well, hopefully some day Seirra will write up the complete story for us to read after we play HL3 and hopefully HL4 ;)
The Half Life 2 storyline is WAY to vague, it tells you next to nothing. Hell, for all the game told me, the Portal Storms might have been huge portals opening up and throwing cans of pop at people after a failed experiment by the Coca Cola company.
7 Hour War, that could have been between the Philipines and Zimbabwe for all I know.
Half Life 2 explains next to nothing in adequate detail, and look around the game all you want, no one explains what the Portal Storms are, how the Combine got here, etc.
It might be in the Prima Guide, but I'm not going to buy an unnecersarry extra to tell me the story, I want to find it out from the game!

If Half Life 3 is as vague I'm taking it back after I've played it, and if they wont accept it because of Steam or something I'm taking a trip to Court, after I've got legal aid :p .
f*k me ure tetchy

nd i think that the story is better off vague otherwise it would turn into an rpgesque game if it was too explicit. IMO
Well said Jandor, the story line is way to vague

I think it should of explained a lot more, especialy about the combine and that portal
I like the way HL2 is. It leaves alot open for debate. If they explained everything then people would be winging that it was crap. Plus, most of it should be explained when HL3 comes out. I personally can't wait for HL3 so al those many g-man theories can be proved wrong. :afro:
Haze said:
Well said Jandor, the story line is way to vague

I think it should of explained a lot more, especialy about the combine and that portal

You obviously weren't paying attention to...anything. The NPCs clearly explain what's happening, who's who, what's what and such. Did you actually speak to the Vortigaunts? They even tell you why they're not evil anymore. Or anything? Its supposed to play out like a cinematic movie.

Though, I still think they could explain the plot better. And I still think Gordon should be able to talk.
Though, I still think they could explain the plot better.


And I still think Gordon should be able to talk.


f*k me ure tetchy

nd i think that the story is better off vague otherwise it would turn into an rpgesque game if it was too explicit. IMO


The storyline is vague? no, it's gone way past vague, it's into unfathomable. I reliased this while having a freindly conversation with some fellow forumites about the Combine and Xen, upon releasing that both sides had pretty valid arguments, I also reliased, that is one major f*cking plot hole. Very little explanation to link the two games together, in-fact, change the intro, rename the characters and would you even know you had bought Half Life 2?

It could have been named City 17 or something, and would you have actually known?

Well said Jandor, the story line is way to vague

Damn straight!!