Strang/Odd unexplainable encounters while playing HL

Originally posted by PrimalGod
anyone here ever play Black & White? If you had a legit version, the game would scan your registry and look up your first name and reference it against a wav file it had with about 500 names recorded ina whisper. When you played B&W, at random times it would whisper your name like *Johhhhhn* It was really creepy. Right after the game was released, there were several people posting to boards saying "WTF? Is my computer talking to me" And no one believed them, thinking they were having auditory hallucinations until the wav file was found. I bet the devs laghed there asses off.

LOL, I had completely forgotten about that! That was one of the best touches in a game I've seen. It was just so cool!

I'm gonna have to go load up BW again now just to hear it again (-:
lol I remember that now, it completely freaked me out the first time I heard it. Devs should do things like that more often.
Yeah, I was playing B&W late at night when it started whispering my name. I decided to go to bed and stop thinking about it. It was a few months later when I was looking through the sounds from the game when I noticed all the names.
I was playing stronghold really late and the guy started telling me that I havnt slept for days lol :D
Yeah, i had a wierd experience once..i put in the hl cd to install, and then some sirens started playin out of no where, and asked me if i heard the wav file! how wacked is that! lol, jk
HAHA, rollthedise. Thats suposed to happen. HL test if u have a Dx soundcard.
Whats a dx soundcard?

The soudn di play in my laptop :D first time I heard it.. in my desktop it didn't play. .
I here voices all the time and the little green man next to me hate you all O_o

Strange, the voices tell me to catch them later, and promise beer.
they refuse to go another step too, and it appears that i need medical attention right away.
oh dear....
once I had stayed up for two days straight and I was playing CS on some map (forgot) think it was dust but I was clearly awake and all the sudden my gun turned into a rainbow colored nightstick shaped thing and I slowly drifted into the air (in the game) and sparkles were appearing in the sky like mini fireworks I KNOW I WAS AWAKE it was probably some kind of tiredness induced hallucination after it happened I freaked and went to bed I had not taken any drugs or anything not unexplainable at all just halarious :bonce: :cool:
Originally posted by Apos
Have you considered that it could have simply been interference on your speakers? I used to live near a road where trucks passed by my house, and oftentimes their CB chatter would come out of my speakers due to my speaker wire picking up the sounds.

I suspect that is it. I used to get that all the time with my old speakers. One time i heard most of a police chase. THe first tim i heard it, it was some taxi driver having a conversation. Man that scared me.
I picked up a spanish radio station through my headphones when my computer was off. I thought it was really freaky, but I've heard the radio of several pieces of electronics since then...

hrm, i was just sitting here readin' da forums last nite and i blew my nose and both my nostrils started bleedin' real bad, kept gushing out both of them simultaneously, didn't stop for almost 20 minutes.. was weird
I remember I was playing CS once at a gamming center (pay N play). I knew the owner, so it was free (and full surrounded pods with 34" screens, voice comm head sets, etc) Anyways, was plating cs beta 4 and all of a sudden I saw a BLUE BABOON run by, I kid you not. I was like WHAT THE HELL?! it was pretty funny
hey Aethaecyn, if you're head starts spinning and you start projectile vomiting and saying weird things in a deep voice, uhh... Stay away from me, okay :D

People that see weird shit in multiplayer maps are most likely playing on servers with custom content. With some server admin progs you can load in external models into a map as well as sounds and such. I've seen it countless times in situations where you'd be playing on italy or something and there would be a huge rainbow colored teapot parked right outside the terrorist house.
Blood from the nose eh?
Sounds like a curse or summat. MayB you're just possesed by a demon.
Originally posted by Llevar
...and there would be a huge rainbow colored teapot parked right outside the terrorist house.

Are you sure it wasn't just idling, waiting to pick someone up?

I'm sorry. That was really stupid. :rolleyes: I couldn't help it, it just sounded really weird. :laugh:

Goddamn Freeman, I just said that... :P ;) :E

A few minutes ago I joined a cs 1.6 server through steam, when it got to Validating Resources I heard through my speakers a helicopter sound and then a scream. It was weird.
i also heard something weird!!

when i was playing HL deathmatch in the crossfire, when i joined i heard Barney say: "You scientists are the cause of this!"

and i never heard it again...
jeez, sorry Phisionary, i didnt read that.
I'm a spaz.